Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide > Enabling and Disabling Data Matching and Data Cleansing >

Specifying Data Quality Settings

Before performing any data matching or cleansing tasks, you must make sure that the appropriate data quality setting parameters are specified. Use the following procedure to specify the data quality settings for the enterprise.

To specify data quality settings

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Data Quality screen, then the Data Quality Settings view.
  2. In the Value field for each parameter, apply the appropriate settings.

    The parameters applicable to all data quality products are described in Table 7.

  3. Log out of the application and log back in for the changes to take effect.

    NOTE:  You do not have to restart the Siebel Server.

Table 7 describes the parameters that apply to all data quality products.

Table 7. Data Quality Settings Applicable to Data Quality Products

Enable DataCleansing

Determines whether real-time data cleansing is enabled for the Siebel Server the administrator is currently logged into. The default value is Yes. Other values you set for data quality can override this setting. For more information about this, see Levels of Enabling and Disabling Data Cleansing and Data Matching.

Enable DeDuplication

Determines whether real-time data matching is enabled for the Siebel Server the administrator is currently logged into. The default value is Yes. Other values you set for data quality can override this setting. For more information about this, see Levels of Enabling and Disabling Data Cleansing and Data Matching.

Force User Dedupe - Account


Determines whether duplicate records are displayed in a window when a user saves a new account record. The user can then merge duplicates. If set to No, duplicates are not displayed in a window, but the user can merge duplicates in the Duplicate Accounts view. The default value is Yes. For more information about window configuration, see Configuring the Windows Displayed in Real-Time Data Matching.

Force User DeDupe - Contact


Determines whether duplicate records are displayed in a window when a user saves a new contact record. The user can then merge duplicates. If set to No, duplicates are not displayed in a window, but the user can merge duplicates in the Duplicate Contacts view. The default value is Yes. For more information about window configuration, see Configuring the Windows Displayed in Real-Time Data Matching.

Force User DeDupe - List Mgmt


Determines whether duplicate records are displayed in a window when a user saves a new prospect record. The user can then merge duplicates. If set to No, duplicates are not displayed in a window, but the user can merge duplicates in the Duplicate Prospects view. The default value is Yes. For more information about window configuration, see Configuring the Windows Displayed in Real-Time Data Matching.

Fuzzy Query Enabled

Determines whether fuzzy query, an advanced search feature, is enabled. The default value is no. For more information about fuzzy query, see Enabling and Disabling Fuzzy Query

Fuzzy Query - Max Returned

Specifies the maximum number of records returned when a fuzzy query is performed. The default value is 500. For more information about fuzzy query, see Enabling and Disabling Fuzzy Query.

Account Match Against

NOTE:  This parameter applies to the Oracle Data Quality Matching Server only.

If set to Primary Address, then only the primary address associated with an account is considered for deduplication. If set to All Address, then all addresses associated with an account are considered for deduplication. The default value is Primary Address.

Contact Match Against

NOTE:  This parameter applies to the Oracle Data Quality Matching Server only.

If set to Primary Address, then only the primary address associated with a contact is considered for deduplication. If set to All Address, then all addresses associated with a contact are considered for deduplication. The default value is Primary Address.

Match Threshold

Specifies a threshold above which any record with a match score is considered a match. Higher scores indicate closer matches. A perfect match is equal to 100. Possible values are: 50-100.

Enable DQ Multiple Addresses

NOTE:  This parameter applies to the Oracle Data Quality Matching Server only.

Set to Yes if configuring deduplication against multiple addresses. The default value is No. For more information, see Configuring Deduplication Against Multiple Addresses.

Enable DQ Multiple Languages

NOTE:  This parameter applies to the Oracle Data Quality Matching Server only.

Set to Yes if configuring multiple language support for data matching. The default value is No. For more information, see Configuring Multiple Language Support for Data Matching.

Enable DQ Sync

NOTE:  This parameter applies to the Oracle Data Quality Matching Server only.

Set to Yes if configuring data synchronization between the Siebel application and the ODQ Matching Server using the new synchronizer process. The new synchronizer process uses the DQ Sync Services business service to insert synchronized messages directly into the ODQ Matching Server (Informatica Identity Resolution) NSA table, and is triggered by the DQ Sync* action sets in Siebel CRM. The default value is Yes.

For the new synchronizer process to work, you must also:

NOTE:  The old synchronizer uses workflows to send XML messages to the Oracle Data Quality Matching Server XS Server (XML Sync Server), and is triggered by the ISSSYNC action sets in Siebel CRM.

Sort Match Web Service Results

Set to Yes to enable the sort filter for the results in the Data Quality Web Services. The default is No.

Disabling Data Matching and Cleansing Without Restarting the Siebel Server

If you enabled data matching or cleansing from the Administration - Server Configuration screen, you can disable one or both from the Data Quality Settings view without restarting the Siebel Server.

After you disable data matching or data cleansing, log out and then log in to the application again for the new settings to take effect. The settings apply to all the object managers in your Siebel Server, whether or not they have been enabled in the Administration - Server Configuration screen.

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