Translation Rules

Set the following parameters to configure a translation rule:

  1. ID—Set a descriptive ID name for this translation rule.
  2. type—Set the type of translation rule you want to configure. The default value is none. The valid values are:
    • add—Adds a character or string of characters to the address

    • delete—Deletes a character or string of characters from the address

    • replace—Replaces a character or string of characters within the address

    • none—Translation rule is disabled

  3. add-string—Enter the string to be added during address translation to the original address. The value in this field should always be a real value; i.e., this field should not be populated with at-signs (@) or dollar-signs ($). The default value is a blank string.
  4. add-index—Enter the position, 0 being the left most position, where you want to add the string defined in the add-string parameter. The default value is zero (0). The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0

    • Maximum—999999999

  5. delete-string—Enter the string to be deleted from the original address during address translation. Unspecified characters are denoted by the at-sign symbol (@).

    The @ character only works if the type parameter is set to delete. This parameter supports wildcard characters or digits only. For example, valid entries are: delete-string=@@@@@, or delete-string=123456. An invalid entry is delete-string=123@@@. When the type is set to replace, this value is used in conjunction with the add-string value. The value specified in the delete-string field is deleted and the value specified in the add-string field is inserted. If no value is specified in the delete-string parameter and the type field is set to replace, then nothing will be inserted into the address. The default value is a blank string.

  6. delete-index—Enter the position, 0 being the left most spot, where you want to delete the string defined in the delete-string parameter. This parameter is only used if the delete-string parameter is set to one or more at-signs. The default value is zero (0). The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0

    • Maximum—999999999