Entering LSMS and Third-Party Application Commands

This appendix describes LSMS and certain third-party application commands used to manage the LSMS. Third-party commands identify their software source. All other commands in this appendix are LSMS commands.

All commands in this appendix are case-sensitive and are entered at the command-line prompt. After entering a command, you must press the Enter key. When the command has executed, you can enter another command.


This appendix uses the following syntax notational conventions for commands entered at the command-line prompt:

Command Example

The following is an example of an LSMS command entry:

$ $LSMS_DIR/resync_db_setup create

The environment variable is $LSMS_DIR, the directory containing the LSMS software. It is followed by the keyword resync_db_setup (command for creating or removing the resynchronization database). A single parameter is given for this command, create (indicates the resynchronization database is to be created). This command has no options.