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SDDC Output Under UNIX

Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector (SDDC) output under UNIX consists of files compressed within a directory structure created by the utility. The default directory for the compressed files is the directory from which SDDC is run. To configure a different SDDC output location, use the -o parameter during the SDDC execution. For details on running the SDDC utility under UNIX, see Process of Collecting Siebel Environment Data Using SDDC.

The compressed output files have the extension .tar.z appended to the filename created by SDDC using the SDDC output naming convention. For a description of this naming convention, see About Reviewing Siebel Environment Data. The extensions .logarchive.tar.z, asserts.tar.z, and logarchive_asserts.tar.z also apply based on the log parameters specified during execution.

For descriptions of the output for each entity see:

For descriptions of the files and directory content of the SDDC output, some of which are common between each entity, see Common SDDC Output Files and Directories.

Siebel Server SDDC Collector Output Under UNIX

With a Siebel Server Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector (SDDC) execution, the utility creates the compressed file in the format ss_SS_yyyy-mm-dd_hh_mm_ss.tar.Z in the default output directory (or configured output directory). The information collected by the SDDC utility varies based on the parameter settings in the siebsnap.ini file. For information about configuring the siebsnap.ini file, see Configuring SDDC Content Under Microsoft Windows.

By default, the Siebel Server SDDC execution collects system information (system_info), database version information (database_info), and Siebel environment information (Siebel_info). For descriptions of the files and directory content, see Common SDDC Output Files and Directories.

Siebel Gateway Name Server SDDC Output Under UNIX

When Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector (SDDC) executes on a Siebel Gateway Name Server, it creates the compressed file in the format ss_GS_yyyy-mm-dd_hh_mm_ss.tar.Z in the default output directory (or configured output directory). The information collected by the SDDC utility varies based on the parameter settings in the siebsnap.ini file. For information about configuring the siebsnap.ini file, see Configuring SDDC Content Under Microsoft Windows.

By default, when SDDC executes on a Siebel Gateway Name Server it collects system information (system_info) and Siebel environment information (Siebel_info). For descriptions of the files and directory content, see Common SDDC Output Files and Directories.

Web Server SDDC Output Under UNIX

With a Siebel Web server Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector (SDDC) execution, the utility creates the compressed file in the format ss_WS_yyyy-mm-dd_hh_mm_ss.tar.Z in the default output directory (or configured output directory). The information collected by the SDDC utility varies based on the parameter settings in the siebsnap.ini file. For information about configuring the siebsnap.ini file, see Configuring SDDC Content Under Microsoft Windows.

By default, when SDDC executes on a Web server it collects system information (system_info), Siebel environment information (Siebel_info), and Web server log information (WebserverLogs). For descriptions of the files and directory content, see Common SDDC Output Files and Directories.

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