3.5 Using a Third-Party Package on the Client

In Oracle R Enterprise, if you want to use functions from an open source R package from The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) or other third-party R package, then you would generally do so in the context of embedded R execution. Using embedded R execution, you can take advantage of the likely greater amount of RAM on the database server.

However, if you want to use a third-party package function in your local R session on data from an Oracle database table, you must use the ore.pull function to get the data from an ore.frame object to your local session as a data.frame object. This is the same as using open source R except that you can extract the data from the database without needing the help of a DBA.

When pulling data from a database table to a local data.frame, you are limited to using the amount of data that can fit into the memory of your local machine. On your local machine, you do not have the benefits provided by embedded R execution.

To use a third-party package, you must install it on your system and load it in your R session.

Example 3-78 Downloading, Installing, and Loading a Third-Party Package on the Client

This example demonstrates downloading, installing, and loading the CRAN package kernlab. The kernlab package contains kernel-based machine learning methods. The example invokes the install.packages function to download and install the package. It then invokes the library function to load the package.

Listing for Example 3-78
R> install.packages("kernlab")
trying URL 'http://cran.rstudio.com/bin/windows/contrib/3.0/kernlab_0.9-19.zip'
Content type 'application/zip' length 2029405 bytes (1.9 Mb)
opened URL
downloaded 1.9 Mb
package 'kernlab' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
The downloaded binary packages are in
R> library("kernlab")

Example 3-79 Using a kernlab Package Function

This example invokes the demo function to look for example programs in the kernlab package. Because the package does not have examples, this example then gets help for the ksvm function. The example invokes example code from the help.

demo(package = "kernlab")
help(package = "kernlab", ksvm)
index <- sample(1:dim(spam)[1])
spamtrain <- spam[index[1:floor(dim(spam)[1]/2)], ]
spamtest <- spam[index[((ceiling(dim(spam)[1]/2)) + 1):dim(spam)[1]], ]
filter <- ksvm(type~.,data=spamtrain,kernel="rbfdot",
+              kpar=list(sigma=0.05),C=5,cross=3)
Listing for Example 3-79
> demo(package = "kernlab")
no demos found
> help(package = "kernlab", ksvm)    # Output not shown.
> data(spam)
> index <- sample(1:dim(spam)[1])
> spamtrain <- spam[index[1:floor(dim(spam)[1]/2)], ]
> spamtest <- spam[index[((ceiling(dim(spam)[1]/2)) + 1):dim(spam)[1]], ]
> filter <- ksvm(type~.,data=spamtrain,kernel="rbfdot",
+                kpar=list(sigma=0.05),C=5,cross=3)
> filter
Support Vector Machine object of class "ksvm" 
SV type: C-svc  (classification) 
 parameter : cost C = 5 
Gaussian Radial Basis kernel function. 
 Hyperparameter : sigma =  0.05 
Number of Support Vectors : 970 
Objective Function Value : -1058.218 
Training error : 0.018261 
Cross validation error : 0.08696 
> mailtype <- predict(filter,spamtest[,-58])
> table(mailtype,spamtest[,58])
mailtype  nonspam spam
  nonspam    1347  136
  spam         45  772