Siebel Order Management Guide > Creating a Quote or Sales Order > Process of Enabling the Automatic Configuration of Customizable Products >

Adding a Promotion Line Item

The behavior of Siebel Order Management when it adds a promotion line item to a quote or an order when the Siebel CRM system preference Promotion Automatch is set to Y is different from when Promotion Automatch is set to N:

  • When Promotion Automatch is set to N (that is, when the automatic configuration of customizable products is not enabled), Siebel CRM behavior is as follows:
    • The existing customizable product line items that are associated with a promotion are not added with the default configuration when you add a promotion line item to a quote or an order.
    • The default settings of the promotion are populated only by manually using Siebel Configurator to add them.

      NOTE:  You must click the Customize button to start Siebel Configurator, where you can manually add the default settings of a promotion.

    • The promotion-specific default settings are not processed on the existing product lines.
  • When Promotion Automatch is set to Y (that is, when the automatic configuration of customizable products is enabled), Siebel CRM behavior is as follows:

    When you add a promotion line item to a quote or an order, the existing root line items that are associated with the promotion are modified according to the Promotion Automatch user property of the ISS Promotion Management Service. For more information about the ISS Promotion Management Service, see ISS Promotion Management Service.

NOTE:  This behavior applies whether modifying, upgrading, or recommending a promotion. If a conflict occurs when adding a promotion line item to a quote, an order, or a customizable product, then Siebel CRM automatically reverts to the previous product definitions.

Example: Adding a Promotion Line Item

This example shows the expected output when you apply a promotion to a customizable product that is based on the Promotion Automatch argument value, which can be set to either Default Cardinality or Min Max Cardinality. In this example:

  1. A customizable product named CP1 is defined and a promotion named Promo1 is defined as shown in Figure 9.
  2. CP1 is then customized as shown in Figure 10.
  3. The expected output when you apply a promotion (Promo1) to a customizable product (CP1) that is based on the Promotion Automatch argument value is shown in Figure 11.
Figure 9. Product Structure for CP1 and Promo 1

Figure 9 shows a product named CP1 with the following structure: CP1 has four simple product relationships defined (SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4) and a Product Class named Class 1. A further three simple product relationships (SP5, SP6, SP7) are defined and associated with Class 1. Class 1 is associated with an attribute that has the values {Red, White, Black}.

NOTE:  The relationships SP1 to SP4 have Domain Type set to Product. The Class 1 relationship has Domain Type set to Class.

Figure 9 shows a promotion named Promo1, where CP1 has the following structure: CP1 has four simple product relationships defined (SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4) and a Product Class named Class 1. A further two simple product relationships (SP5, SP7) are defined and associated with Class 1. For SP1, Min is set to 3, Max is set to 6, and Default is set to 4. For SP2, Min is set to 0, Max is set to 0, and Default is set to 0. For SP3, Min is set to 1, Max is set to 3, and Default is set to 2. For SP4, Min is set to 2, Max is set to 6, and Default is set to 4. For SP5, Default is set to 1, and the attribute value Red is excluded for this relationship. For SP7, Default is set to 3, and the attribute value Red is excluded for this relationship.

Figure 10. Customized CP1

Figure 10 shows the customized CP1 with the following structure: CP1 has four simple product relationships defined (SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4) and a Product Class named Class 1. A further three simple product relationships (SP5, SP6, SP7) are defined and associated with Class 1. Class 1 is associated with an attribute with the values {Red, White, Black}. SP1 has a default quantity of 2, SP2 has a default quantity of 1, SP3 has a default quantity of 1, and SP4 has a default quantity of 10. SP5 has a default quantity of 1 and the attribute value Red. SP6 has a default quantity of 2 and the attribute value Red. SP7 has a default quantity of 1 and the attribute Black.

Figure 11. Expected Output

Figure 11 shows the expected output when Promotion Automatch is set to Default Cardinality, which is as follows: SP1 has a default quantity of 4, SP2 has a default quantity of 0, SP3 has a default quantity of 1, and SP4 has a default quantity of 4. SP5 has a default quantity of 1 and the attribute value White. SP7 has a default quantity of 1 and the attribute value Black. SP7 has a default quantity of 2 and the attribute value White.

Figure 11 shows the expected output when Promotion Automatch is set to Min Max Cardinality, which is as follows: SP1 has a default quantity of 3, SP2 has a default quantity of 0, SP3 has a default quantity of 1, and SP4 has a default quantity of 6. SP5 has a default quantity of 1 and the attribute value White. SP7 has a default quantity of 1 and the attribute value Black. SP7 has a default quantity of 1 and the attribute value White.

To add a promotion line item to a customizable product that is based on the Promotion Automatch argument value

  1. Create the product structure for CP1 and Promo1 as shown Figure 9.
  2. Add CP1 to a quote or an order line item, and then customize CP1 as shown in Figure 10.
  3. Choose Promo1 for CP1 using the promotion picker.

    Figure 11 shows the expected output when Promotion Automatch is set to Default Cardinality, and when Promotion Automatch is set to Min Max Cardinality.

For more information about how Siebel CRM behaves depending on the Promotion Automatch argument value, see Table 31.

Handling Attribute Defaults

Attribute default values are handled as follows when applying a promotion to a customizable product line item. Attribute default values are handled as follows whether modifying, upgrading, or recommending a promotion:

  • If the current attribute value of an existing component is allowed by the promotion definition (because it is either listed in an Include rule, or omitted from an Exclude rule), then the attribute value is retained.
  • If the current attribute value of an existing component is not allowed by the promotion definition, or if the component was added (for example, by applying default values), in which case the current attribute value is nonexistent, then:
    • If an Include rule is defined, then the current attribute value is updated with the default value.

      This default value is controlled by the Sort Specification on the business component ISS Promotion Item Attribute Value. If the Sort Specification is set to Created, then the default value is the first created attribute value for the promotion in the Promotion Item Attribute Value List Applet.

    • If an Exclude rule is defined, then the default value cannot be specified in the rule. The current attribute value is initialized according to the existing behavior.

Example: Handling Attribute Defaults

The following example shows the expected output for attribute defaults when you apply a promotion to a customizable product. In this example, a customizable product named CP-A is defined and a promotion named Promo-D is defined. In this example:

  1. A customizable product named CP-A is defined and a promotion named Promo-D is defined as shown in Figure 12.
  2. CP-A is then customized as shown in Figure 13.
  3. The expected output for attribute defaults when you apply a promotion (Promo-D) to a customizable product (CP-A) that is based on the Promotion Automatch argument value is shown in Figure 14.

    NOTE:  The expected output for attribute defaults when you apply a promotion (Promo-D) to a customizable product (CP-A) is the same whether Promotion Automatch is set to Default Cardinality or Min Max Cardinality.

Figure 12. Product Structure for CP-A and Promo-D

Figure 12 shows a product named CP-A with the following structure: CP-A has a simple product relationship named SP-A defined and a Product Class named ClassB. Another simple product relationship named SP-B is defined and associated with ClassB. SP-A is associated with an attribute, Attrib-A, which has the values {1,2,3,4,5}. SP-B is associated with an attribute, Attrib-B, which has the values {1,2,3,4,5}.

NOTE:  The relationships SP-A and SP-B have Domain Type set to Product. The ClassB relationship has Domain Type set to Class.

Figure 12 shows a promotion named Promo-D, where CP-A has the following structure: CP-A has a simple product relationship named SP-A defined and a Product Class named ClassB. Another simple product relationship named SP-B is defined and associated with ClassB. For SP-A, Default is set to 1 and the attribute values 2 and 4 (of Attrib-A) are included for this relationship. For SP-B, Default is set to 2 and the attribute values 4, 1, and 2 (of Attrib-B) are included for this relationship.

Figure 13. Customized CP-A

Figure 13 shows the customized CP-A with the following structure: CP-A has a simple product relationship named SP-A defined and a Product Class named ClassB. Another simple product relationship named SP-B is defined and associated with ClassB. SP-A has a default quantity of 1 and the attribute value 3. SP-B has a default quantity of 1 and the attribute value 2.

Figure 14. Expected Output for Handling Attribute Defaults Example

Figure 14 shows the expected output when Promotion Automatch is set to Default Cardinality, which is as follows: SP-A has a default quantity of 1 and the attribute value 2. SP-B has a default quantity of 1 and the attribute value 2. SP-B has a default quantity of 1 and the attribute value 4.

Figure 14 shows the expected output when Promotion Automatch is set to Min Max Cardinality, which is as follows: SP-A has a default quantity of 1 and the attribute value 2. SP-B has a default quantity of 1 and the attribute value 2. SP-B has a default quantity of 1 and the attribute value 4.

In both cases (that is, when Promotion Automatch is set to Default Cardinality and Min Max Cardinality), the expected output is the same. Note the following:

  • The attribute value of 3 on SP-A is changed to 2 , because 3 was not specified in the include list in Promo-D for SP-A.
  • The existing SP-B is left unchanged, because its attribute value of 2 is permitted in Promo-D, although it is not the first in the list.
  • The added SP-B has an attribute value of 4.

To apply a promotion to a customizable product

  1. Create the product structure for CP-A and Promo-D as shown in .
  2. Add CP-A to a quote or order line item, and then customize CP-A as shown in .
  3. Associate Promo-D to CP-A using the promotion picker.

    Figure 14 shows the expected output for attribute defaults when Promotion Automatch is set to Default Cardinality, and when Promotion Automatch is set to Min Max Cardinality.

NOTE:  The expected output for attribute defaults when you apply a promotion to a customizable product is the same whether Promotion Automatch is set to Min Max Cardinality or Default Cardinality.

For more information about how Siebel CRM behaves depending on the Promotion Automatch argument value, see Table 31.

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