2.5 Oracle ORAchk Specific Command Line Options

List of command line options specific to Oracle ORAchk.

2.5.1 Application Continuity Command Line Options

List of Application Continuity command line options.

Table 2-7 Application Continuity Command-Line Options

Command Line Argument Shell Environment Variable Usage

–asmhome jarfilename


This must point to a version of asm-all-5.0.3.jar that you download from http://asm.ow2.org/

-javahome JDK8dirname


This must point to the JAVA_HOME directory for a JDK8 installation.

-appjar dirname


To analyze the application code for references to Oracle concrete classes, this must point to the parent directory name for the code. The program analyzes .class files, and recursively .jar files and directories.

To analyze the coverage, specify a directory name that contains one or more database server trace files. The trace directory is generally,



When scanning the trace directory, this optional value limits the analysis to scanning to files created in the most recent specified number of days

Example 2-1 Application Continuity Command Line Options

$ ./orachk -asmhome /tmp/asm-all-5.0.3.jar -javahome /tmp/jdk1.8.0_40 -apptrc $ORACLE_BASE/diag/rdbms/$ORACLE_SID/trace 3

2.5.2 IAM Command Line Options

List of Oracle Identity and Access Management (IAM) command line options.

Table 2-8 Identity Management Options

Option Description

-idm –h

Displays IDM help.


Runs all pre-install checks on Identity Management System.


Runs all post-install checks on Identity Management System.


Runs all runtime checks on Identity Management System.


Runs pre-install database checks on Identity Management System.


Runs post-install database checks on Identity Management System.


Runs runtime database checks on Identity Management System.


Passes OAM, OIM, and one of the OUD host from clusters.


Passes arguments to Identity Management Discovery Tool.


Passes arguments to Identity Management Healthcheck Tool.

IAM Health Check Scenarios

Table 2-9 IAM Health Check Scenarios

Scenario Command

Run pre-install checks.

./orachk -idmpreinstall -idm_config "OUD_HOST=h1,h2;OIM_HOST=h3,h4;OAM_HOST=h5,h6,h7;OHS_HOST=h8,h9"

Run pre-install database checks.

./orachk –idmdbpreinstall

Run post-install checks on single node Identity Management setup.

./orachk -idmpostinstall –idm_config "singlenode"

Run runtime checks on multi-mode Identity Management setup.

./orachk -idmruntime -idm_config "OUD_HOST=host1,host2;OAM_HOST=host3;OIM_HOST=host4"

Run OIM runtime checks on multi-mode Identity Management setup.

./orachk -idmruntime -idm_config "OUD_HOST=host1,host2;OAM_HOST=host3;OIM_HOST=host4" -profile "OIM"

Run OIM and OAM post-install checks on single node Identity Management setup.

./orachk -idmpostinstall -idm_config "singlenode" -profile "OIM,OAM"

Run runtime checks with log level specified for Identity Management.

./orachk -idmruntime -idmdiscargs "-DlogLevel=FINEST" -idmhcargs "-DlogLevel=FINEST"

Discovery and Healthcheck tool Run checks directly passing topology.xml and credconfig location.

./orachk - idmpreinstall | idmpostinstall | idmruntime -topology topology.xml -credconfig credconfig

2.5.3 ZFS Storage Appliance Options

List of ZFS Storage Appliance options.

Table 2-10 ZFS Storage Appliance Options

Option Decsription

–zfssa node

Runs Oracle ORAchk only on selected ZFS appliance nodes, where  node is a comma-delimited list of ZFS Storage Appliance names.

For example:
./orachk -zfssa node1,node2