Configuring a KDS Controller

  1. Select the property, click Setup, and then click KDS Controllers.
  2. Insert a new record, enter a record name, and then click OK.
  3. Double-click the new record to open it.
  4. On the General tab, configure the settings as described in the following table:

    Table 39-1 KDS Controller Fields

    Fields and Options Description

    1 - Prevent Chit Bump on Expo Display if Chit Exists on Prep Display

    Select this option to prevent a chit from being bumped from an Expo Display if the chit still exists on one of the Prep Displays.

    2 - Display Next Course after Previous Course Complete

    If the property is using dining courses, select this option to show one course at a time on the KDS. That is, menu items from course 2 appear on KDS Displays only after menu items from course 1 are bumped.

    3 - Show Only Active Orders

    Select this option to allow a Speed of Service (SOS) Display to show only tables that have open orders.

    4 - Expo-only Items Display as Done

    Select this option to change the status of menu items that do not go to Prep Stations to Done when they fire.

    5 - Exclude CAL Updates from Service Host Change

    If the property does not use the CAL, select this option to exclude updates to CAL for Service Host changes made in the KDS Controller.

    6 - Enable Item Started Timings

    If the KDS is not using Dynamic Order Mode (DOM) and is configured to show every item in an order on separate chits (from the Order Devices module set KDS Option 3 - Single Item Per Sub-Order), select this option to have the application recalculate an order’s target done time (TDT) when the kitchen staff starts on the item with the longest prep time.

    After the application recalculates the TDT, the system adjusts all of the fire times for the remaining items (based on individual prep times) to ensure that all items complete at the new TDT.

    7 - Include Theme In The Device Name

    Select this option to have the KDS show the current Kitchen Theme after the name of the device on the KDS status bar.

    8 - Enable load balancing

    Select this option to turn on KDS load balancing for the KDS Controller.

    Load balancing distributes new orders to KDS Prep Stations based on which station has the least number of items. KDS Prep Stations are assigned to distribution groups and orders route to the KDS Prep Station with the fewest un-bumped menu items within a distribution group.

    9 - Enable Backup Controller Automatic Takeover

    If the KDS Controller has a backup service host, select this option to allow the backup KDS Controller to take over automatically when the primary controller is down.

    10 - Start Hides Other Preps

    Select this option to have orders disappear from all other KDS Prep Stations when a kitchen staff member marks an order chit as started using Order Start or Order Start First on one KDS Prep Station.

    Database Update Frequency

    Enter the number of seconds you want the KDS Controller to wait to retrieve the latest updates from the database.

    Wait for Prep Suborder

    If the property is using dining courses, enter the number of seconds that you want the KDS to wait for Prep Suborders before displaying an expo order as All Prep Done.

    Oracle recommends entering a value of 1 or 2. The value 0 (zero) does not work with KDS Prep Times.

    Media Viewer URL

    Enter the URL of the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) website where you defined the Media Viewer (for example, MyPC:8080).

    Expo Recall Action

    Select the location for orders to appear when they are recalled from an Expo or SOS display:
    • 0 - All: Returns the order to all displays that handled the original order. This is the default selection.

    • 1 - Recall Expo Only: Returns the order only to the Expo Display.

    • 2 - Not Marked as Done: Returns the order to any Prep Station that did not mark the order as done before it was marked done at the Expo Display.

    Number of Zones

    Select the number of kitchen zones to use for collecting food orders.

    You can define up to 26 zones. The default value is 0, indicating that zones are not used.

    Production Count Increment Type

    Select when to add ordered items to the production counter:
    • To increase the production counter as soon as workstation operators end the current round of a check, select 1 - Sent from POS.

    • To increase the production counter when workstation operators send checks to the KDS, select 2 - Sent (Fired) from EXPO. Oracle recommends using this option in a non-DOM environment.

    Production Count Decrement Type

    Select when to decrease the count of items from the production counter:
    • If menu items appear on two or more prep stations and you want the application to decrease the count when any prep station bumps the item, select First Prep Done.

    • To decrease the count when all prep stations bump the item, select All Prep Done. When using this option, you must set all order devices to DOM when the revenue center is in DOM and all order devices to non-DOM when the revenue center is in non-DOM.

    • To decrease the count when the Expo station bumps the order, select Expo Done.

    Time (sec)

    Enter the number of seconds to elapse before automatically bumping all closed orders after reaching the Check Count.

    Check Count

    Enter the number of checks that are allowed to appear on the KDS before automatically bumping.

  5. Click the Service Host tab.
  6. Click the Select link adjacent to the Service Host field, select a service host from the list, and then click OK.
  7. (Optional) Click the Backup Service Host tab, and then configure a backup KDS Controller. Configuring a Backup KDS Controller contains more information about configuring a backup KDS Controller.
  8. (Optional) Click the Item Status Colors tab, and then select the colors in which you want items to appear on KDS Expo Displays when the status of items change. The following table describes the Item Status Color fields.

    Table 39-2 Item Status Colors Fields

    Field Description

    Status Sent Color

    Select the color in which items appear when workstation operators send orders to the KDS.

    Status Fired Color

    Select the color in which items appear when they fire to the Prep Display.

    Status Bumped Color

    Select the color in which items appear when they are bumped from the Prep Display.

    Status Started Color

    Select the color in which items appear when they are Prep started.

    This feature only functions with KDS Prep stations, in non-DOM Mode, and with Item Started Timings deactivated.

    Item Select Color

    Select the color in which items show when kitchen staff selects an item on the order.

    Item Mark Color

    Select the color in which items appear when kitchen staff places items on hold.

    Item Recall Color

    Select the color in which items appear when kitchen staff recalls an order.

    Item Recallable Color

    Select the color in which recallable items appear.

  9. (Optional) Click the Layout Colors Override tab, and then click Custom Color adjacent to the relevant field to select the colors for orders and the KDS screen layout. The following table describes the Layout Colors Override fields.

    Table 39-3 Layout Colors Override Fields

    Field Description

    Alert 1

    Select the background color for the order when it exceeds the first alert time.

    Alert 2

    Select the background color for the order when it exceeds the second alert time.


    Select the background panel color for the KDS Display. The default color is black.

    When an order is All Prep Done, the border of the order appears in the same color as the panel background.

    Order Selection

    Select in which color the border (highlight) of an order appears when an item is selected. The default color is green.

    Order Background

    Select the background color for orders chits. The default color is white.

    Void Item

    Select in which color voided items appear. The default color is red.

    Dynamic Order Mode Highlight Scheme colors assigned in the Order Devices module overrides this option.

    Course 1 Item

    Select in which color Course 1 items appear. The default color is blue.

    The KDS highlight scheme assigned for a menu item class overrides this option.

  10. Click Save.
  11. Select the property, click Setup, and then click RVC Configuration.
  12. Double-click the revenue center for which you want to assign the KDS Controller.
  13. On the General tab, select the KDS Controller from the drop-down list.
  14. Click Save.