Changes to the following ACLI parameters will have the noted consequences when dynamically reconfigured:

  • cfg-max-trans—Changing this value could cause the activation time to lengthen slightly
  • init-time, becoming-standby-time, and becoming-active-time—Changes take place only if the system is not transitioning between these states; otherwise the system waits until the transition is complete to make changes
  • percent-drift and advertisement-time—Changes are communicated between nodes in the HA pair as part of regular health advertisements

In addition, the following parameters are not part of the RTC enhancement, for the reason specified in the right-hand column.

Parameter Impact
state Disrupts service
port Disrupts service; leaves systems in an HA node without a means of communicating with each other
cfg-port Disrupts service; leaves systems in an HA node without a means of communicating with each other
cfg-max-trans Disrupts service
cfg-sync-start-time Disrupts configuration replication
cfg-sync-comp-time Disrupts configuration replication