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File and Directory Methods

This topic describes file and directory methods.

File Manipulation Methods

Table 191 describes file control methods.

Table 191. Quick Reference for File Control Methods

Clib Close File Method

Closes an open file.

Clib Create Temporary File Method

Creates a temporary file.

Clib Create Temporary File Name Method

Gets a temporary file name.

Clib Delete File Method

Deletes a file.

Clib Lock File Method

Handles file locking and unlocking.

Clib Open File Method

Opens a file.

Clib Rename File Method

Renames a file.

Clib Reopen File Method

Reopens a file.

File Manipulation Methods

Table 192 describes file manipulation methods.

Table 192. Quick Reference for File Manipulation Methods

Clib Clear Buffer Method

Writes to disk the data that exists in the buffer, and then clears the buffer.

Clib Get Character Method

Gets a character from the buffer.

Clib Get Characters to Next Line Method

Gets a string that includes characters from the cursor to the next newline character.

Clib Get Cursor Position Method

Gets the current position of the file cursor.

Clib Get Relative Cursor Position Method

Gets the position of the file cursor relative to the beginning of the file.

Clib Move Cursor to Beginning of File Method

Moves the file cursor to the beginning of a file.

Clib Read From File Method

Reads data from a file.

Clib Restore Cursor Position Method

Sets the current file cursor to a position that you specify.

Clib Scan and Convert from Input Device Method

Reads input from an input device and stores the data in arguments.

Clib Set Cursor Position Method

Sets the cursor position in a file.

Clib Unget Method

Pushes a character back to a file.

Clib Write Character Method

Writes a character to a file.

Clib Write Formatted String Method

Writes a formatted string to a file.

Clib Write String to File Method

Writes a string to a file.

Clib Write to File Method

Writes data to a file.

Directory Manipulation Methods

Table 193 describes directory methods.

Table 193. Quick Reference for Disk and Directory Methods

Clib Change Directory Method

Changes directory.

Clib Create Directory Method

Creates a directory.

Clib Get Current Working Directory Method

Gets the current working directory.

Clib Remove Directory Method

Removes a directory.

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