Rear Interfaces

You can use port 1 (wancom1) or port 2 (wancom2) as interfaces to support HA. Do not use port 0 (wancom 0) as that port is reserved for carrying management traffic.

Make sure that the physical connections you have made on the rear panel of your Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controllers correspond to the configurations you enter for phy-interfaces. You can connect Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controllers through multiple rear interfaces. For multiple rear interface connectivity, cable both port 1 and port 2 (wancom1 and wancom2) on one Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to port1 and port 2 on the other Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller in the HA node.

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller’s HA function depends heavily on health scores to determine the active and standby roles in an HA node. You can set the amount that will be subtracted from a Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller’s health score in the event that a management interface fails for any reason. For example, a connection might become invalid or a cable might be removed inadvertently.

The following example shows how a configured phy-interface will appear in the ACLI for an HA node:

        name                           wancom1
        operation-type                 Control
        port                           1
        slot                           0
        wancom-health-score            20

To establish rear interfaces for use in an HA node using the ACLI:

  1. Access the phy-interface menu.
  2. name—Set a name for the interface using any combination of characters entered without spaces. For example: wancom1.
  3. operation-type—Set this parameter to Control.
  4. slot—Set this parameter to 0.
  5. port—Set this parameter to 1 or 2.
  6. wancom-health-score—Enter the number value between 0 and 100. This value will be subtracted from the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller’s health score in the event that a rear interface link fails. We recommend that you change this value from its default (50), and set it to 20.

    This value you set here is compared to the active and emergency health score thresholds you establish in the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller HA node (redundancy) configuration.

  7. For multiple rear interface support, configure the remaining, unused rear interfaces with the appropriate values.

    The following example shows configuration for multiple rear interface support.

    ORACLE(system)# phy-interface
    ORACLE(phy-interface)# name wancom1
    ORACLE(phy-interface)# operation-type control
    ORACLE(phy-interface)# port 1
    ORACLE(phy-interface)# wancom-health-score 20
    ORACLE(phy-interface)# done
    ORACLE(phy-interface)# name wancom2
    ORACLE(phy-interface)# operation-type control
    ORACLE(phy-interface)# port 2
    ORACLE(phy-interface)# wancom-health-score 20
    ORACLE(phy-interface)# done