Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows > Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation >

About the Environment Verification Tool

The Environment Verification Tool (EVT) is a tool intended to help system administrators verify the configuration of the Siebel CRM environment. System administrators can use the EVT utility to identify errors and potential problems in the Siebel Enterprise after installation in a development or test environment, or following rollout or upgrades.

It is recommended that you use EVT to verify your Siebel Business Applications environment. EVT is included with the installed software for Siebel Server, Siebel Gateway Name Server, and Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE). It is provided for each supported Siebel Enterprise Server operating system.

Siebel Modules or Third-Party Products That EVT Can Check

You can run EVT against Siebel Business Applications modules and some third-party products.

  • Siebel Gateway Name Server
  • Siebel Server
  • Siebel Web Server Extension
  • Web server (Microsoft IIS, Apache Web Server, Oracle HTTP Server, or Oracle iPlanet Web Server)
  • Database

EVT Check Groups

The EVT engine is driven by a configuration file (evt.ini). This file is specific for each version of Siebel Business Applications, and cannot be used to run the utility against an earlier or a later version of the software. This file identifies the default checks that must be run, and it also provides the dependency logic, such as operating system-specific checks or database-specific checks, between different checks. The evt.ini file can be customized to check for other issues as well.

If you want to create customized checks, then create a copy of the original evt.ini file for this purpose, so that you do not accidentally affect EVT functionality.

You can use EVT to validate configuration settings in the following check groups:

  • Environment checks (ENV)
  • Siebel Server checks (SVR)
  • Database client checks (DBC)
  • Web server checks (WEB)
  • Database server (RDBMS) checks (DBS)
  • Internal checks (INT)
  • Network settings checks (NET)
  • Operating system checks (OS)
  • Other checks (OTH)

About the EVT Configuration File

EVT uses a configuration file (evt.ini) to determine what checks to perform and, for each check, what settings it will check for. Each Siebel CRM release has a corresponding configuration file specific for that release. This file resides under the bin subdirectory of the SIEBSRVR_ROOT directory on the Siebel Server, or of the SWSE_ROOT directory on the SWSE.

In the evt.ini file, the [CheckX] sections contain check definitions for different check groups. Refer to the evt.ini file for descriptions of the parameters used for each check section. A check definition can have the parameters shown in Table 21. Not shown in the table are check-dependent parameters, such as PARAMNAME and PARAMVALUE.

Table 21. EVT Check Definition Format


Unique identifier for each check definition.


The area of the application environment that is verified by this check.


Name of the check to run.


The server type on which the check can be run: either Siebel Server, Siebel Gateway Name Server, Web server with SWSE, or Database Server (RDBMS). For values, see Optional EVT Command-Line Flags.

SERVERTYPE can have multiple delimited values separated by commas, for example, SERVERTYPE=DBSERVER,SIEBSRVR,SWSE.


The operating system applicable to this check. OSTYPE can have multiple delimited values separated by commas, for example, OSTYPE=AIX,HPUX,LINUX,SOL,W32.

For a list of supported operating systems for the current release, see the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support.


This feature is used to implement conditional logic in the .ini file, for example, checking for the right Oracle client version if Oracle Database is in use.

DEPENDENCY can have multiple delimited values separated by commas, for example, DEPENDENCY=Check1,Check231.


Determines whether this check must be printed as part of the output. Dependent checks that prevent the next check from succeeding are not printed in the output.


The value of RESULTMODE specifies how the check is evaluated. Use one of the following values:

  • evaluate. Performs a text comparison and returns TRUE if the values are the same.
  • inverted. The opposite of evaluate. Returns FALSE where evaluate would return TRUE.
  • versioncheck. Evaluates version strings, including dotted version strings.
  • invertedversioncheck. The opposite of versioncheck. Returns FALSE where versioncheck would return TRUE.


This parameter uses two values, WARN and FAIL, to determine whether the failure of a particular check constitutes a critical failure or just a warning.

Critical failures are misconfigurations that would result in the failure of Siebel Business Applications software in one form or another. Warnings apply to misconfigurations that might result in reduced performance but not necessarily in a software failure.

Parameters in the .ini file must be set to the alias and not to the value; for example, PARAMNAME=Lang and PARAMVALUE=ENU.

You can use # (pound sign) as a comment character in the evt.ini file, to disable particular entries.

You can also add new checks to the .ini file based on your business requirements, using the parameters described in Table 21. If you decide to do so, then make a copy of the file, and make your modifications in the new file. Then run EVT using the -f option, as described in Optional EVT Command-Line Flags, to direct EVT to use the new configuration file.

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