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Release 12.0.1

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14 Configuring Settings

14.1 Configuring UMT Settings

The Configuration settings page lets you configure UMT settings such as trial configuration, site configuration, and user configuration.

14.1.1 Configuring Default Trials, Sites, and User Settings

The Trial Configurations, Site Configurations, and User Configurations sections let you configure settings. New sites and InForm users created under a selected trial reflect these settings.

To configure default trial, site, and user settings:

  1. Select Configuration from the menu bar. The Configuration settings page is displayed.

  2. Select the current sponsor company and trial from the Current Sponsor Company and Trial drop-down lists.

  3. Enter the settings in the Trial Configurations, Site Configurations, and User Configurations sections.

    For more information on how to configure the default trial, site, and user settings, see Section A.17.

  4. Enter the reason for modifying the settings in the Comments text box and click Submit.

  5. To discard the changes, click Return.

14.1.2 Exporting UMT Configuration Settings

The Export to Excel and Export to File links available on the Configuration settings page lets you export UMT configuration settings. You can export the settings to an Excel spreadsheet or to a flat file.

To export UMT configuration settings:

  1. Select Configuration from the menu bar. The Configuration settings page is displayed.

  2. Select the current sponsor company and trial from the Current Sponsor Company and Trial drop-down lists.

  3. Click the Export to Excel or Export to File link.

  4. On the dialog box that appears, click Open to open the file or click Save to save the file.

14.2 Configuring InForm Settings

The Configuration settings page lets you configure InForm settings such as editable system configuration and general settings.

14.2.1 Configuring Editable System Configuration Options for Trials on Trial Level

The Editable System Config Options section lets you configure editable system configuration options for a selected trial.

To configure editable system configuration options for trials:

  1. Select Configuration from the menu bar. The Configuration settings page is displayed.

  2. Select the current sponsor company and trial from the Current Sponsor Company and Trial drop-down lists.

  3. Enter the settings required.

    For more details on how to configure the editable system configuration options for a trial, see Section A.17

  4. Enter the reason for modifying the settings in the Comments text box and click Submit.

  5. To discard the changes, click Return.

14.2.2 Configuring Editable System Configuration Options for New and Existing Trials on Sponsor Company Level

You can also configure the editable system configuration options for a new trial and update the settings for all existing trials under the selected sponsor company in the Editable System Config Options section.

To configure editable system configuration options for new and existing trials:

  1. Select Configuration from the menu bar. The Configuration settings page is displayed.

  2. Select the current sponsor company from the Current Sponsor Company drop-down list and All from the Trial drop-down list.

  3. Enter the settings in the Editable System Configuration Options section.

    For more details on how to configure the editable system configuration options for new trials, see Section A.17.

  4. Select the check boxes corresponding to the setting items under Editable System Config Options section. This updates all existing trials and sets the default value for new trials to be created under the selected sponsor company.

  5. Enter the reason for modifying the settings in the Comments text box and click Submit.

  6. To discard the changes, click Return.

14.2.3 Configuring General Settings

Only PF users can modify the general settings available in the Settings section of the Configuration settings page. You can update the settings for existing trials and also set the default settings for new trials.

To configure general settings:

  1. Select Configuration from the menu bar. The Configuration settings page is displayed.

  2. Select the current sponsor company from the Current Sponsor Company drop-down list and All from the Trial drop-down list.

  3. Enter the settings.

    For more details on how to configure the general settings, see Section A.17.

  4. Select the check boxes corresponding to the settings item to update the settings for all existing trials and set the default settings for new trials.

  5. Enter the reason for modifying the settings in the Comments text box and click Submit.

  6. To discard the changes, click Return.

14.2.4 Exporting InForm Configuration Settings

The Export to Excel and Export to File links available on the Configuration settings page lets you export configuration settings. You can export the settings to an Excel spreadsheet or to a flat file.

To export UMT configuration settings:

  1. Select Configuration from the menu bar. The Configuration settings page is displayed.

  2. Select the current sponsor company and trial from the Current Sponsor Company and Trial drop-down lists.

  3. Click the Export to Excel or Export to File link.

  4. On the dialog box that appears, click Open to open the file or click Save to save the file.

14.3 Configuring Custom Review State

The Custom Review settings page lets you configure custom review states and custom review stages for InForm 5.5 trials only.

To add a review state and a review stage:

  1. Select Configurations from the menu bar. The Configuration settings page is displayed.

  2. Click the Custom Review State Config link. The Custom Review settings page is displayed.

  3. Select the current sponsor company and trial from the Current Sponsor Company and Trial drop-down lists.


    You should select an InForm 5.5 trial.
  4. Enter the settings.

    For more details on Custom Review State configuration settings, see Section A.69.

  5. Enter the comments for modifying the configurations in the Comments text box.

  6. Click Submit to save the changes.

  7. Click Remove Review Stage to delete the custom review stages.

14.4 Configuring Assessment

The Assessment Configuration Settings page lets you configure the assessment settings at sponsor level and trial level.

To configure the assessment settings:

  1. Select Configurations from the menu bar. The Configuration settings page is displayed.

  2. Click the Assessment Config link. The Assessment Configuration Settings page is displayed.

  3. Select the sponsor company and trial from the Current Sponsor Company and Trial drop-down lists.

    For more details on Assessment Configuration Settings, see Section A.50.

  4. Enter the comments for modifying the configurations in the Comments text box.

  5. Click Submit to save the changes. To discard the changes, click Return.

14.5 Configuring Assessment Benchmark

The Assessment Benchmark Settings page lets you configure the benchmark settings for assessment.

To configure the assessment benchmark:

  1. Select Configuration from the menu bar. The Configuration Settings page is displayed.

  2. Click the Assessment Benchmark link. The Assessment Benchmark Settings page is displayed.

  3. Select the sponsor company and trial from the Current Sponsor Company and Trial drop-down lists.


    You can configure the benchmark settings for assessment on sponsor company level by not selecting a trial.

    For more details on Assessment Benchmark Settings, see Section A.51.

  4. Enter the comments for modifying the configurations in the Comments text box.

  5. Click Submit to save the changes. To discard the changes, click Return.

14.6 UMT Settings

14.6.1 Configuring UMT Settings

The UMT Settings page lets you view and configure the password and login settings, worklist schedule and staging schedule settings. The password assigned to the UMT users during creation is based on the settings configured on the UMT Settings page.

To configure UMT settings:

  1. Select UMT Settings from the menu bar. The UMT Settings page appears.

  2. Modify the UMT configuration settings.

    For more information on how to configure the UMT settings, see Section A.18.

  3. Enter the reason for modification in the Reason for change text box and click Submit to save the changes.

  4. To discard the changes, click Return.

14.6.2 Managing ISD Codes and Time Zones for Countries

The List of Countries page lets you manage ISD codes and time zones for countries. You can view list of countries and corresponding ISD codes.

To view list of countries:

  1. Select UMT Settings from the menu bar. The UMT Settings page is displayed.

  2. Click the Manage Countries List link. The List of Countries page is displayed that displays the list of countries and the corresponding ISD codes.

  3. To filter the countries, enter the country name in the Country Name text box and click Find.

    While specifying the filter criteria, you can use the full name or use the first few letters of the name.

    You can use the Quick Search feature to search for sites and users and directly access the required page. For more details on the Quick Search feature, see Section 2.5.


To navigate through the country list, click the First, Previous, Next, or Last links.

To view a particular page, select the page from the drop-down list.

To view all the countries on a single page, select All from the drop-down list.

To view the country details, click the country name link.

To view the UMT Settings page, click Cancel.

14.6.3 Viewing and Modifying Country Details

The Country Details page lets you view and modify the country details and the Time Zone Association.

To view and modify the country details:

  1. Select UMT Settings from the menu bar. The UMT Settings page is displayed.

  2. Click the Manage Countries List link. The List of Countries page is displayed.

  3. Click the country name link. The Country Details page is displayed, which shows the selected country details.

  4. Modify the country details.

    For more details on how to modify the country details, see Section A.19.

  5. Enter the reason for modifying the sponsor details in the Reason for change text box and click Submit.

  6. To discard the changes, click Return.