Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Reference Materials for Siebel Remote > Server Component Parameters >

Parameters of the Database Extract Server Component

Table 37 describes some of the parameters of the Database Extract server component.

Table 37. Some of the Parameters of the Database Extract Server Component
Parameter Name

CD directory



Name of a folder where Siebel Remote copies the snapshot files that the initialization uses.

Client Name



Name of the remote client for which Siebel Remote is extracting a database. This value corresponds to the Mobile Client Name field in the Mobile Clients view. For more information, see Specifying Client Names.

Database Init Method



Method for creating the Siebel Remote database. The default value is Oracle XE.

Number of Data Import Threads



Set this parameter to run DbXtract as a multithreaded component with the specified number of threads. The default value is 3.

Extract all Repository Tables



Configures Siebel Remote to include repository tables in a database extract. Values are TRUE and FALSE.

If the Extract all Repository Tables parameter is set to TRUE, then the Get is not necessary. Not using the Get can reduce the amount of time that you require to configure an environment for a developer.

Last Extract Date



Specifies a date-time value for extraction. You must use the following format:


If specified, then the Database Extract server component extracts a remote client only if Siebel Remote has not extracted this client since the date-time value that you specify in the Last Extract Date parameter.

Last Sync Date



Specifies a date-time value for synchronization. You must use the following format:


If specified, then the Database Extract server component synchronization a remote client only if Siebel Remote has not extracted this client since the date-time value that you specify in the Last Extract Date parameter.

Maximum data file size



Sets the maximum size of a data file in megabytes:

  • The minimum size is 1.
  • The maximum size is 1000.
  • The default value is 500.

Message Language Code



Extract messages for this language. The default value is ENU.

Mobile Client Version



Specifies the remote client software version, which determines whether parallel extraction is supported. This parameter is important during an upgrade. The default value is 2000.

Move Siebel Remote Client



For more information, see Using the Move Siebel Remote Client Parameter.

Nodes Per Group



if the Optimal Mode parameter is TRUE, then the Nodes Per Group parameter specifies the number of users who Siebel Remote extracts together as a group. The default value is 35.

Optimal Mode



Specifies to use the optimal mode to extract a group of users. The default value is FALSE.

Save Client Transactions



Save pending client transactions during database initialization. The default value is TRUE. This feature does not work during an upgrade.

The Save Client Transactions parameter is valid only for the remote client.

Truncate TS Table



Specifies to truncate the S_DOCK_INITM_n table instead of deleting it after the Siebel database extract task completes. Used in the cleanup phase. The default value is FALSE.

If you run the Database Extract server component with the Truncate TS Table parameter set to TRUE, then the user ID that you use to run the server component must possess administrator privileges on the Siebel Server.

TS Block Size



Block size for the dobjinst.dbf file in bytes. The default value is 0. Siebel Remote automatically calculates the block size depending on the total number of rows that are visible in the remote client.

TS Cache Size



Cache size for the dobjinst.dbf file in kilobytes. The default value is 2048 kilobytes.

TS Table Number



Number of database tables in the dobjinst.dbf file that are available for Database Extract. The range is 1 through 48. The default value is 1. This parameter is the end number of the S_DOCK_INITIM_n table, where n is the TS Table Number.

Specifying Client Names

To specify a list of client names, you add a list of these names to the Client Name parameter and use a comma to separate each name. To specify the name of a file that contains a list of client names, you can use the at sign (@) as the first character in the value that you specify for the Client Name parameter followed by the file name. To separate each client name in this file, you must use one of the following delimiters:

  • New line
  • Comma
  • Space
  • Tab
  • Period
  • Semicolon

To specify a wildcard, you can use one of the following formats:

  • To match a single character, use a question mark (?).
  • To match zero or more characters, use an asterisk (*).

Using the Move Siebel Remote Client Parameter

If the remote client is currently registered on a Siebel Server that is not the current server, and if you set the Move Siebel Remote Client parameter to TRUE, then the following occurs:

  • The Database Extract server component sets the Siebel Server name of the remote client to the local Siebel Server.
  • The following server components on the old server stop servicing this remote client in the next iteration:
    • Transaction Router
    • Transaction Merger
    • Database Extract

You can also use the Move Siebel Remote Client parameter to move a regional node in the same you that you use this parameter to move a remote client.

The default value is FALSE.

If you attempt to extract a remote client that Siebel Remote already extracted for a different server, then the Database Extract server component returns an error.

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