Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide > Enabling and Disabling Data Matching and Data Cleansing >

Enabling Data Quality at the Enterprise Level

Before performing any batch data matching or date cleansing tasks, you must first enable the Data Quality Manager server component for the enterprise. Data Quality Manager is the preconfigured component in the Data Quality component group that you use to run your data quality tasks.

There are three possible ways to enable the Data Quality component group:

  • When you install a Siebel Server, you can specify the Data Quality component group in the list of component groups that you want to enable.
  • If you do not choose to enable the Data Quality component group during installation, you can enable it later using the Siebel Server Manager. For more information about enabling component groups using the Siebel Server Manager, see Siebel System Administration Guide.
  • You can enable the Data Quality component group from your Siebel application, as described in this topic.

    NOTE:  If you use Siebel Server Manager (srvrmgr) to list component groups, groups that were enabled from the Siebel application are not listed.

The enterprise parameters DeDuplication Data Type and Data Cleansing Type specify respectively the type of software used for data matching and data cleansing. These parameters are automatically set according to what you choose for data matching at Siebel Server installation time. However, it is recommended that you check the values for these parameters to make sure they are appropriately set for the enterprise.

Use the following procedures to enable and disable Data Quality Manager and to configure the enterprise parameter settings for data matching and data cleansing.

To enable data quality at the enterprise level

  1. Log in to the Siebel application with administrator responsibilities.
  2. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then Enterprises view.
  3. Click the Component Groups view tab.
  4. In the Component Groups list, select Data Quality, and then click the Enable button.

    Data quality is now enabled at the enterprise level for data matching and data cleansing.

  5. Restart the Siebel Server.

Use the following procedure to configure data matching and data cleansing settings at the enterprise level.

To configure data matching and data cleansing settings at the enterprise level

  1. Log in to the Siebel application with administrator responsibilities.
  2. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then Enterprises view.
  3. Click the Parameters view tab.
  4. In the Parameter field in the Enterprise Parameters list, query and review the settings for each of the following parameters:
    • DeDuplication Data Type
    • Data Cleansing Type

      The Value field can be set as follows:

    • CHANGE_ME. Indicates that you chose None when you installed the Siebel Server.
    • name of third-party server. Indicates the name of the third-party server that is being used for data matching and (or) data cleansing.

      For example:

      • ISS. Indicates that Oracle Data Quality Matching Server is used for data matching.
      • ASM. Indicates that Oracle Data Quality Address Validation Server is used for data cleansing.

        If necessary, enter any corrections in the Value field.

        The value you choose for Data Cleansing Type can differ from the value you choose for DeDuplication Data Type, provided that you have the appropriate vendor software available.

        NOTE:  The values set in the Value field in the Enterprise Parameters list also appear in the Value fields for the corresponding parameters in the Component Parameters and Server Parameters views.

  5. If you change an enterprise parameter in Step 4 (or if you change any value of a server component such as Data Quality Manager), restart the server component so that the new settings take effect.

    For more information about restarting server components, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

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