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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance Security Guide, Release OS8.7.0

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Updated: July 2017

Administrative User Roles

You can grant administrators privileges by assigning custom roles to them. A role is a collection of privileges that you can assign to an administrator. You may want to create various administrator and operator roles, with different authorization levels. Staff members should be assigned any role that is suitable for their needs, without assigning unnecessary privileges.

The use of roles is more secure than the use of shared full-access administrator passwords, such as giving everyone the root password. Roles restrict users to defined sets of authorizations. In addition, user roles are traceable to individual usernames in the audit logs. By default, a role called "Basic administration" exists, which contains a minimum of authorizations.

Administrative users can be:

  • Local Users – Where all account information is saved on the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance.

  • Directory Users – Where existing NIS or LDAP accounts are used and supplemental authorization settings are saved on the appliance. Access to the appliance must be explicitly granted to existing NIS/LDAP users, who can then log in to and administer the appliance. Access cannot be granted by default.