Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows > Verifying and Troubleshooting Your Installation >

Using the Environment Verification Tool

EVT uses various operating systems utilities and Siebel command-line utilities to query information about installation and configuration settings for Siebel components. EVT verifies that the computers running Siebel Business Applications software are configured correctly and according to the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support and other documented requirements.

This topic has the following information:

Starting the EVT Utility

The EVT executable program is installed under the bin subdirectory of SIEBSRVR_ROOT. The command name is evt.exe for Windows or evt for UNIX operating systems.

You can run this executable program with different options, depending on what part of your environment that you want to check.

On Windows, in order to be able to run EVT, SIEBSRVR_ROOT\BIN must be included in the environment path.

NOTE:  For more information about using EVT, see 477105.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. This document was previously published as Siebel Technical Note 467.

Review the following topics to determine how to edit the evt.ini file and how to use command-line options:

The evt.ini file contains all of the approved checks. If you have to add any checks or modify any of the existing checks, then make a copy of the file, and make your modification in the new file. Then run EVT using the -f option to direct EVT to use the new configuration file.

To start EVT

  1. Open a DOS command window.
  2. Navigate to the SIEBSRVR_ROOT\BIN directory, and run evt.exe with any valid flags.

    You can include any of the flags described in Optional EVT Command-Line Flags.

Running EVT in Query Mode

EVT can also be run in query mode. This mode is intended to work with other utilities that query the installation for information.

To run EVT in query mode, you use the -q flag. The -q flag must be accompanied by a properly formatted query string.

NOTE:  In query mode, EVT ignores all of the other options (except -h).

The query string consists of name=value pairs delimited by the plus sign (+).

The output of EVT in this mode is either pass[] or fail[], with the current value of the parameter in brackets, where applicable. The following are examples for UNIX.


% evt -q "Checkname=VAR+ParamName=SIEBEL_ASSERT_MODE+ParamValue=0"


This command returns fail[] because SIEBEL_ASSERT_MODE is not set to 0 and its current value is [NULL].


% evt -q "Checkname=UNDEFVAR+ParamName=SIEBEL_ASSERT_MODE"


This command returns pass[]. Because SIEBEL_ASSERT_MODE is not defined, UNDEFVAR checks whether the variable is defined. As expected, this check passes, and the current value is still [NULL].

Optional EVT Command-Line Flags

You can run the EVT utility with various options as described in Table 22.

NOTE:  If you do not provide -e, -g, -s, -u, and -p options, then EVT tries to query information from the configuration files under the ENU directory. On Windows, -r is a required flag; all of the other flags are optional.

Table 22. Command-Line Flags Used with EVT


Prints a help message with a list of all of the flags that you can use with the EVT utility.


The name of the Siebel Gateway Name Server. If it is not provided, then EVT picks up the name of the Siebel Gateway Name Server from the Siebel Server configuration file; for example, enu\siebel.cfg.


The name of the Siebel Server. If it is not provided, then EVT tries to determine the name of the server from the siebenv.bat file.


The name of the Siebel Enterprise. If it is not provided, then EVT determines the name of the Siebel Enterprise from the Siebel Server configuration file; for example, enu\siebel.cfg.


The user name to use to log in to Server Manager. The default user name is sadmin.


The password to log in to Server Manager.

NOTE:  If any srvrmgr parameters are provided incorrectly, then EVT will not be able to check Siebel Server parameters. To print the details of root cause, use the -d SHOWERRORS flag.


Required. Specifies the path to the SIEBEL_ROOT directory.


The output format. EVT can generate output in several formats: TEXT (default), TEXTFILE, HTML, and HTMLFILE. For more information, see Available EVT Output Formats.


Runs the script in debug mode. Supported debug levels are shown in order of verbosity, starting with the least verbose level (see examples of this flag as follows):

DEFAULT. (Default) Prints only check for pass, fail, or not executed.

EXPLAIN. Prints a description of what has been checked and why. If a check cannot run, then no explanation is given. If a check executes and finds an error, then it reports the corrective actions to be taken.

SHOWERRORS. Prints the same information as EXPLAIN, but, in addition, prints any errors encountered that prevented a check from executing. For example, if the check tried to verify that a particular file was executed, but the file does not exist, then SHOWERRORS provides the error that prevented the execution.

SHOWCOMMENTS. Prints the same output as SHOWERRORS, but, in addition, prints more detailed information about how the check was implemented. The output represents debug information, for example: Got value A from file X.

EVTLOG. Prints the same output as SHOWCOMMENTS, but, in addition, prints the execution log for EVT. This output is primarily useful to EVT developers.


The output directory to which reports are written.


The type of server to check:

  • Siebel Server [SIEBSRVR]
  • Siebel Gateway Name Server [GTWYNS]
  • Database Server (RDBMS) [DBSERVER]
  • Siebel Web Server Extension [SWSE]

For example, if -t SWSE is specified, then EVT runs Web server-related checks (along with those checks that can be run on any type of server, such as for JRE).


The location of the evt.ini file. When EVT is started, it verifies the existence of this file. By default, the evt.ini file is located in the same directory as the EVT executable program. If the evt.ini file is located in a different directory, or has a different name, then you must use this flag to specify the location of the evt.ini file.


Runs EVT in query mode. See Running EVT in Query Mode.


The location of the Web server installation.

Example 1

Starting EVT using a custom .ini file and generating HTML output:

evt.exe -f evt_cust.ini -o HTML -r SIEBEL_ROOT > output.htm

Example 2

Starting EVT using a custom .ini file and generating HTML output with details on what commands were run, what files were opened, and so on:

evt.exe -f evt_cust.ini -o HTML -d SHOWCOMMENTS -r SIEBEL_ROOT > output_debug.htm

Available EVT Output Formats

EVT supports the following output formats:

  • TEXT. Prints all of the output directly to the console, terminal, or DOS window. This format is the only mode of operation when EVT is executed in query mode by giving the -q option. For an explanation of flags that can be used with EVT, see Optional EVT Command-Line Flags.
  • TEXTFILE. Prints all of the output to a log file. The file name format is evt.hostname.timestamp.log. The log is created in the current directory. To create the log in a specified directory, use the option -l log_dir. In this option, log_dir is the path to the directory that you want.
  • HTML. Prints HTML output to the console, terminal, or DOS window. This format is mainly for redirecting the output to another program or utility that can consume the output or redirect it to a file.
  • HTMLFILE. HTMLFILE output format creates an HTML file in the current directory. The file name takes the form evt.hostname.timestamp.htm, where:
    • hostname is the computer name where you are running EVT.
    • timestamp is the number of epoch seconds (starting from January 1, 1970). This value is used solely to maintain the uniqueness of file names.

It is recommended that you delete previously generated output files on a regular basis.

Changing EVT Output Text

EVT supports user-specified strings in output reports. By default, EVT output reports are generated using a message template. However, the user can specify any other string to be used as part of the report. The following user-defined output tags are supported:

  • USERPASSEDSTRING. Overrides the internal message template and allows you to specify your own message, in case this check passes.
  • USERFAILEDSTRING. Overrides the internal message template and allows you to specify your own message, in case this check fails.
  • USERNOTEXESTRING. Overrides the internal message template and allows you to specify your own message, in case this check is not executed.

The user-defined message can contain some placeholders that are defined by EVT. Such placeholders are specified by using two underscores on each side. During execution of the checks, these placeholders are substituted. When the check runs, the following placeholders are defined:

  • CURRENTVALUE. The current value of the parameter being checked.
  • PASSEDSTRING. The system-defined check passed message.
  • FAILEDSTRING. The system-defined failure or error message.
  • NOTEXESTRING. The system-defined check is not executed message.
  • CHECKID. The ID number of the currently executing check.

For example, assume a user-defined check like the following:


USERFAILEDSTRING=[__CHECKID__] Version __CURRENTVALUE__ is not supported anymore. Please contact Mr. John Smith ( to get your system upgraded to __PARAMVALUE__.

In this example, when the placeholders are filled by values when the check executes, the error defined for the USERFAILEDSTRING tag appears in the output report as follows:

[Check241] Version 5100-02 is not supported anymore. Please contact Mr. John Smith ( to get your system upgraded to 5200-02.

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