
A  B  C  D  E  F  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  


  • $HOME 1


  • another instance 1
  • application continuity
    • command line options 1
    • JDBC concrete classes 1
    • using 1
  • Application Express
    • admin user workspace 1
    • configure 1
    • create workspace 1
    • developer 1
    • end user 1
    • user accounts 1
    • workspace administrator 1
  • ASM 1
  • attribute changes 1
  • auto-discovery 1
  • automated risk identification 1
  • Automatic Service Request (ASR) health check 1
  • auto-restart 1
    • exclude profile 1
    • profile 1
    • tag 1


  • bulk mapping 1


  • capture debug output 1
  • capture user details 1
  • cell checks 1
  • chmod 1
  • Clusterware
    • post-upgrade 1
    • pre-upgrade 1
  • collection_retention 1
  • Collection Manager
    • global select lists 1
    • incident tab 1
  • command line options
    • daemon options 1
    • file attribute differences 1
    • general commands 1
    • managing output 1
    • scope of checks 1
    • uploading results to database 1
  • common findings 1
  • component elapsed time 1
  • create incident tickets 1
  • custom application integration 1
  • Cygwin
    • configure SSH 1
    • FAQ 1
    • install 1
    • permission issue 1
    • SSH daemon 1


  • daemon
    • force stop 1
    • info 1
    • initcheck 1
    • initpresetup 1
    • initrmsetup 1
    • initsetup 1
    • nextautorun 1
    • passwordless SSH 1
    • start 1
    • status 1
    • stop 1
  • daemon mode operation 1
  • database
    • post-upgrade 1
    • pre-upgrade 1
  • database discovery
    • RAC systems 1
  • database login problems 1
  • database software
    • version 1
  • data entry terminal 1 , 2
  • diff 1
  • Diff report 1
  • driver files 1


  • edit incident tickets 1
  • Elasticsearch 1
  • email notification 1
  • EXAchk
    • and profiles 1
  • exclude checks 1
  • exclusion lists
    • running exachk with 1
  • Expect utility 1


  • failed uploads 1 , 2
  • file attribute changes 1


  • health check report 1
  • health check score and summary 1


  • IAM Health Checks 1
  • IAM Healthcheck Tool
    • install time checks 1
    • runtime checks 1
    • supported components 1
    • supported databases 1
    • supported platforms 1
    • supported topologies 1
    • use cases
      • post-install execution 1 , 2
      • pre-install execution 1 , 2
      • runtime execution 1 , 2
  • inclusion lists
    • running exachk with 1
    • running orachk with 1
  • integration 1 , 2


  • JSON output results 1


  • Kibana 1


  • LDAP authentication 1
  • lock cells 1


  • managing reports 1
  • Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) Scorecard 1 , 2
  • merging reports 1
  • mount 1
  • multiple results 1


  • new health checks 1
  • NFS 1
  • nopass 1
  • noscore 1


  • on demand mode 1
  • on-demand usage 1
  • operating system 1
  • ORAchk
    • and profiles 1
  • Oracle Engineered Systems 1
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager 1
  • Oracle EXAchk Health Check Catalog 1 , 2
  • Oracle EXAchk on Oracle Big Data
    • .bash_profile 1
    • audit configuration 1
    • commands 1
    • installation 1
    • message definitions 1
    • runtime command timeouts 1
    • timeouts checking switches 1
    • validation frequency 1
  • Oracle EXAchk on Oracle Exadata and Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance
    • asymmetric 1 , 2
    • command line options 1
    • database home 1
    • environment variables 1
    • InfiniBand switches 1
    • install 1
    • interface
      • client 1
      • management 1
    • parallel execution 1
    • platforms 1
    • role separated environment 1
    • scope 1
    • storage servers 1
    • troubleshoot 1
    • usage 1
    • virtualization 1
  • Oracle EXAchk on Oracle Exalogic
    • command line options 1
    • discovered component addresses 1
    • environment variables 1
    • External ZFS Storage Appliance 1
    • HTTP/WebDAV Protocol 1
    • install 1 , 2 , 3
    • local environment settings issues 1
    • message definitions 1
    • NFS exceptions 1
    • NFS share mode 1
    • not STIG-hardened vServers 1
    • optimum performance 1
    • Oracle Fusion Middleware 1
    • physical machine 1
    • physical racks 1
    • platforms 1
    • scope 1
    • SSH user equivalence 1
    • SSH user-equivalency 1
    • STIG-hardened vServers 1
    • upgrade 1 , 2
    • virtual machine 1
    • virtual racks 1
    • vServer 1
  • Oracle EXAchk on Oracle Exalytics
    • audit checks 1
    • BI Homes 1
    • collections 1
    • DOMU 1
    • HTML report 1
    • in-memory machine 1
    • installation 1
    • message definitions 1
    • obiee 1
    • runtime command timeouts 1
    • timesten 1
    • TimesTen 1
    • virtualization 1
  • Oracle EXAchk on Oracle SuperCluster
    • automated daemon mode operation 1
    • command line options 1
    • DB zone 1
    • GZ 1 , 2
    • merging collections 1
    • merging reports 1
    • NGZ 1 , 2
    • platforms 1
    • primary LDOM 1 , 2
    • scope 1
    • SSH/RSH key 1
    • troubleshooting 1
  • Oracle Health Check Collections Manager
    • access control system 1
    • administration 1
    • browse tab 1
    • bulk mapping systems to business units 1
    • collections tab 1
    • compare tab
      • compare audit check results 1
      • compare patch results 1
    • delete Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application 1
    • delete workspace 1
    • email notification system 1
    • failed uploads 1
    • features 1
    • home tab 1
    • incident ticket system 1
    • incident tracking system 1
    • install 1 , 2
    • log in 1
    • prerequisites 1
    • purge old collections 1
    • report view tab 1
    • scope and supported platforms 1
    • seed data 1
    • selectively capture users during login 1
    • troubleshoot 1
    • uninstall 1
    • upgrade 1
    • upload collections automatically 1
    • upload collections tab 1
    • user-defined checks 1
  • Oracle Health Check Collections Manager database 1
  • Oracle Identity and Access Management
    • health checks 1
  • Oracle Identity and Access Management (IAM)
    • command line options 1
    • deployment size 1
    • health checks 1
    • inputs 1
    • known issues 1
    • prerequisites 1
    • running health checks 1
  • Oracle ORAchk
    • command line options 1
    • database versions 1
    • Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Health Checks 1
    • platforms 1
    • scope 1
    • supported environments 1
    • supported Oracle stack 1
    • troubleshoot 1
    • ZFS Storage Appliance 1
  • Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk
    • collection_retention 1
    • daemon 1
    • download 1 , 2
    • get 1
    • nodaemon 1
    • prerequisites 1
    • sendemail 1
    • set 1 , 2
    • testemail 1
    • troubleshoot 1
  • Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk features 1
  • Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk prerequisites
    • Bash requirements 1
    • Expect utility 1
    • handling of root passwords 1
    • Oracle Database home owner 1
    • Oracle Grid Infrastructure home owner 1
    • run as root 1
    • SSH connectivity and access 1
  • Oracle ORAchk for IAM
    • download 1
  • Oracle ORAchk Health Check Catalog 1 , 2
  • Oracle Platinum Services 1
  • Oracle VM Manager CLI 1
  • Other Elements of the Oracle Stack 1
  • output 1


  • Passwordless SSH
    • enable 1
    • verify 1
  • platinum certification 1
  • privileged user 1 , 2
  • proactive notification 1
  • Profiles 1
  • purge 1


  • remote connections 1
  • remote login 1 , 2
  • Remove findings 1
  • report findings 1 , 2
  • report overview 1
  • review 1
  • run individual checks 1
  • Running database checks
    • clusternodes 1
    • dball 1
    • dbnames 1
    • dbnone 1
    • localonly 1


  • schedule email health check reports 1
  • Show Check IDs 1
  • silent mode operation
    • exclude root access 1
    • include root access 1
  • skipped checks 1 , 2
  • subsequent email 1
  • subset of checks 1
  • subsets of Oracle stack 1
  • sudo 1
  • switch checks 1


  • tag 1
  • temporary directories 1
  • temporary files 1
  • timeouts 1
  • tool specific prerequisites 1
  • Top 10 time consuming checks 1
  • track 1
  • track file attribute changes 1
  • troubleshoot
    • Oracle EXAchk 1
    • Oracle ORAchk 1


  • unexpected output 1
  • unique findings 1
  • unlock cells 1
  • update 1
  • Upgrade readiness mode 1
  • upload collections 1
  • user environment file 1


  • VMPScan 1
  • VMPScan report 1


  • watchdog 1