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Oracle® User Management Tool User's Guide
Release 12.0.1

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2 Getting Started

This section helps you use the Oracle User Management Tool (UMT) application. It gives you a description of the interface and its various elements. It contains the following sections:

2.1 Getting a New Password

If you forget your login password, click the Forgot Your Password? link on the UMT login page to get your new password.

To get a new password:

  1. On the login page, click the Forgot Your Password? link. The Forgot Your Password? page is displayed.

  2. Enter your user name in the Please Enter Your Username field and click Submit.

  3. You are prompted to enter the answer for your hint question. Enter the answer for the question and click Send New Password.

    Your new password is sent to the email address, specified during user creation and in the UMT settings.

  4. To view the login page, click Return.

2.2 Changing the Login Password

Every user is assigned a unique password. This password expires or becomes invalid after the password expiration period or if you exceed the maximum login attempts (specified in the UMT settings). If the password has expired, the system prompts you to change the password. Oracle recommends that you periodically change your password.


Contact the UMT system administrator for details on the current setting for maximum number of login attempts.

To change the login password:

  1. Click the CHANGE PASSWORD link on the top-right corner of the page. The Change Your Password page is displayed.

  2. Enter your new password and password hint.

    When you change your password, the new password is validated based on the settings selected in the UMT Settings page.

  3. Click Submit to submit the changes. To discard the changes, click Return.

2.3 Accessing Support Help Desk

The Oracle UMT home page has links that let you access the support link and e-mail the customer support team.

To access the Oracle UMT support help desk:

  1. On the Oracle UMT login page, click the in the Help Desk Information section. The Support Overview page is displayed. The page has links that have various support information.

  2. Click the Help Desk E-mail link in the Help Desk Information section to send an email to the customer support team.

2.4 User Management Tool Interface

This section introduces you to the different elements on the UMT interface. It also explains how you can use these elements to navigate and perform tasks.

2.4.1 Navigation Elements

The main navigation elements in the UMT application are menus, links, and buttons, which in turn display pages where you can define or modify existing details. The following figure illustrates the navigation elements:

Figure 2-1 Navigation Elements

Description of Figure 2-1 follows
Description of "Figure 2-1 Navigation Elements"

Viewing Data on List Pages

Sorting: When viewing records on list pages, click the required column header to sort the list in alphanumeric order.

Filters: The filter criteria at the top of a list page lets you filter the list based on the criteria you select. Menu

UMT is a web-based application that consists of a menu with several submenus. Each menu opens a page enabling you to perform various tasks.


The menu items displayed on the menu vary depending upon your access rights. Page

Each menu item takes you to a new page. Each of these pages may contain icons, buttons, and links that may open other pages or perform tasks such as delete or save. Buttons

Buttons let you access a new page where you can define, change, or view details. Links

Most of the pages in this application contain links. Links are used for various purposes. On clicking a link, the view or edit page is displayed. For example, on clicking the Trial Name link on the List of Trials page, the Trial Details page is displayed. Icons

An icon is a small graphic symbol that represents an action. When clicked, the action associated with the icon is executed. For example, on clicking the user role association icon icon, the corresponding user-role association is displayed.

2.4.2 Entry Fields Text Boxes

Text boxes let you enter or type information specific to a field. Depending on the kind of information that is required, these fields let you enter either alphabetical or numeric values. For example, entering a name in the First Name text box. In specific cases, alphanumeric values may be required. Drop-down Lists

Drop-down lists let you select a value from the list that is displayed on clicking the drop-down arrow beside it. Most of the drop-down lists display all the items defined in the system for that particular field.

The options available in the drop-down list may vary depending upon your access rights. Check Boxes

Check boxes let you select more than one option. Click a blank check box to select it. Click a selected check box to clear or deselect it. Click the top select box in the select box column to select all records. Radio or Option Buttons

Option buttons usually, though not always, appear in pairs and give you an either-or option. One of the options is always selected by default. Selecting one of the other option buttons deselects the default option. List Boxes

List boxes usually appear in pairs. The left list box contains a list of all available items. You can select individual items from it and click the >> and > buttons provided between the two list boxes. The items move to the right list box. To remove an item or all items from the selected list, select the item and click the < or << button. Date Boxes

Date boxes are basically text boxes provided with the date picker beside it. Clicking this icon opens up a calendar, letting you select a date.

2.5 Performing a Quick Search

The Quick Search feature is available on the List of Countries page (located in the right corner).

Using this feature, you can search for sites and users, and directly access the required page.

For details on the List of Countries page, see Section 14.6.2.

To perform quick search:

  1. In the Quick Search section, select the search item (such as sites or users) from the Find drop-down list.

  2. Enter the search keyword in the with name as text box and click Submit. Based on your search criteria, the corresponding page is displayed.

2.6 Saving Details

The Submit button lets you save the changes made to the current page. You are prompted to save the changes made on a page if you are navigating to another page without saving the changes on the current page.

Oracle recommends you not to use the Back button of the browser. The pages are not displayed most of the time or you may lose the changes you have made. To navigate, use the menu or the Return button of the application.

Using any of the browser buttons such as, Refresh takes you to the home page of the application.

2.7 Viewing Audit Trails

Any changes made to a field item are captured and the reasons for change are tracked and audited. You can view the changes made to a particular field by viewing its corresponding audit trail.

To view audit trails:

  1. Click the icon corresponding to a field item. On the Audit Trail page that appears, the audit details for corresponding field item are displayed.

  2. To view the previous screen, click Return.

2.8 Logging out of the Application

You can log out of the application any time.

Oracle recommends you not to close your browser window to close the application without logging off from the UMT system. The connection with the server is disconnected properly only when you log out of the application.

To log out of the application:


The UMT system automatically logs you off when your session is inactive. You need to re-login to continue working.