Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Reference Materials for Siebel Remote > Server Component Parameters >

Parameters of the Transaction Router Server Component

Table 34 describes some of the parameters of the Transaction Router server component.

Table 34. Some of the Parameters of the Transaction Router Server Component

Id Db Recreate



A cache that stores the data that Siebel Remote requires to examine visibility. It recreates visdata.dbf, which is the visibility ID database. The default value is FALSE, which configures Siebel Remote to not recreate the Siebel database every time the Transaction Router starts. For more information, see Making Advanced Server Parameters Visible.

Id Db Size



The size of the visdata.dbf file, which is the visibility ID database, and the amount of memory that Siebel Remote allocates on the Siebel Server for all instances of the Transaction Router. You use this parameter only if the visdata.dbf file is present, or if the Id Db Recreate parameter is set to True. The default value is 50MB, which is optimal in most situations. To improve Transaction Router performance in a large deployment, you can increase this value. The recommended maximum value is 200 MB.

Maximum reads per iteration



The maximum number of operations that the Transaction Router processes for a user during each run. The default value is 10000.

Maximum seconds per iteration



The longest duration that a Transaction Router instance works for one user during each run. The default value is 300 seconds.

Maximum writes per file



The maximum number of operations the Transaction Router server component writes for each DX file. The default value is 5000.

Node Division Factor



The maximum number of users a Transaction Router instance processes during each run. The Transaction Router processes the fractional number of users that Siebel Remote computes using this parameter as a factor. For example, if the value of this parameter is 5, and if there are 100 users on the Siebel Server, then the Transaction Router processes 100 divided by 5, or 20 users. The default value is 5.

Operation Routing Rate Threshold



The minimum rate of database transactions that the Transaction Router routes for each second. If the Transaction Router server component performs below this minimum, then Siebel Remote creates an alert.

Read client list iterations



The number of iterations that occur before the Transaction Router refreshes the list of users to process from the Siebel database. The default value is 10 iterations.

Set Application Server Name



Upgrades remote clients from previous versions of Siebel CRM to version 4.0 and later. The default value is TRUE.

At start-up, the Transaction Router server component searches the Siebel database for remote clients whose Siebel Server value is not set, and that have a docking folder on the Siebel Server. This parameter sets the Siebel Server name in the Siebel database for each of these clients.

Sleep Time



Time to sleep, in seconds, between iterations. The default value is 60.

TS Cache Size



Cache size for the dobjinst.dbf file in kilobytes. The default value is 2048 kilobytes. It is recommended that the maximum value not exceed the number of users on the Siebel Server multiplied by the size of the largest dobjinst.dbf file.

Write compressed dx files



Write DX files in compressed format. The default value is TRUE.

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