Update the Stage 3 Boot Loader and System Image

Whenever you upgrade the software image, upload the stage 3 boot loader image file and reboot the system with the new system software image. The stage 3 boot loader is backward compatible as well, so you can still boot into older software images with a newer stage 3 boot loader.

To ensure compatibility, copy the stage 3 boot loader to /boot/bootloader before you update the boot parameters to use the new software image file. The boot loader file must be renamed to /boot/bootloader on the target system with no file extension. When upgrading an HA pair, you must perform the upgrade procedure on each HA node.


  1. Obtain the stage 3 boot loader image file (*.boot).
  2. Upload the stage 3 boot loader image file (*.boot) as /boot/bootloader to your system using an SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) client.
  3. Upload the new system software image (*.bz) to /boot/.
[Downloads]$ ls -la
total 148820
drwxr-xr-x  2 bob src     4096 Jun 17 15:16 .
drwxr-xr-x 28 bob src     4096 May 21 14:17 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 bob src 10164527 Jun 17 15:15 nnSCZ720.64.boot
-rw-r--r--  1 bob src 73849839 Jun 17 15:15 nnSCZ720.64.bz
[Downloads]$ sftp user@
user@'s password:
Connected to
sftp> cd /boot
sftp> put nnSCZ720.64.boot
Uploading nnSCZ720.64.boot to /boot/nnSCZ720.64.boot
nnSCZ720.64.boot                              100% 9926KB   9.7MB/s   00:01
sftp> rename nnSCZ720.64.boot bootloader
sftp> put nnSCZ720.64.bz
Uploading nnSCZ720.64.bz to /boot/nnSCZ720.64.bz
nnSCZ720.64.bz                                100%   70MB  14.1MB/s   00:05
sftp> bye
Received disconnect from 11: Logged out.

Next Steps

Set the boot parameters to boot the new system software image, and reboot the system.