The checking accounts application allows you to apply for a checkings account. Account opening application goes through a particular cycle. Following are the steps involved in the account opening application:

You are here How to reach here:

Dashboard > Checking Accounts

Anonymous Single Applicant

To apply for a checking account:

  1. The state of residence screen appears. From the list, select the state of residence.
    Click Cancel to abort the savings account application process.
  1. Click Select. The US Retail Checking Group screen appears.
  2. Click Proceed. The Checking Offers screen appear.
  1. Click Apply.. The checking offer screen appears with details such as, steps to open the account, things needed to open an account, etc.
  1. Click Continue to apply for account as an anonymous user. The Help Us Understand your Requirement screen appears.
    Click Log-in to apply for account with already created user ID.
    Click Cancel to abort the account application process.
  1. From the Select Currency list select the currency.
  2. Click Continue.
  3. Select Individual option and click Continue. The Primary Information, Proof Of Identity, Contact Information, Employment, Features and Specifications, and Fund Your Account section appears.
  1. Click individual section to enter the details. For more information click here.
  2. Once all the mandatory sections are updated, click Review & Submit to submit the application.
    If you click Save for Later , the Save and Complete Later screen appears.
    If you click Cancel . The reason for cancellation screen appears.
  1. Click the appropriate check box to select the reason for cancellation.
  2. Click Cancel and Exit to cancel the account application process.
    Click Return to Application to navigate to the account application.
  1. The review screens appears with disclosures and consent section.
  1. Select the appropriate check box to agree with the terms and conditions of the US regulation like, E-Sign disclosure, TIN certification and backup witholding agreement, and deposit account agreement.
  1. Click Submit to apply for the account. The account successful application screen appears.
    If you click Save for Later , the Save and Complete Later screen appears.

Note: While applying for the checkings account, you can save and retrieve the application form at a later date. If you are a prospect customer, and wish to save the application for the first time you need to register for online banking services so as to access the application through application tracker at a later date.

  1. Click Register. The Registration screen appears.
    Click Go To Homepage to navigate to the home screen.
  1. Click Register. The registration successful message appears.
  2. Click Track Application. For more information on application tracker click here.


ClosedCan I save my application to fill in at later stage?

Yes. You can save the application and retrieve at later date.

ClosedWhat are the various funding options for a prospect and an existing customer?

A prospect/new customer have different funding options compared to an existing customer. A prospect customer can either use debit or credit card to fund the account. While an existing customer can either use the savings or checking account held with the same bank or external linked savings or checking accounts in addition to debit or credit cards to fund the account.
