Inactive Cards Details

All cards that have been cancelled, blocked or deactivated are displayed on the Inactive Cards page. Customers should be able to track all cards that are inactive so as to identify if any action needs to be taken regarding the status of these cards. Through the Inactive Cards feature of the application, customers can view details of all their credit cards that have been cancelled, blocked or deactivated

The following actions can be taken on cards that are inactive:

Once a card has been activated, it will no longer be displayed under inactive cards and will be available on the credit cards dashboard under the section listing down all the active credit cards.

The details of cancelled cards will not be displayed. Instead, the customer can only view the summary of any cards that have been cancelled.

You are here How to reach here:

Dashboard > Credit Cards > My Credit Cards > Overview > Inactive Cards > Inactive Account Card > Inactive Card Details
Credit Cards > Overview > Inactive Cards > Inactive Account Card > Inactive Card Details

To view inactive credit card details:

Inactive Account Card

Inactive Card Details

Customers can also perform following account related transaction:

  1. To pay the credit card bill, click Pay.
