Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Configuring the Remote Client > Creating a Remote Client >

Using an Administrative View to Create a Remote Client

You can use an administrative view to create a remote client.

To use an administrative view to create a remote client

  1. Make sure you already configured the user as a user in the Siebel application.

    This user will use the remote client that you create in this topic.

  2. Log in to the Siebel Server with administrator privileges.

    For more information, see Logging in to the Siebel Server as an Administrator.

  3. Make sure the user possesses access to the required views in the user responsibilities.

    For more information, see Views That Siebel Remote Users Requires.

  4. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Remote screen, and then the Mobile Clients view.
  5. In the Parent Server form, query the Server Name field to locate the correct server.

    If your deployment does not use Replication Manager, then the correct server is Headquarters (HQ). For more information, see Overview of Replication Manager.

    For more information, see How Siebel Remote Populates the App Server Name Field.

  6. In the Mobile Clients list, click New.
  7. In the Mobile Client field, enter the remote client name.

    It is recommended that you use the User ID of the remote client that you specify in Step 8. You cannot use Unicode characters in the login ID. If the user login ID contains Unicode characters, then the initialization will fail.

  8. In the User ID field, click the select icon, and then choose the user ID for the user.

    Siebel Remote uses the user ID to access the local database during initialization and synchronization.

  9. In the Routing Model field, click the select icon, and then choose the data routing model that Siebel Remote uses to route data to the user.

    For more information, see Controlling the Data That Siebel Remote Routes to Clients.

  10. In the Language(s) field, click the select icon, and then choose the preferred language or languages for the user. If the preferred languages are not available, then click New and follow the instructions that the administrative view displays in the dialog boxes.

    For more information, see User Language Preferences.

  11. Complete the remaining fields:
    • If the authentication method in the Siebel Server Component Parameters is Siebel, then the Synchronization Manager uses the Sync Password field. You can set the password in this field, and then communicate it to the user. To display this field, it might be necessary for you to use Columns Displayed.
  12. If you do not use the Standard routing model, then add the user to the responsibility:
    1. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, and then the Responsibilities view.
    2. In the Responsibility field, query for the Responsibility that contains the Routing Model suffix.

      The Responsibility that contains the Routing Model suffix references the data routing model that you assign in Step 8. For more information, see Limiting the Views That a Remote Client Displays.

    3. In the Users list, add a new record.
    4. In the Add Users dialog box, choose the user, and then click OK.

Views That Siebel Remote Users Requires

Table 8 describes the views that a Siebel Remote user requires. For more information about configuring employees and providing access to views, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

Table 8. Views That a Siebel Remote User Requires

Mobile User Summary View

Displays the current state of the remote client. The user can use it to get information about when Siebel Remote extracted and initialized the remote client, and to get information about the last synchronization. To display this view, the user navigates to the User Preferences screen, and then the Mobile User Summary view.

Dock Session Log

Displays information about each synchronization, including information about conflicts and other results of each synchronization. To display this view, the user navigates to the User Preferences screen, and then the Remote Status view.

Auto Synchronization View

Allows each user to do the following work:

The feature known as Auto Synchronization in previous releases is now named TrickleSync. The view for configuring TrickleSync is still named the Auto Synchronization view. To display this view, the user navigates to the User Preferences screen, and then the DB Synchronization view.

How Siebel Remote Populates the App Server Name Field

Siebel Remote does not populate the App Server Name field until you run the Database Extract for the user. When Siebel Remote creates the S_NODE record for the remote client, the App Server Name field is NULL. If you use EIM to create remote clients, then the Mobile Clients list does not display any records that do not contain headquarters (HQ) as the parent server.

Siebel Remote stores the parent server in the following columns of the EIM_NODE table:


EIM does not require these columns. Siebel Remote does require them. If you use the Mobile Clients view to enter users, then Siebel Remote populates these columns, by default.

For more information about EIM, see Using EIM to Create Multiple Siebel Remote Clients. For more information about headquarters nodes, see Overview of Replication Manager.

Format That Siebel Remote Uses for the Remote Client Name, Database Name, Login ID, and Windows Password

Table 9 describes important format requirements that you must follow when you define a remote client name, database name, login ID, or password for a Microsoft Windows user account. Each of these items must meet the formatting requirements for Oracle Database XE or Microsoft Windows.

Table 9. Format Requirements for the Remote Client Name, Database Name, Login ID, and Windows Password

Client Name

Can contain more than eight characters.

Uppercase or lowercase.

Database Name

Cannot exceed 30 bytes. The limit is 30 characters in a single byte character set, or 15 characters in a double byte character set.

Uppercase only.

Login ID

Cannot exceed 50 characters.

Uppercase only.


Can contain more than eight characters.

Uppercase or lowercase.

CAUTION:  The remote client name, database name, login ID, and password must meet the requirements that this topic describes.

Siebel Remote uses the remote client name to create inbox and outbox folders on the Siebel Server. This name must conform to a specific format.

The remote client name, database name, login ID, or Windows password can contain only the following items:

  • Roman characters
  • Alphanumeric characters
  • The underscore (_)
Character Usage

The remote client name, database name, login id, or Windows password cannot contain any of the following items:

  • Any special character listed in List of Special Characters, except for the underscore (_).
  • Any of the following special characters:
    • \ (backslash)
    • dash (-), except for the server database name, which can contain a dash
    • " (quotation mark)
    • / (slash)
    • (space)
    • | (vertical bar)
Unicode Usage for the User Login ID

If the user login ID contains Unicode characters, then the initialization fails. You cannot use Unicode in the user login ID.

User Language Preferences

A language preference allows the user to download data in a preferred language for the following dock objects that contain translation tables:

  • LOV
  • Product
  • Literature
  • Catalog
  • Catalog Category

This configuration helps optimize the size of the local database. Siebel Remote sets the Language field to empty to make sure the user receives data in all the languages for these dock objects, by default. Siebel Remote routes data for each of the other dock objects to the remote client according to the visibility rules.

For more information, see Transaction Router Server Component.

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