Notes on Deleting System ACLs

If you delete a system ACL from your configuration, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller checks whether or not there are any active FTP or Telnet client was granted access when the entry was being removed. If such a client were active during ACL removal, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller would warn you about the condition and ask you to confirm the deletion. If you confirm the deletion, then the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller’s session with the active client is suspended.

The following example shows you how the warning message and confirmation appear. For this example, and ACLI has been deleted, and the user is activating the configuration that reflects the change.

ORACLE # activate-config
Object deleted will cause service disruption:
 system-access-list: identifier=
 ** WARNING: Removal of this system-ACL entry will result
             in the lockout of a current FTP client
Changes could affect service, continue (y/n) y
Activate-Config received, processing.