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Oracle® Retail Omnichannel Cloud Data Service Installation Guide
Release 16.0.030
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6 OCDS (RIB) Injector

This chapter describes the procedure to install and deploy the OCDS (RIB) Injector application on a WebLogic domain.


The target WebLogic Admin Server and Managed Server should be running.

The JAVA_HOME environment variable must be set.


Perform the following procedure to install the OCDS (RIB) Injector Application:

  1. Configure the conf/bdi-job-admin-deployment-env-info.json file with the database and WebLogic domain details. This file is used by the deployment script.

    1. Edit the Datasource definitions for InjectorDataSource.

      • jdbcUrl: This is the jdbc URL needed to connect to the OCDS Transactional schema. The OCDS Transactional (ocds_txn) schema was created during the prerequisite step: OCDS Database: Database Creation.

        Figure 6-1 jdbc URL

        jdbc URL
    2. Edit the Middleware Server definitions for InjectorAppServer.

      • webLogicDomainName: WebLogic domain name.

      • webLogicDomainHome: WebLogic domain home directory.

      • webLogicDomainAdminServerUrl: Server URL information.

      • webLogicDomainAdminServerHost: Server host.

      • webLogicDomainAdminServerPort: Admin Server port.

      • webLogicDomainTargetManagedServerName: Managed Server name.

        Figure 6-2 Middleware Server Definitions

        Middleware Server Definitions

Injector Installation

Perform the following procedures to install and deploy the Injector application.

  1. Change to the ocds-injector-deployment/bin folder and execute the version of injector-deployer script for the o/s using the switches:

    -setup-credentials -deploy-injector-app

    On Linux:

    ./injector-deployer.sh -setup-credentials -deploy-injector-app

    On Windows:

    injector-deployer.cmd -setup-credentials -deploy-injector-app

    1. There will be one prompt for WebLogic user credentials:

      • Enter username for alias (OcdsAppServerAdminServerUserAlias):

        Enter the WebLogic Admin Server credentials.

        Figure 6-3 WebLogic User Credentials

        WebLogic User Credentials
    2. There will be one prompt to create the Integration User:

      • Enter username for alias (IntegrationUserAlias):

        Enter credentials for the integration user. These credentials will enable RIB to communicate with OCDS.


        Password must not start with a number.

        Figure 6-4 Integration User

        Integration User
    3. There will be one prompt for database user credentials.

      • Enter username for alias (InjectorDataSourceUserAlias):

        Enter the credentials for the OCDS Transactional schema user. The username must be ocds_txn. The password was defined as a prerequisite in Chapter 3, "OCDS Schemas".

        Figure 6-5 Prompt Database User Credentials

        Prompt Database User Credentials

Verify Installation

If the OCDS (RIB) Injector application has been successfully deployed then you should be able to verify the application is reported with an OK health status, and invoke a SOAP Web Service call from a tool like SOAP UI.

  1. Verify the OCDS Injector Application (injector.war) is deployed and has a status of Active on the WLS Console.

  2. The injector deployment can be more thoroughly verified by using the SOAP UI (http://www.soapui.org). Out of the box, the Injector is secured with RGBU PolicyA.

    To configure SOAP UI to make SOAP requests:

    1. Add trusted SSL certificate to SOAPUI truststore. See SOAPUI preferences for location of truststore.

      Figure 6-6 SOAP UI Preferences

      SOAP UI Preferences
    2. Create a new SOAP Project.

      The WSDL location is https://<host>:<port>/ /ApplicationMessageInjectorBean/InjectorService?WSDL.

      Figure 6-7 SOAP Project

      SOAP Project
    3. Create an outgoing WS-Security Configuration (from Show Project View).

      Figure 6-8 WS-Security Configuration

      WS-Security Configuration
    4. Click the Plus sign to specify a unique name.

      Figure 6-9 Name for Configuration

      Specify Configuration Name
    5. Click the Plus sign in lower section to add user name WSS Entry.

      Figure 6-10 Add User Name to WSS Entry

      Add User Name to WSS prompt.
    6. Enter the Integration user's username and password for the integration user and set the Password Type to PasswordText. (The user was defined when deploying the Injector.)

      Figure 6-11 Set Password Type

      Set Password Type
    7. Click the Plus sign in the lower section to create a timestamp WSS entry.

      Figure 6-12 Create Timestamp WSS Entry

      Create Timestamp WSS Entry
    8. Set the time to live to a large enough number to account for any network latency.

      Figure 6-13 Set Time to Live Entry

      Set Time to Live Entry field
    9. The Inject Service has two operations. For each Operations' Request.

      • Add a New Authorization: Basic

        Figure 6-14 Add New Authorization

        Add New Authorization
      • Select the name you used for the Outgoing WSS.

        Figure 6-15 Outgoing WSS

        Outgoing WSS
    10. On the WS-A tab make sure Enable WS-A addressing is not selected.

      Figure 6-16 WS-A Tab

      WS-A Tab
    11. Create a valid request and send it. The request is now using policy A.

      Figure 6-17 Create Valid Request

      Create Valid Request