1.5 Understanding and Managing Reports and Output

Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk generate a detailed HTML report with findings and recommendations.

See Managing Oracle Health Check Collections Manager  and Integrating Health Check Results with Other Tools  for more details about other ways to consume those results.

1.5.1 Temporary Files and Directories

While running health checks, Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk create temporary directories and files for the purposes of data collection and assessment, and then delete them upon completion of health check runs.

By default, Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk create these temporary files and directories is the $HOME directory of the user who runs the tool. Change this temporary working directory by setting the environment variable RAT_TMPDIR=tmp_directory prior to using the tools:
$ export RAT_TMPDIR=/tmp
$ ./orachk
$ export RAT_TMPDIR=/tmp
$ ./exachk
If you are using sudo access for root and you want to change the default temporary working directory location, then you must specify the alternate location in the /etc/sudoers file. The /etc/sudoers file on each server must contain the following line:
user ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/tmp/.orachk/root_orachk.sh
user ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/tmp/.exachk/root_exachk.sh


Any directory specified in RAT_TMPDIR must exist on the hosts for all cluster nodes.

1.5.2 Output Files and Directories

Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk create an output directory that contains various files for you to examine.

The name format of the output directory is:
utility_name host_name database date time_stamp
  • utility is either orachk or exachk

  • host_name is the host name of the node on which Oracle ORAchk or Oracle EXAchk was run

  • database is the name of the database or one of the databases against which health checks were performed, if applicable

  • date is the date the health check was run

  • timestamp is the time the health check was run

By default, Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk create output in the directory from where they are run. To change the location of the output directory, use the –output option as follows:
$ ./orachk –output output_dir
$ ./exachk –output output_dir
Alternatively, set the output directory using the RAT_OUTPUT environment variable as follows:
$ export RAT_OUTPUT=output_dir
$ ./orachk 
$ export RAT_OUTPUT=output_dir
$ ./exachk 

The contents of this directory is available in a zip file with the same name.

After completing the health checks, Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk report the location of this zip file and the HTML report file.

Detailed report (html) - /orahome/oradb/orachk/orachk_myhost_rdb11204_041816_055429/orachk_myhost_rdb11204_041816_055429.html

UPLOAD(if required) - /orahome/oradb/orachk/orachk_myhost_rdb11204_041816_055429.zip

$ ls -la
total 61832
drwxr-xr-x  4 oradb oinstall     4096 Apr 18 05:55 .
drwx------ 34 oradb oinstall     4096 Apr 18 05:58 ..
drwxr--r--  3 oradb oinstall     4096 Mar 28 17:36 .cgrep
-rw-r--r--  1 oradb oinstall  4692868 Mar 28 17:35 CollectionManager_App.sql
-rw-r--r--  1 oradb oinstall 41498425 Apr 18 05:54 collections.dat
-rwxr-xr-x  1 oradb oinstall  2730651 Mar 28 17:35 orachk
drwxr-xr-x  7 oradb oinstall     4096 Apr 18 05:55 orachk_myhost_rdb11204_041816_055429
-rw-r--r--  1 oradb oinstall    36141 Apr 18 05:55 orachk_myhost_rdb11204_041816_055429.zip
-rw-r--r--  1 oradb oinstall  9380260 Mar 28 19:02 orachk.zip
-rw-r--r--  1 oradb oinstall     3869 Mar 28 17:36 readme.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 oradb oinstall  4877997 Apr 18 05:54 rules.dat
-rw-r--r--  1 oradb oinstall    40052 Mar 28 17:35 sample_user_defined_checks.xml
-rw-r--r--  1 oradb oinstall     2888 Mar 28 17:35 user_defined_checks.xsd
-rw-r--r--  1 oradb oinstall      425 Mar 28 17:36 UserGuide.txt

The output directory contains a number of other directories and the main HTML report file.

$ cd orachk_myhost_rdb11204_041816_055429
$ ls -la
total 60
drwxr-xr-x 7 oradb oinstall  4096 Apr 18 05:55 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 oradb oinstall  4096 Apr 18 05:55 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 oradb oinstall  4096 Apr 18 05:55 log
-rw-r--r-- 1 oradb oinstall 30815 Apr 18 05:55 orachk_myhost_rdb11204_041816_055429.html
drwxr-xr-x 4 oradb oinstall  4096 Apr 18 05:55 outfiles
drwxr-xr-x 2 oradb oinstall  4096 Apr 18 05:55 reports
drwxr-xr-x 2 oradb oinstall  4096 Apr 18 05:55 scripts
drwxr-xr-x 2 oradb oinstall  4096 Apr 18 05:55 upload

Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk each creates an output directory containing the following information depending on which tool you use:

Table 1-4 Output Files and Directories

Output Description

log (directory)

Contains a number of log files recording details about the health check, including:

Oracle ORAchk:

  • orachk.log: Main log for the health check.

  • orachk_error.log: std_error log for the health check.

  • orachk_debug_date_time.log: Debug output when run with –debug, which is useful for troubleshooting.

Oracle EXAchk:

  • exachk.log: Main log for the health check.

  • exachk_error.log: std_error log for the health check.

  • exachk_debug_date_time.log: Debug output when run with –debug, which is useful for troubleshooting.

outfiles (directory)

Contains a number of the collection results.

reports (directory)

Contains sub-reports used to build the main report.

scripts (directory)

Contains scripts used during collection.

upload (directory)

Contains files to upload collection results to a database for the Oracle Health Checks Collection Manager to consume, integrate the results into your own application, or integrate into other utilities.


Oracle ORAchk:

Main HTML report output using the same name format as the output directory: orachk_host_name_database_date_timestamp.html.


Oracle EXAchk:

Main HTML report output using the same name format as the output directory: exachk_host_name_database_date_timestamp.html.

1.5.3 HTML Report Output

The Health Check HTML report contains the following:

  • High level health score

  • Summary of the run

  • Table of contents that provides easy access to findings

  • Findings and recommendations to resolve the issues System Health Score and Summary

Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk calculate a high level System Health Score based on the number of checks that passed or failed. A summary of the run shows, where and when it was run, which version was used, how long it took, which user it was run as, and so forth.

Figure 1-12 System Health Score and Summary

Description of Figure 1-12 follows
Description of "Figure 1-12 System Health Score and Summary"

Click the detail link to expand the System Health Score section to view details of how this is calculated.

Figure 1-13 System Health Score Detail

Description of Figure 1-13 follows
Description of "Figure 1-13 System Health Score Detail"
To generate an HTML report without the System Health Score section, use the –noscore option:
$ ./orachk –noscore
$ ./exachk –noscore HTML Report Table of Contents and Features

The Table of Contents provides links to each of the major sections within the HTML report.

The next section in the HTML report after the summary is the Table of Contents and Report Features:

  • The Table of Contents provides links to each of the major sections within the HTML report

    • What is shown in the Table of Contents will depend on the Oracle Stack components found during the health check run.

  • The Report Features allow you to:

    • Filter checks based on their statuses.

    • Select the regions.

    • Expand or collapse all checks.

    • View check IDs.

    • Remove findings from the report.

    • Get a printable view.

By default, passed checks are hidden. To view, select the Pass checkbox under Show Checks with the following status. To exclude passed checks from the HTML report, use the –nopass option:

$ ./orachk –nopass
$ ./exachk –nopass

Figure 1-14 Report Table of Contents and Features

Description of Figure 1-14 follows
Description of "Figure 1-14 Report Table of Contents and Features" HTML Report Findings

Report findings are grouped by Oracle Stack component.

Findings include:

  • Status of check (FAIL, WARNING, INFO, or PASS)

  • Type of check

  • Check message

  • Location where the check was run

  • Link to expand details for further findings and recommendations

Click view details to view the findings and the recommendations.

  • Solution to solve the problem

  • Applicable recommendations

  • Where the problem does not apply

  • Links to relevant documentation or My Oracle Support Notes

  • Example of data the recommendation is based on

Figure 1-16 View Report Findings

Description of Figure 1-16 follows
Description of "Figure 1-16 View Report Findings" Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) Scorecard

The Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) Scorecard is displayed after the Findings group.

The MAA Scorecard provides a set of best practices for maximum availability architecture. It also shows results related to maximum availability, such as the installed software versions checked for noncurrent software, and use of incompatible features.

Figure 1-17 Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) Scorecard

Description of Figure 1-17 follows
Description of "Figure 1-17 Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) Scorecard"
To generate an HTML report without the MAA Scorecard section, use the -m option:
$ ./orachk –m
$ ./exachk –m Findings Needing Further Review

Issues that health checks have only a partial view and need user reviews to determine if they are relevant are displayed in the Findings needing further review section.

Figure 1-18 Findings needing further review

Description of Figure 1-18 follows
Description of "Figure 1-18 Findings needing further review" Platinum Certification

The Platinum Certification section shows a list of compliance status items for the Oracle Platinum service. For the existing Platinum customers it is a review. For customers not yet participating in Oracle Platinum, it is an indication of readiness to participate in Oracle Platinum.

Figure 1-19 Platinum Certification

Description of Figure 1-19 follows
Description of "Figure 1-19 Platinum Certification"


This section is seen when health checks are run on Oracle Engineered Systems. Viewing Clusterwide Linux Operating system Health Check (VMPScan)

A summary of the VMPScan report is shown in the Clusterwide Linux Operating System Health Check (VMPScan) section of the report.

The full VMPScan report is also available within the collection/reports and collection/outfiles/vmpscan directory.

Figure 1-20 Clusterwide Linux Operating System Health Check (VMPScan)

Description of Figure 1-20 follows
Description of "Figure 1-20 Clusterwide Linux Operating System Health Check (VMPScan)"


VMPScan report is included only when Oracle ORAchk is run on Linux systems. "Systemwide Automatic Service Request (ASR) healthcheck" Section

asrexacheck is designed to check and test ASR configurations to ensure that communication to the ASR Manager is possible. This is a non-invasive script that checks configurations only and does not write to any system or configuration files. The script checks for known configuration issues and any previous hardware faults that may not have been reported by ASR due to a misconfiguration on the BDA.

This section is included in the report only when health checks are run on Oracle Engineered Systems.

The following is a sample of the Systemwide Automatic Service Request (ASR) healthcheck section truncated for brevity:

Figure 1-21 Systemwide Automatic Service Request (ASR) healthcheck

Description of Figure 1-21 follows
Description of "Figure 1-21 Systemwide Automatic Service Request (ASR) healthcheck"

See Also:

My Oracle Support Note 1450112.1:

Engineered Systems ASR Configuration Check through ASREXACHK File Attribute Changes

The File Attribute Changes section is shown in the report only when Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk are run with the –fileattr option.

Figure 1-22 File Attribute Changes

Description of Figure 1-22 follows
Description of "Figure 1-22 File Attribute Changes" Skipped Checks

Any checks that were not able to be run and skipped for some reason are shown in the Skipped Checks section. Component Elapsed Times

The Component Elapsed Times gives a breakdown of time required to check various components.

This can be useful when diagnosing performance problems.

Figure 1-24 Component Elapsed Times

Description of Figure 1-24 follows
Description of "Figure 1-24 Component Elapsed Times" Top 10 Time Consuming Checks

The Top 10 Time Consuming Checks section shows the slowest 10 checks that were run.

This can be useful when diagnosing performance problems.

Figure 1-25 Top 10 Time Consuming Checks

Description of Figure 1-25 follows
Description of "Figure 1-25 Top 10 Time Consuming Checks"

For sample reports, see: How to Find a Check ID

Each health check has a unique 32 character ID.

You may want to find a check id while:

  • Communicating to Oracle or your own internal teams about a specific check

  • Excluding or only running one or more checks

To find a particular check id using a generated report, click the Show Check Ids link.

The findings will then display an extra column to the left with the Check Id. How to Remove Checks from an Existing HTML Report

Hide individual findings from the report using Remove findings .

Click Remove finding from report.

Figure 1-28 Remove Findings from Report

Description of Figure 1-28 follows
Description of "Figure 1-28 Remove Findings from Report"

A button with an X appears next to each finding.

Click X to hide the finding. This does not remove the finding from the source of the HTML report it simply hides it. If the HTML report is reloaded the finding will appear again.

To permanently hide the finding use your browser’s Save Page option to save the report once the finding is hidden.

Figure 1-29 Remove Findings from Report

Description of Figure 1-29 follows
Description of "Figure 1-29 Remove Findings from Report"

If there are findings that you never want to see in the report, then they can be excluded altogether so the checks are never run in the first place.

Related Topics

1.5.4 Tagging Reports

The health check HTML report is typically named: orachk_hostname_database_date_timestamp.html or exachk_hostname_database_date_timestamp.html. You can include other tags in the HTML report name to facilitate differentiation and identification.

Include a custom tag in the HTML report name, as follows:

$ ./orachk –tag tag_name
$ ./exachk –tag tag_name

The resulting HTML report name is similar to the following: orachk_host_name_database_date_timestamp_tag_name.html, or exachk_host_name_database_date_timestamp_tag_name.html.

1.5.5 ORAchk and EXAchk Tracking File Attribute Changes

Track changes to the attributes of important files with the –fileattr option that looks at all files within Grid Infrastructure and Database homes by default. Configure the list of directories and their contents to monitor specific to your requirements.

Table 1-5 List of File Attribute Tracking Options

Option Description

-fileattr start

Takes file-attribute snapshots of discovered directories and stores the snapshots in the output directory. By default, it takes snapshots of Oracle Grid Infrastructure homes and all of the installed database homes. If a user does not own a particular directory, then it does not take snapshots of the directory.

-fileattr check

Takes a recent snapshot of discovered directories to compare with the previous snapshot.

-fileattr remove

Removes file attribute snapshots and related files.

-fileattr [start|check] -includedir directories

You can specify a comma-delimited list of directories to check file attributes.

For example:
./orachk -fileattr start -includedir "/root/home,/etc"
./orachk -fileattr check -includedir "/root/home,/etc"

-fileattr [start|check] -excludediscovery

Excludes the discovered directories.

For example:
./orachk -fileattr start -includedir "/root/home,/etc" -excludediscovery  

-fileattr check -baseline baseline snapshot path

For example:
./orachk -fileattr check -baseline "/tmp/Snapshot"

-fileattr check –fileattronly

This option performs only file attributes check and exits ORAchk.

For example:
./orachk -fileattr check -fileattronly


-fileattr requires Oracle Grid Infrastructure to be installed and running.


To use with the daemon:

  1. Start the daemon.
    ./orachk -d start
  2. Start the client run with the -fileattr options as follows:
    ./orachk -fileattr start -includedir "/root/myapp,/etc/oratab" -excludediscovery
    ./orachk -fileattr check -includedir "/root/myapp,/etc/oratab" -excludediscovery
  3. Specify the output directory to store snapshots with the –output option as follows:
    ./orachk -fileattr start -output "/tmp/mysnapshots"
Use –tag to help identify your snapshots:
./orachk -fileattr start -tag "BeforeXYZChange"
  Generated snapshot directory-
  orachk_myserver65_20160329_052056_ BeforeXYZChange

Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk –fileattr start

Use –fileattr start to start the first snapshot. Directories included in the snapshots, by default, are Oracle Grid Infrastructure homes and all installed Oracle Database homes.
./orachk –fileattr start
./exachk –fileattr start
$ ./orachk -fileattr start
CRS stack is running and CRS_HOME is not set. Do you want to set CRS_HOME to /u01/app/[y/n][y]
Checking ssh user equivalency settings on all nodes in cluster
Node mysrv22 is configured for ssh user equivalency for oradb user
Node mysrv23 is configured for ssh user equivalency for oradb user

List of directories(recursive) for checking file attributes:
orachk has taken snapshot of file attributes for above directories at: /orahome/oradb/orachk/orachk_mysrv21_20160504_041214

Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk –includedir

You can include other directories using the –includedir directories option, where directories is a comma-delimited list of directories to include, similar to the following:
./orachk -fileattr start -includedir "/home/oradb,/etc/oratab"
./exachk -fileattr start -includedir "/home/oradb,/etc/oratab"
$ ./orachk -fileattr start -includedir "/root/myapp/config/"
CRS stack is running and CRS_HOME is not set. Do you want to set CRS_HOME to /u01/app/12.2.0/grid?[y/n][y]
Checking for prompts on myserver18 for oragrid user...
Checking ssh user equivalency settings on all nodes in cluster
Node myserver17 is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user
List of directories(recursive) for checking file attributes:
orachk has taken snapshot of file attributes for above directories at: /root/orachk/orachk_ myserver18_20160511_032034

Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk -excludediscovery

./orachk -fileattr start -excludediscovery
./exachk -fileattr start -excludediscovery
$ ./orachk -fileattr start -includedir "/root/myapp/config/" -excludediscovery
CRS stack is running and CRS_HOME is not set. Do you want to set CRS_HOME to /u01/app/12.2.0/grid?[y/n][y]
Checking for prompts on myserver18 for oragrid user...
Checking ssh user equivalency settings on all nodes in cluster
Node myserver17 is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user
List of directories(recursive) for checking file attributes:
orachk has taken snapshot of file attributes for above directories at: /root/orachk/orachk_myserver18_20160511_032209

Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk –fileattr check

Use –fileattr check to take another snapshot and compare it to the previous snapshot, as well as run a normal health check collection.
./orachk –fileattr check
./exachk –fileattr check


Use –fileattr check with the same options you used with –fileattr start.

For example, if you added -includedir "/somedir" –excludediscovery when you ran –fileattr start, then include the same options with –fileattr check.

$ ./orachk -fileattr check -includedir "/root/myapp/config" -excludediscovery
CRS stack is running and CRS_HOME is not set. Do you want to set CRS_HOME to /u01/app/12.2.0/grid?[y/n][y]
Checking for prompts on myserver18 for oragrid user...
Checking ssh user equivalency settings on all nodes in cluster
Node myserver17 is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user
 List of directories(recursive) for checking file attributes:
Checking file attribute changes...
"/root/myapp/config/myappconfig.xml" is different:
Baseline :       0644     oracle       root /root/myapp/config/myappconfig.xml
Current  :       0644       root       root /root/myapp/config/myappconfig.xml

Results of the file attribute changes are reflected in the File Attribute Changes section of the HTML output report.

Figure 1-30 File Attribute Changes

Description of Figure 1-30 follows
Description of "Figure 1-30 File Attribute Changes"

Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk –baseline

If you have multiple different baselines that you want to check, then you can provide a specific baseline snapshot to compare against using the –baseline path_to_snapshot option.
./orachk -fileattr check -baseline path_to_snapshot
./exachk –fileattr check –baseline path_to_snapshot

Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk –fileattronly

By default, –fileattr check also performs a full health check run. To perform file attribute checking, only, and not proceed with other health checks, use the –fileattronly option.
./orachk -fileattr check –fileattronly
./exachk -fileattr check –fileattronly

Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk –fileattr remove

You can remove snapshots using the –fileattr remove option:
./orachk –fileattr remove
./exachk –fileattr remove
$ ./orachk -fileattr remove
CRS stack is running and CRS_HOME is not set. Do you want to set CRS_HOME to /u01/app/12.2.0/grid?[y/n][y]y
Checking for prompts on myserver18 for oragrid user...
Checking ssh user equivalency settings on all nodes in cluster
Node myserver17 is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user

List of directories(recursive) for checking file attributes:
Removing file attribute related files...

1.5.6 Comparing Two Reports

Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk automatically compare the two most recent HTML reports and generate a third diff report, when run in automated daemon mode.

To generate a diff HTML report, use the –diff option:
$ ./orachk –diff report_1 report_2
$ ./exachk –diff report_1 report_2

where, report_1 and report_2 are the path and name of any of the following:

  • HTML reports

  • Output directories

  • Output zip files

The diff output lists a summary of changes found and the location of the new diff HTML report.

$./exachk -diff exachk_myhost07_scao1007_040716_090013.zip exachk_myhost07_scao1007_040716_100019.zip
Total   : 278
Missing : 0
New     : 0
Changed : 3
Same    : 275
Check comparison is complete. The comparison report can be viewed in: /opt/oracle.SupportTools/exachk/exachk_040716090013_040716100019_diff.html

The diff HTML report shows a summary of both compared reports.

Figure 1-31 Health Check Baseline Comparison Report

Description of Figure 1-31 follows
Description of "Figure 1-31 Health Check Baseline Comparison Report"

The Table of Contents provides quick access to the major sections in the report. You can also access various check Ids listed in the Show Check Ids section.

Figure 1-32 Table of Contents

Description of Figure 1-32 follows
Description of "Figure 1-32 Table of Contents"

The Differences between Report 1 and Report 2 section shows what checks have different results.

Figure 1-33 Difference Between Reports

Description of Figure 1-33 follows
Description of "Figure 1-33 Difference Between Reports"

The Unique findings section shows any check findings that were unique to either of the reports

The Common Findings in Both Reports section shows all the check results that had the same results in both the reports.

Figure 1-35 Common Findings in Both Reports

Description of Figure 1-35 follows
Description of "Figure 1-35 Common Findings in Both Reports"

1.5.7 Merging Reports

Merging reports is useful in role-separated environments where different users are run different subsets of checks and then you want to view everything as a whole.

To merge reports use the –merge option, followed by a comma--delimited list of reports, directories or zip files:
$ ./orachk –merge report_1, report_2
$ ./exachk –merge report_1, report_2
$./orachk -merge orachk_myhost_mydb_041916_033322_dba, orachk_myhost_mydb_041916_035448_sysadmin

Merging following collections:

. . . . . 

Started merging orachk_myhost_mydb_041916_033322_dba
Started merging orachk_myhost_mydb_041916_035448_sysadmin

Detailed report (html) - /oracle/orachk/orachk_myhost_mydb_041916_033322_dba_merge/orachk_myhost_mydb_041916_033322_dba_merge.html

UPLOAD(if required) - /orahome/oradb/orachk/orachk_myhost_mydb_041916_033322_dba_merge.zip

The resulting merged HTML report summary will show the collections it was merged from.

Figure 1-36 Merged Report Summary

Description of Figure 1-36 follows
Description of "Figure 1-36 Merged Report Summary"

The merged findings appear together.

Figure 1-37 Merged Report Findings

Description of Figure 1-37 follows
Description of "Figure 1-37 Merged Report Findings"


For Oracle EXAchk, use the –force option to force merge collections from dom0 and domu, or global and local zones.

1.5.8 Output File Maintenance

Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk create a number of temporary files and directories while running health checks.

Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk create an output directory that contains various files for you to examine. The total size of the output directory and .zip file is under 5 MB. However, the size depends on the number of Oracle Stack Components evaluated.

If you are running health checks in automated daemon Mode, then set the collection_retention  duration to purge old collections.

If you are running health checks on-demand or in silent mode, then it is your responsibility to implement processes and procedures to purge result output.

1.5.9 Consuming Multiple Results in Other Tools

Health check results can optionally be integrated into various other tools.

For more information, see: