Oracle CRM On Demand CTI Developer's Guide > CTI Integration APIs > CTI Activity Web Service >

CTIActivityWrapUp Output Parameters

The output parameters for the CTIActivityWrapUp method are shown in Table 7.

The Status parameter is always returned, and indicates whether the activity wrap-up was successful.

Table 7. CTIActivityWrapUp Method Output Parameters
Parameter Name



The same as for the AgentOfferTime input argument.



Part of the primary key of the activity, together with AgentOfferTime.



The status of the activity. This can have the following values:

  • OK.The request was processed successfully.
  • Activity has already been wrapped up. The activity has already been wrapped up before the request.
  • Activity not found. Self explanatory.
  • Multiple activites found. Self explanatory.
  • Error. There is an error.

These values are always returned in English, regardless of the user's locale. If there was an exception, an error message (see Table 8) is returned, and this may be translated.

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