Disabling Tunnel Adapters

  1. In the command prompt, enter ipconfig /all and check for Tunnel adapter Tunneling Interface Name. The following screenshot shows an example containing the Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface.

    Figure 13-1 Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface in Command Prompt

    This screenshot provides an example of the ipconfig command showing a Teredo tunnel adapter.
  2. If you find a tunnel adapter with an assigned IP address:
    1. Identify the adapter name from the Description, typically either Teredo or Isatap.
    2. Enter the following command in the command shell to disable to the adapter:

      netsh interface adapter name set state disabled

      In this example, the adapter name is teredo.

  3. Enter ipconfig and verify that the tunnel adapter no longer appears.
  4. Restart the application server.