Deposit Details

Using this option, the user can view the complete details of term deposit. Term deposit products also support features like Top-up term deposit and/ or Redeem term deposit. The user can thus, Open TDTerm Deposit is a deposit accepted by bank, for a fixed term, from customers. A term deposit is a liability of a bank with fixed maturity period. / Modify Maturity Instructions / Top-up an existing term deposit / Redeem a term deposit / Request Statement / Top Inquiry / Redemption Inquiry.

The key details shown as part of term deposit details are;

You are here How to reach here:

Overview > Term Deposit Summary > Deposit Number > Deposit Details

To view the term deposit account activity:

Transactions -Search Criteria

You can also initiate following actions using Quick Linkssection:


ClosedCan I modify the term deposit details?

Yes, you can modify the maturity instruction and also top up your term deposit from the deposit details screen.

ClosedIs Term Deposit transferable?

No, Term Deposit is non- transferable.
