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Agile Product Lifecycle Management Product Quality Management User Guide
Release 9.3.6
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2 Working with Product Service Requests

Product Service Requests (PSRs) report quality issues. A PSR can either be a Problem Report or a Non-Conformance Report. PRs report generic quality incidents and NCRs report material deviations from specifications and other specific quality issues.

2.1 Creating PSRs

Creating Product Service Requests (PSR) depends on the quality of the incidents. They can either report a single quality incident or multiple incidents with a single PSR. It is mandatory that you have the necessary roles and privileges to create PSRs. For details on roles and privileges, see Getting Started with Agile Product Lifecycle Management.

The role of a Quality Analyst enables you to create, edit, delete, and perform all the necessary actions on PSRs.

2.1.1 Creating a Product Service Request

The Create New feature on the Home page enables you to create a PSR.

To create a PSR in Java Client:

  1. Launch Agile Java Client.

  2. On the main tool bar, click File > New > Product Service Requests > Problem Reports.

  3. In the New dialog that appears,

  4. Choose the required sub-class (NCR or Problem Report) from the Type list.

  5. In the Number field, accept the default number, enter a number, or click the Autonumber button to generate a new number.

  6. Choose a Quality Analyst from the list.

  7. Click OK.

Agile Java Client creates a PSR and displays it with the Cover Page in the edit mode.

To create a PSR in Agile Web Client:

  1. Launch Agile Web Client.

  2. On the main tool bar click the Create New menu.

  3. Select Product Service Requests> Problem Report or Non-Conformance Report from the drop-down menu. The Create New dialog appears.

  4. Select a required subclass (NCR or Problem Report) from the Type list.

  5. In the PSR Number field, accept the default number, enter a number, or click Autonumber button to generate a new number.

  6. Click Save.

The Agile Web Client creates the PSR and displays it with the Cover Page in the edit mode.


If you do not assign a workflow to the PSR, it displays the Unassigned status.

To assign a workflow to the PSR:

  1. Open a PSR and click the Edit button.

  2. Select a workflow from the Workflow list.

  3. Click Save.

The status of the saved PSR appears on the right corner of the page. For example, the status assigned can be - Pending, Submitted, Review, or Released. Creating a PSR from an Item

You can create PSRs from an Item provided you hold necessary privileges.

To create a PSR from an item in Java Client:

  1. Open an Item from which you want to create a PSR.

  2. Select Create New Product Service Requests from the Actions menu.

  3. In the New dialog:

    • Choose the desired subclass (NCR or Problem Report) from the Type list.

    • PSR Number field, accept the default number, enter a number, or click the Autonumber button to generate a new number.

    • Choose a Quality Analyst from the list.

    • Click OK. Agile Java Client creates the PSR and displays it with the Cover Page tab on top in the edit mode.

  4. Enter values in relevant fields on the Cover Page tab.

  5. Click Save to save the changes.

The Item appears on the Affected Items tab of the new PSR.

To create a PSR from an item in Web Client:

  1. Open the Item from which you want to create a PSR.

  2. On the Item page, choose Actions > Create New > Product Service Request. The Create New page appears.

  3. Choose the desired subclass, (NCR or Problem Report) from the Type list.

  4. In the PSR Number field, accept the default number, enter a number, or click Autonumber button to generate a new number.

  5. The PSR opens in the edit mode. Click Save to save the changes.

  6. The PSR displays the Cover Page. The Item appears on the Affected Items table of the PSR.

Agile Web Client creates a PSR and displays it with the Cover Page tab on top. The Item appears on the Affected Items tab of the new PSR. Creating a PSR to Aggregate Multiple PSRs

Consider the fact that you are a Quality Analyst in a firm. You notice several incoming shipments from suppliers that do not conform to the material specifications. You track down these incidents and create a single PSR to aggregate all the supplier's incidents.

The single PSR you create is the Parent PSR. All the added PSRs on the Related PSR tab are child PSRs.

Depending on enabling/disabling the ”PSR contains Items and Related PSRs” SmartRule setting, you can enable/disable the Affected Items tab after you add Related PSRs.

To create a PSR to aggregate multiple PSRs in Java Client:

  1. Open a PSR you want to use as the basis for a new PSR or choose File > Save As or right click and choose Save As to.

    See also: "Creating a PSR using Save As."

  2. The PSR opens with the Cover Page in the edit mode. On the Affected Items tab, do not add any items. On the Related PSR tab, add related PSRs.

  3. Click Add to add related PSRs.

After you add related PSRs to this Parent PSR, the Aggregate PSR Number column for each child PSR on the Related PSR tab displays the number of the parent PSR.

To create a PSR to aggregate multiple PSRs in Web Client:

  1. Open a PSR you want to use as the basis for a new PSR or choose Actions > Save As. The Save As page appears.

  2. The PSR opens with the Cover Page in the edit mode. On the Affected Items tab, do not add any items. On the Related PSR tab, add related PSRs.

  3. Click Add to add related PSRs.

    1. Enter a value and click the Search to add button to launch a search palette.

    2. Click the Create to add button to create PSRs.

After you add related PSRs to the Parent PSR, the Aggregate PSR Number column for each PSR on the Related PSR tab displays the number of the parent PSR. On the Cover Page of the child PSRs, the parent PSR number appears in Aggregate PSR Number field, automatically.'

Field Completes Indicates
PSR Event Manually Status of the Parent PSR that triggers an automated workflow event.

Select an available status from the list. You can specify the status when the PSR has a workflow assigned. When this event occurs, it means that this PSR has reached the specified status.

Only if you assign a workflow to both objects (parent and child) on the Cover Page, can you specify the PSR Event status.

PSR Result Manually The status to which you promote the related PSRs to, when it reaches the Event status.

When the Parent PSR reaches the specified status in the PSR event field, the status of the Related PSR moves to the specified result in this field.

Only if you assign a workflow to both objects (parent and child) on the Cover Page, can you specify the PSR Event status.

2.1.2 Creating a PSR using Save As

The Save As feature provides an easy method to create a PSR similar to the existing PSR. The Save As feature copies data from a field in the existing PSR to the same field of the new PSR. If a field or a list value in the existing PSR is not available in the new PSR, then the system does not copy the field or data to the new PSR.

To create a PSR using Save As in Java Client:

  1. Open a PSR you want to use as the basis for a new PSR.

  2. Choose File> Save As or right-click and select Save As. The Save As dialog appears.

  3. Select the required sub-class (NCR or Problem Report) from the Type list.

  4. In the PSR Number field, accept the default number, enter a number, or click the Autonumber button to generate a new number.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Enter values in relevant fields on the Cover Page tab.

  7. Click Save to save the changes.

Agile Java Client creates a PSR and displays it with the Cover Page in the edit mode.

To create a PSR using Save As in Web Client:

  1. Open a PSR you want to use as the basis for a new PSR.

  2. Choose Actions >Save As. The Save As dialog appears.

  3. Select the required sub-class (NCR or Problem Report) from the Type list.

  4. In the PSR Number field, accept the default number, enter a number, or click Autonumber button to generate a new number.

  5. If the original PSR contains Attachments, then a frame displays the following options:

    • Reference existing files - creates a new reference to the existing file folder on the new PSR's Attachments tab.

    • Create new copies of files - creates a new copy of the attachment, and places it in a newly created file folder.

    • Do not include files - creates a new PSR without any attachments

  6. Click Save. The new PSR opens displaying the Cover Page in the edit mode.

  7. Enter values in relevant fields on the Cover Page tab.

  8. Click Save to save the changes.

In general, do not use the Save As feature to create an object in a different class or subclass of the original. The different classes or subclasses may not have the same tabs or defined fields, and access to data in the newly created object may be lost.

Fields copied from old object Pre-populated fields
Category, PSR Type, Problem Description, Severity, Product Line(s) Originator
Page two and Page Three flex fields Date Originated
Copies all the item information from the Affected Item tab. Status field is set to Unassigned by default.
Copies all attachments from the Attachments tab Not applicable
History tab reflects the source and target objects Not applicable

The new PSR copies fields in the optional Page Two and Page Three sections, only if the Agile PLM Administrator has set appropriate preferences. Since Page Three data applies to a specific subclass only, if you use Save As to create a new object of a different subclass, the Page Three data is NOT copied to the new object.

For more information about the behavior of Page Two and Page Three fields in an Agile PLM system, see Agile PLM Administrator Guide.

The PSRs you create remain in the system until you delete them. Deleting PSRs does not remove them from the Agile database. To delete PSRs permanently, you must hard-delete them.

For details on deleting PSRs and QCRs, see Appendix A, "Deleting Agile Objects."

2.1.3 Searching for PSRs or QCRs

Agile PLM helps you locate objects by Quick Search, Custom Search, and Advanced Search.

  • The Execute a Quick Search button helps you locate objects in the fastest possible way.

  • The Custom Search (Ctrl+ Shift +Q) button helps you locate objects by customizing the search criteria. Search Results display objects matching criteria.

  • The Advanced Search button helps you locate specific objects by providing multiple search criteria.

To run a quick search:

  1. Select an object and enter a wildcard (*).

  2. Click the Execute a Quick Search button. The Search results return a list of objects.

  3. Select the Convert to Advanced Search option, if required.

For details, see the chapter 'Searches' in Getting Started with Agile Product Lifecycle Management.

2.1.4 Cover Page Tab of a PSR

The following table lists and describes the fields on the Cover Page tab of a PSR and provides information on working with the tabs for Product Service Requests.

Fields Completed Indicates
PSR Number Usually, automatically, when you create it.

If you set 'Autogenerate' to 'Yes' in the Java Client, then the number is generated automatically. If not you must enter the PSR number manually.

The number assigned to the PSR when you create it.

For Problem Reports, the number is pre-fixed with PR.

For Non-Conformance Reports, it is pre-fixed with NCR.

PSR Type Automatically, when you create it. The type (subclass) selected when you create the PSR.
Category Manually The list of categories defined by the Agile PLM Administrator. For example:

Customer Complaint

Audit - External

Preventive Action

Description Usually manually, can contain a default. Maximum number of bytes is set by the Agile PLM Administrator; up to 4000 bytes, including spaces and carriage returns (which count as two bytes).
Customer Manually The list of customers associated with this PSR.
Supplier Manually List of suppliers who initiated the incident or are the cause of the incident.
Severity Manually List of severities defined by the Agile PLM Administrator.
Disposition Manually List of dispositions defined by the Agile PLM Administrator. The Disposition field displays a code that represents the way in which you resolve a PSR. Examples of dispositions are Replace Component and Rework to Spec.
Expected Resolution Date Manually Date when you expect to resolve the PSR.
Quality Analyst May be provided automatically by the workflow; otherwise selected manually from a list. Departments appear first in the list, followed by individual user names. The default Quality Analyst.

If you define the workflow to notify the default Quality Analyst, the department or user in this field receives notifications about the PSR. If this field is blank, then the notifications are sent to every quality analyst on the list.

If the workflow is at the Pending status and has a Quality Analyst defined then that user receives notification.

If the notification definition in the workflow is blank, then no notifications are sent.

Workflow If more than one workflow applies to the PSR, the workflow is selected manually; you can change the workflow until the PSR is in the Pending status.

You cannot move the PSR to the next status from the Unassigned state without assigning a workflow.

The name of the workflow used to move this PSR through the quality tracking process.
Status Automatically, when created The current workflow state of the PSR. If you do not select a workflow, the status remains Unassigned.
Originator Automatically, when created. The default creator of the PSR. Also contains a list of other problem report originators.
Date Originated Usually automatically, when created. The date you create the PSR.
Date Submitted Automatically generated based on workflow status. The date when the PSR moves to the Submitted status in the workflow.
Date Released Automatically generated based on workflow status. The date when the PSR moves to the Released status in the workflow.
Final Complete Date Automatically generated based on workflow status. The date when the PSR moves to the Complete status in the workflow.
Aggregate PSR Number Automatically filled in when you add PSRs to the Related PSR tab. Automatically fills the parent PSR number.
Product Lines Manually The product lines this PSR affects. Updating the Cover Page of a PSR

After you create a PSR, you can modify it to provide additional information you did not include when you created it or edit any information that has changed since its creation. You can modify the fields on the Cover page several times. Some fields, like the PSR Type, on the Cover Page are populated, automatically.

To edit the cover page of a PSR in Java client:

  1. Open a PSR. The PSR number and the PSR type fields are pre-populated.

  2. Select a value from the list in the Category field.

  3. Enter text in the Description field.

  4. Click the link to search for Customers.

  5. A Select Objects dialog appears. Enter * and click the Search button.

  6. From the Search results list, select an object and move it to the Selected Objects column using the arrow.

  7. Click OK. Alternatively, you can:

    • Click the Saved Searches tab and search in the available folders.

    • Click the shortcuts tab and search in the Recently Visited folder and the Bookmark folder.

    • Click the Advanced Search link.

  8. Choose Severity of the PSR from the list.

  9. Choose a Disposition from the list.

  10. Use the calendar and select an Expected Resolution Date.

  11. Click Save to save the changes.

The Cover Page displays modified values.

To edit the cover page of a PSR in Web Client:

  1. Open a PSR and click the Edit button to modify it.

  2. The PSR number and PSR Type number fields are automatically populated.

  3. Select a value from the list in the Category field.

  4. Enter text in the Description field.

  5. To search for Customers and Suppliers, you can either:

    • Click the Search button adjacent to the Customer/Supplier field to launch a search palette and search for existing Customers or Suppliers.

    • Click the Create to add button to create Customers or Suppliers.

The Search palette filters, searches, or browses for data from the database.

To search for existing Customers or Suppliers:

  1. Click the Search to add button adjacent to the Customer/Supplier field to launch a search palette to search for existing Customers or Suppliers. You can also use the combination Ctrl + L keys to launch the search field.

  2. Enter a known value or type * and click the Execute a Quick Search button.

  3. Select a Customer or Supplier from the list that appears. To move the Customer or Supplier to the Cover Page field, either:

    • Drag and drop it.

    • Double-click the object.

    • Press Enter.

  4. Click the Close button to close the palette.

To create new Customers:

  1. Click the Create to add button to create Customers or Suppliers.

  2. A Create New dialog appears. In the Type field, select a Customer from the list.

  3. In the Number field, enter a number or click Autonumber button.

  4. Enter Customer Name.

  5. Click Save. The Customer object automatically displays the PSR under the Quality tab.

  6. Choose Severity of the PSR from the list.

  7. Choose a Disposition from the list.

  8. Click the calendar to select a resolution date. You can also use the combination Ctrl + L keys to launch the calendar.

  9. Choose a Workflow from the list. Updates of the workflow status are automatic as the PSR moves to the next status.

  10. The Originator and Quality Analyst fields are pre-defined.

  11. Click the palette and choose one or more Product Lines that this PSR affects.

  12. Click Save to save changes.

The Cover Page displays modified values.

2.1.5 Affected Items Tab of a PSR

The Affected Items tab of a PSR lists items affected by the current PSR. A single PSR can affect multiple items (like Parts, Documents). When you add PSRs to the Relationships tab, a PSR Items table also appears.

You can add Affected Items only if the PSR is not in the Released status of the workflow.

You can add additional items (like parts, documents, assemblies) that need resolution to the Affected Items tab. The same applies to QCRs also. You can modify the newly created PSR with information that has changed since its creation.

A few fields on the Affected Items tab of an NCR are different from that of a PR. The table below lists additional fields in an NCR. These fields provide additional information about deviations of a product.

The Affected Items table of an NCR lists and describes the following default fields.

Field Completed Indicates
Item Number Automatically, when created. Number of the Affected Item.
Item Description Automatically, when created. Description of the item.
Rev Found Manually The revision of the affected Item in which you find the problem of the Affected Item. For example, if the item has undergone five revisions, and you identify the defect in revision B, then Rev found displays B.

In Web Client, when you select an item to add, all the revisions of the item appear in the drop-down list The latest revision displays by default.

You can add multiple copies of an item at the same revision to the Affected Items tab.

Affected Site Automatically, when created. The site at which the affected items are having problems.
Failure Mode Manually Displays the reason a product failed or did not meet customer requirements. Select the failure mode from a list defined by the Agile Administrator. You can define a list of failure modes for each subclass of an item.

For example, a failure mode for a battery might be No Charge, and the failure mode of a power strip might be Blown Fuse.

Quantity Affected Manually The number of Items affected by the quality incident.
Rev Fixed Automatically. When you fix the problem in the revision. You can also change it manually. The revision of the Item in which the problem is fixed. You can update this field manually or it is populated automatically when you release the ECO.


The Item Number field indicates the ascending or descending order of the table, depending on the sort order you choose in the Personalize menu.

The Personalize menu enables you to create and customize Views. Use the Personalize menu to create and save several views by defining filter conditions, and sort orders. You can choose the required view from the list of available views at a later stage. Attributes of the Affected Items Tab of an NCR

The attributes and operations of NCRs are similar to those of the Problem Reports except for a few additional fields on the Affected Items tab. These fields provide additional information about deviations in one or more products.

The table below details the fields of a process in which the quality assurance team examines incoming materials from a supplier.

Field Completed Indicates
Conformance Specification Manually Conformance specification information of the material.
Serial/Lot Number Manually Serial number or Lot number of the items of the batch that was defective (this is similar to the unique identifier for the batch of goods).
Total Quantity Suspect Manually Total Quantity suspected of problems.

For example, you receive a lot of 500 units, inspect 20 units and find that 5 are defective:

500 total suspect; 20 checked; 5 affected

Quantity Checked Manually The number of inspected items.
Quantity Affected Manually The actual number of items affected with problems.
Containment Actions Manually Containment actions taken to dispose material.
RMA Number Manually Return Merchandise Authorization. The number from the supplier that authorizes you to return defective materials.
Conforming Material Date Manually The date when the supplier expects to send materials which conform to specifications. Adding Items to the Affected Items Tab of a PSR

You can add Items to a PSR using the Add button on the Affected Items table. You can either search for existing items or create new items. Items include Parts, BOMs.

To add items to the Affected Items tab in Java Client:

  1. Open the PSR and click the Affected Items tab.

  2. Click the Add button.

  3. From the drop-down choose the Create button to create items, the Search button to search for one or more existing items, and Type-in-known numbers to search for known items.

To create items:

  1. Select a type from the Type list.

  2. If appropriate, enter an Item number and a description.

  3. Click OK.

The Item appears on the Affected Items table.

To search for existing items:

  1. Select a search method from the Add Affected Items dialog box.

  2. To perform a simple search, enter the value to search for and click Search. You can also define an Advanced Search, run a Saved Search, select a Bookmarked item, or select from the Recently Visited folder.

  3. Select the items from the search results. Use the right arrow or double-click the selected item to move it to the Select Related Items column.

  4. Ensure to select the Edit rows after adding check box, to select different revisions of items or edit other fields.

  5. Click OK.

    The item in the Selected Affected Items list appears on the Affected Items table.

    If you click the Add button once without selecting an option from the list, the Type-in Known Numbers dialog appears. To type in known numbers:

    • Enter one or more numbers on separate rows, and click Add.

    • The Item appears on the Affected Items table.

To add items to the Affected Items tab of a PSR in Web Client:

  1. Open the PSR and click the Affected Items tab.

  2. Click Add in the Affected Items tab.

    • Click the Search to add button to launch the search palette. You can also use the combination keys Ctrl + I to launch the search field.

    • Enter the value or * to search for and click the Execute a Quick Search button.

    • Select an Item from the list that appears. To move it to the Affected Items table, you can either:

    • Copy an Item existing on one PSR and paste it in the Affected Item's table of another PSR.

To search for existing items:

  1. Click the Search to add button to launch the search palette. You can also use the combination keys Ctrl + I to launch the search field.

  2. Enter the value or * to search for and click the Execute a Quick Search button.

  3. Select an Item from the list that appears. To move it to the Affected Items table, you can either:

    • Drag and drop it.

    • Double-click the object.

    • Press Enter.

    Click the Close button to close the palette.

    The Item appears on the Affected Items table.

To create items:

  1. Click the Create to button.

  2. A Create New dialog appears. In the Type field, select an Item from the list.

  3. In the Number field, enter a number or click the Autonumber button.

  4. Enter details in the Description field.

  5. Click Add to add the item to the table or click Cancel to return to the Affected Items table.

The Item appears on the Affected Items table.

To copy and paste objects:

  1. Select an Item from the Affected Item's table of a PSR. (The object can be from either the Related PSR tab, Relationships tab, or the Attachments tab of a PSR or from another object).

  2. Click the More button and select Copy.

  3. Navigate to the Affected Items tab of another PSR.

  4. Click the More button and select Paste.


    An Agile PLM SmartRule named Many Items per PSRs determines whether you can add multiple items to the Affected Items tab of a PSR. If Many Items per PSR is set to Allow, you can add more than one Item to the PSR. Otherwise, you can add only one Item (one row) to the PSR.

The Item appears on the Affected Items table. Removing an Item from the Affected Items Tab

You can also remove Items from the Affected Item table.

To remove an item from the Affected Items tab in Java Client:

  1. Open a PSR and click the Affected Items tab.

  2. Select the row of the Item you want to remove.

  3. Click the Remove button.

  4. Click OK in the message prompt box to confirm removal of the Item.

To remove an item from the Affected Items tab in the Web Client:

  1. Open a PSR and click the Affected Items tab.

  2. Select the row of the Item you want to remove.

  3. Click Remove.

A message bar displays the number of rows removed from the table. Editing Items on the Affected Items Tab

You can edit items on the Affected Items tab to include additional information or modify existing information, if they are not in the Released state.

To edit the items on the Affected Items tab in the Java Client:

  1. Open a PSR and click the Affected Items tab.

  2. Select the item row you want to edit.

  3. Click the Edit Affected Items button. The Edit Affected Items dialog appears.

  4. Double-click the cell of the row, to edit the required fields.

  5. Modify text or use the lists to select values.

    Alternately, double-click the cell, edit the content and press Enter

  6. When you finish editing, click OK.

    For more details on the fields, see "Affected Items Tab of a PSR."


    If you manually update the Rev Fixed field, then you automatically populate the Latest Change field with the ECO related to that revision change. The Rev Fixed drop-down list contains all revisions for the item.

Example 2-1 Updating Rev field manually

  • You submit a quality incident, and you already release or implement a known fix; then you simply update the Rev Fixed field to account for the fact that this problem was already addressed and corrected in that particular revision.

  • Update a PSR that does not have a parent and that is not associated with a change or QCR.

To edit the items on the Affected Items tab in the Web Client:

  1. Open a PSR, and click the Affected Items tab.

  2. Select the row you want to edit.

  3. To edit the required fields, double-click the cell. Alternatively, navigate to the cell and press Enter.

  4. Enter text or use the lists to select values.

  5. Click Save to save the changes.

If you manually update the Rev Fixed field, then you automatically populate the Latest Change field with the ECO related to that revision change. The Rev Fixed drop-down list contains all revisions for the item.

2.1.6 Related PSR Tab

The Related PSR tab contains a list of PSRs that aggregate into a single Parent PSR. Edit information and aggregate related PSRs into the Parent PSR.

For example, if multiple customers reported similar problems, each problem reported creates a Problem Report. The Quality team realizes they are related and hence can be resolved with a single solution. To resolve the problem, the Quality team creates a single PSR (Parent PSR) and adds (aggregates) the related PSRs to the Parent PSR.

The table below lists and describes the default fields available on the Related PSR tab.

Field Completes Indicates
PSR Criteria Met Automatically, when you meet the PSR Event criteria. Indicates when the PSR event occurred (that is, the parent PSR has reached the status selected for the PSR event).

Once the parent PSR attains the status specified in the PSR Event field, then the related PSR status automatically moves to the status specified in the PSR Result field and completes the criteria specified.

Event Manually The status of the parent PSR that triggers an automated workflow event.

Select an available status from the list. You can specify the status only when the PSR has a workflow assigned. When this event occurs, it means that the PSR has reached the specified status.

The default value of the PSR Event is set to the Closed status. If you have Quality Analyst privileges, you can set the default value to another status in Java Client.

You can specify the PSR Event status only when both objects (parent and child) are assigned a workflow on the Cover Page tab.

Result Manually The status to which the related PSRs are promoted when the event status is reached. Select an available status from the list. You can specify the status only when the PSR has a workflow assigned.

When the parent PSR reaches the status in the PSR Event field, then the status of the related PSR is automatically moved to the specified result status in this field.

The default value of the PSR Result is set to the Closed status. If you have Quality Analyst privileges, you can set the default value to another status in Java Client.

You can specify the PSR Result status only when both objects (parent and child) are assigned a workflow on the Cover Page tab.

PSR Type Automatically The type of the PSR
PSR Number Manually; when you enter the PSR number The related PSR number.
PSR Category Automatically The quality incident category of the related PSR.
PSR Customer Automatically The customers associated with the related PSR.
PSR Supplier Automatically The suppliers associated with the related PSR.
PSR Severity Automatically The severity of the related PSR. The Agile PLM administrator defines the severities.
PSR Disposition Automatically The way the PSR was resolved.
PSR Expected Resolution Date Automatically The date you expect the resolution for the related PSR.
PSR Quality Analyst Automatically The quality analyst assigned to the related PSR.

If you define the workflow to notify the default quality analyst, the department user in this field receives notifications about the PSR

PSR Workflow Automatically The name of the workflow used to move this PSR through the quality tracking process.
PSR Status Automatically The workflow status of the related PSR. If you do not select a workflow, this field is Unassigned.
PSR Originator Automatically, when created The default creator of the PSR.
PSR Date Originated Usually automatically, when created The date when you create the related PSR.
PSR Date Submitted Usually automatically, when created The date when you submit the related PSR.
PSR Date Released Usually automatically, when created The date when you release the related PSR.
PSR Final Complete Date Usually automatically, when created The date when you complete the related PSR
Aggregate PSR Number Automatically filled in when PSRs are added to the Related PSR tab. Field filled in automatically with the parent PSR number.


The Event field indicates the ascending or descending order of the table, depending on the sort order you choose in the Personalize menu. Adding Related PSRs to the Parent PSR

Ensure you have sufficient privileges to add related PSRs.

To add related PSRs to the parent PSR in Java Client:

  1. Open a PSR and click the Related PSR tab.

  2. Click and choose one of the following options.

    • The Create button enables you to create objects.

    • The Search button enables you to search for existing objects.

To create objects:

  1. Click the Create button. A New dialog appears.

  2. Select a type from the Type list.

  3. Enter an object number or click the Autonumber button to generate a new number.

  4. Click OK.

The object appears in the Related PSRs table.

To search for one or more existing objects:

  1. In the Add Related Objects dialog box, select a search method.

  2. To perform a simple search, enter a value and click Search. You can also define an Advanced Search, run a Saved Search, select a Bookmarked object, or select from the Recently Visited folder (Shortcut).

  3. Select the objects from the search results. Use the right arrow or double-click to move it to the Select Related Objects column.

  4. To select different revisions of objects or edit other fields, ensure to check the Edit rows after adding check box.

  5. Click OK.

The object appears in the Related PSRs table.

If you click the Add icon without selecting the list, you see the Add Related PSR (Search) dialog box.

To add related PSRs to the parent PSR in Web Client:

  1. Open a PSR and click the Related PSR tab.

  2. In the Related PSR table, click Add.

    • Click the Search to Add button to launch the search palette to search for existing PSRs.

    • Click the Create to Add button to create PSRs to add to the Related PSR tab.

    • Select a PSR from the Recently Visited folder, drag and drop it in the Related PSRs table.

    • Copy a PSR existing on one PSR and paste it in the Related PSR table of another PSR.

To search for existing objects:

  1. Click the Search to Add button to launch a palette to search for existing PSRs. Use the combination Ctrl + I keys to launch the search field.

  2. Enter the value or type * and click the Execute a Quick Search

  3. Select a PSR from the list that appears. To move it to the Related PSR table and either:

    • Double-click the object.

    • Press Enter.

    • Drag and drop it.

  4. Click the Close button to close the palette.

The object appears on the Related PSR table.

To create new objects:

  1. Click the Create to Add button to create PSRs.

  2. A Create New dialog appears. In the Type field, select an object from the list.

  3. In the Number field, enter a number or click the Autonumber button.

  4. Enter details in the Description field.

  5. Click Add to add the object to the table or click Cancel to return to the Related PSR table.

The object appears on the Related PSR table. Editing Items on the Related PSRs Tab

You can edit the information in the fields of the Related PSRs tab to include additional information or modify existing values.

To edit related PSRs in Java Client:

  1. Open a PSR and click the Related PSR tab.

  2. On the Related PSR table, select the row you want to edit.

  3. Click the Edit button to edit the row.

  4. Double-click the cell you want to edit.

  5. Use the list to select values and edit required fields.

  6. Click OK.

To edit related PSRs in Web Client:

  1. Open a PSR and click the Related PSR tab.

  2. On the Related PSR table, select the row you want to edit.

  3. Double-click the cell you want to edit.

    If a cell does not open, a message displays that the field is not editable.

  4. Use the list to select values and edit required fields.

  5. Click Save to save changes.

The PSR Event drop-down list shows the available statuses of the Parent PSR. You can select the statuses of the parent and the related PSR, such that when the Parent PSR reaches the status in the PSR Event field, the related PSR moves to the status in the PSR Result field.

For example, if you set the PSR Event field to Closed and the PSR Result field to Closed, once the Parent PSR reaches the Closed status, the related (child) PSR automatically moves to the Closed status. Removing Related PSRs

Ensure you have the necessary privileges to remove Related PSRs.

To remove related PSRs in Java Client:

  1. Open a PSR and click the Related PSR tab.

  2. Select the PSR you want to remove.

  3. Click the Remove button.

A dialog prompts you to remove the related PSR after confirmation.

To remove related PSRs in Web Client:

  1. Open a PSR and click the Related PSR tab.

  2. Select the PSR you want to remove.

  3. Click Remove.

A message bar displays the number of rows removed from the table.


The number of the Parent PSR does not appear in the Aggregate PSR Number field on the Cover Page of the PSR.

2.1.7 Relationships Tab

The Relationships tab enables you to create relationships between the current 2 or a QCR and other routable and lifecycle objects. The relationship is visible on Relationships tab of both the objects. You can specify a rule between the objects, which is optional.

Relationships tab of Agile objects have the option to specify a rule between the objects. When you position the cursor on the PSR/QCR, it displays a Quick View info link. The Quick View dialog provides substantive information without having to navigate to the object. A message bar displays the Add rule link and (if you specify a rule) displays it in the Web Client. Once you specify a rule, the Edit Rule and Remove Rule links appear on the message bar. Specific objects display tables with related views and actions that you can perform. Relationships - Table

The Relationships table lists all the Agile objects. In the Relationships table:

Exists - Indicates that the functionality exists for that class and its subclasses.

In the Relationship with a Rule column:

Yes - Indicates you can add the functionality to its class and subclasses.

No - Indicates that it does not support the functionality.

In the Event/Result column:

Workflow - indicates the event /result for a class object, based on the workflow state of that object.

Lifecycle - indicates the event/result for a class object, based on Life cycle state of that object.

Agile Base Class Agile Classes Event/
Relationship with a Rule Reference- Relationship with no rule Lifecycle under Change Control
Changes Change Orders Workflow Exists Exists N/A
Change Requests Workflow Exists Exists N/A N/A
Deviations Workflow Exists Exists N/A N/A
Manufacturers Orders Workflow Exists Exists N/A N/A
Price Change Orders Workflow Exists Exists N/A N/A
Site Change Orders Workflow Exists Exists N/A N/A
Stop Ship Workflow Exists Exists N/A N/A
Customers Customers Life cycle Yes Exists No
Declarations Homogeneous Material Declaration Workflow Exists Exists N/A
IPC 1752-1 Declarations Workflow Exists Exists NA N/A
IPC 1752-2 Declarations Workflow Exists Exists NA N/A
JGP SSI Declarations Workflow Exists Exists NA N/A
Part Declarations Workflow Exists Exists NA N/A
Substance Declarations Workflow Exists Exists N/A N/A
Supplier Declaration of Conformance Workflow Exists Exists N/A N/A
FileFolders File Folder Lifecycle Yes Exists No
Items Documents Lifecycle Yes Yes N/A
Parts Lifecycle Yes Yes N/A N/A
Manufacturer Parts Manufacturer Parts Lifecycle Yes Yes N/A
Manufacturer Manufacturer Lifecycle Yes Yes No
Packages Packages Workflow Yes Yes N/A
Part Groups Part Groups Lifecycle Yes Yes No
Prices Published Process Lifecycle Yes Yes Yes
Quote Histories Lifecycle Yes Exists Yes N/A
PSRs Non Conformance Reports Workflow Exists Exists N/A
Problem Reports Workflow Exists Exists N/A N/A
Programs Activities Workflow Exists Exists NA
Gate Workflow Exists Exists N/A N/A
QCRs Audit Workflow Exists Exists N/A
CAPA Workflow Exists Exists N/A N/A
Requests for Quotes Requests for Quotes Lifecycle Yes Yes No
RFQ Response RFQ Response Lifecycle Yes Yes No
Sites Sites Lifecycle Yes Yes No
Sourcing Projects Sourcing Projects Lifecycle Yes Yes No
Specifications Specifications Lifecycle Yes Yes No
Substances Materials Lifecycle Yes Yes No
Sub Parts Lifecycle Yes Yes No N/A
Substances Lifecycle Yes Yes No N/A
Suppliers Suppliers Lifecycle Yes Yes No
Transfer Orders Automated Transfer Orders Workflow Yes Yes N/A
Content Transfer Orders Workflow Yes Yes N/A N/A
User Groups User Groups None No Yes N/A
Users Users Status Attribute No Yes N/A
Action Items Action Items Status Attribute No No N/A
Discussions Discussions None No Yes N/A
Reports Custom Reports None No No NA
External Reports None No No N/A N/A
Standard Reports None No No N/A N/A Relationships in PQM

This topic contains additional information about relationships as they are used in the PQM solution:


When relationships are created between PQM objects, a blank rule is created for the relationship. You must edit the blank rule to define how you want the PQM objects to affect each other.

When relationships are created between PQM objects, a blank rule is created for the relationship. You must edit the blank rule to define how you want the PQM objects to affect each other.

  • When a QCR affects the PSR, that is, when a QCR and PSR are related and the relationship rule follows the format:

When <QCR source object> is <event>, set <PSR target object> to <result>

all items from the PSR Affected Items tab are displayed on the PSR Items table of the QCR. If the PSR was used to aggregate multiple PSRs, then the related PSRs' affected items are displayed.

  • When this QCR is affected by a PSR, that is, when the QCR and the PSR are related and the rule follows the format:

When <PSR source object> is <event>, set <QCR target object> to <result>.

all items from the PSR Affected Items tab and the related PSR's affected items are not displayed on the PSR Items table of the QCR. What are Reference Objects?

In Agile PLM, the table on the Relationships tab enables users to add references to other objects in Agile PLM. The Reference Objects feature enables you to search for objects in external applications and add them as references on the Relationships tab.

From the Relationships tab, an end user can:

  • Search for an object in an external application and add a reference to that object in Agile PLM Relationships table.

  • Create a new object in an external application, and add a reference to that object in the Agile PLM Relationships table.

  • Search, add, and remove Reference Objects from the Agile PLM Relationships table. Attributes of a Relationship

When you add an object to a project as a deliverable, you add the project on the relationship tab of that object as well. You can define a relationship rule between these two objects and view the rule from both objects.

  • When you add an object as a relationship to the second object, it creates a reverse relationship and displays the second object under the Relationships tab of the first object.

  • There are no default relationship rules between two objects.

  • When you add a relationship to an object that has a revision:

  • The name field of parts or documents shows the object name or number only if the rule is pending. Click the object name or number. In the editable fields, enter text or use the lists. The revision column displays the latest revision.

  • The object revision displays in the name field when the rule is met, (the lifecycle of the event has occurred). For example, if the triggering event is when the life cycle moves to Production, then you see the first revision of the production phase here.

  • The name field value is hyper-linked and links to the cover page for revision.

  • In Java Client, to add, edit or remove a rule, click the Add Rule, Edit Rule or Remove Rule button respectively.

  • In Web Client, a message bar displays the rule. You can also use the edit and remove rule links to edit and remove the rule.

For details, see the chapter 'Relationships' in Getting Started with Agile Product Lifecycle Management. Revision Specific Relationships

he Relationship tab of revision controlled objects display Impacted, Revision, Track Impact, and Change columns. These are visible for a class or sub class when you configure revision attributes in the Java Client Administrator. By default it is configured to 'No'. You must also enable the Read and Modify privileges. This function is supported only in Web Client.

For details on how to enable or disable attributes in Java Client, see the Agile PLM Administrator Guide.

Revision column: The Relationship table displays Revision column if the 'Visible' attribute is set to 'Yes' in Admin. Revisions are tracked only for Items and Prices. Multiple revisions are allowed for Items on the relationship table. The Rev number column drop down menu enables you to select the revision for the relationship while in the edit mode. The default value is 'Latest' for both the source and target relationship rows.

If the Java Client setting, 'Display Change on Relationship Tab Revision drop-down' is set to 'Yes', the revision column displays the value selected along with the revision.

For example: LATEST - A. The Revision drop down on the Relationship Table displays the Change ID next to the Revision.

Change column: The Relationship table displays Change column if the Change is set to 'Yes'. You can click the link in the Change column to take you to the selected revision of the Change. The Change column is derived from the Revision number and can contain an ECO or MCO. If you hide the Change column, only Revision numbers are visible. Multiple versions display duplicate Revision numbers. You cannot add any values into the items relationship when items have a Pending ECO or MCO It will pop up error information like 'Relationships added from a Pending Revision is not allowed. Please go to Part P00101 (target objects) to add a relationship to Part P00120'.

You cannot add relationships on a Site Change Order. A message, ”Revision Specific Relationships cannot be added to Site Change Order revisions. Select a different revision” appears.

Impacted: The Impacted flag indicates that revision controlled objects are impacted by the Change (Items or Prices) and that the Relationship Target has changed. The Impacted icon does not appear on the relationship table by default. The flag appears on releasing a revision of the object and if the Track Impact flag is set to 'Yes'. If the 'Impacted' column of a relationship row (Items and Prices) displays 'Yes', the dot in the relationship tab changes to a red square. When all the Relationship rows display 'No' in the 'Impacted' column, the red square on the relationship tab (of Items and Prices) changes to a black dot.

Track impact: Track Impact tracks the impact of a change on rev controlled objects. (You are tracking the effects caused by a change). The target object must be revision controlled object to edit the Track Impact flag. If not, a message ”This attribute can only be edited for Revision Controlled Relationships ”appears.

For revision controlled objects, the track impact is 'Yes' by default. If Track Impact is 'Yes':

  • When the revision controlled target is released, the 'Impacted' flag for the target appears.

  • If the target is revision controlled & track impact is set to ”Yes”, the 'Impacted' flag appears always.

When you enable Revision in Java Client, the Accept New Version and Reject New version actions are enabled in the More menu in Web Client.

You require the Read and Modify privileges to accept or reject a revision.

Accept New Version: The Accept New Versions menu item appears in the More menu if you select row /rows which have both the Track Impact and Impacted flags set to Yes'. A warning message appears to ensure you have set them to 'Yes'. Once you select the Accept New Versions, the revision of the selected row is updated with the latest revision of the impacted object. You can choose to reject single or multiple rows at a time. The object auto promotes to the latest revision when the related item is released.

Reject New Version: The Reject New Versions menu item appears in the More menu if you select row /rows which have both the Track Impact and Impacted flags set to Yes'. A warning message appears to ensure you have set them to 'Yes'. Once you select the Reject New Version, the Impacted flag in the rows you have selected changes to No and the icon in the Track Impact column disappears. You can choose to reject single or multiple rows at a time.

Relationships Tab Tools

The Relationships tab has the following buttons:

  • Remove: Enables you to remove objects.

  • Add: Enables you to add objects.

  • Edit Rule: Enables you to add a rule or edit the rule.

  • More: Contains more actions that you can perform. (copy, paste, fill-down, fill-up, Accept New Versions, Reject New Versions)

The Relationships tab page includes the Views and Personalize buttons. The Personalize menu enables you to create and customize Views.

For details on Views, see chapter 'Navigating in Agile Web Client' in Getting Started with Agile Product Lifecycle Management. See also: "Attachments Tab of a PSR."

Relationships Tab Table

The Relationships table lists the following default fields.

Field Completed Indicates
Criteria Met Automatically. When you meet relationship rule of the objects added. Indicates when the added object attains the specified status. Once you meet the criteria, you see the symbol in the Web Client and in the Java Client.
Type (Image) Automatically The type (image) of the object you add.
Name Automatically The name of the object
Description Automatically The description of the object you add with the number. For example, (PR00054).
Current Status Automatically when you add the object. The current status of the related object.
Rule Automatically when you add the rule Displays the rule specified.

You can specify Rule only if you assign a workflow to the PSR.

Type Automatically The type of the added object. (For example, Problem Report)


The Name field indicates the ascending or descending order of the table, depending on the sort order you choose in the Personalize menu.

The Personalize menu enables you to create customized Views. Use the personalize menu to create and save several views by defining filter conditions, and sort orders. You can choose the required view from the list of available views.

You can add any of the Agile objects to a relationships table. The Administrator needs to set appropriate privileges to define relationships between Agile objects.

To add objects to the relationships table in Java Client:

  1. Open a PSR and click the Relationships tab.

  2. Click the Add button in the Relationships table.

    • The Create button enables you to create objects.

    • The Search button enables you to search for one or more existing objects.

To create objects:

  1. Click the Create button. A New dialog appears.

  2. Select a sub-class from the Type list.

  3. Enter a number or click the Autonumber button.

  4. Click OK.

The object appears on the Relationships tab.

To search for existing objects:

  1. In the Add Relationship dialog box, select a search method.

  2. To perform a simple search, enter value to search for and click Search. You can also define an Advanced Search, run a Saved Search, select a Book marked object, or select from the Recently Visited folder (Shortcuts).

  3. Select the items from the Search Results. These can be PSRs, QCRs, or Changes. Use the right arrow or double-click the selected object to move it to the Selected Related Objects column.

  4. To select different revisions of items or edit other fields, ensure to select the Edit rows after adding check box.

  5. Click OK.

    The selected object appears on the Relationships table.

To add objects to the relationships table in Web Client:

  1. Navigate to the Relationships tab of an object.

  2. Click the Add menu button and choose one of the following options:

    • Choose By Search to search for an object. Open the search palette. Execute a quick search to find the objects you want. Double-click to add an object. Press Escape to close the palette

    • Choose By Create to create a new object. Select an object type, fill in any required fields, and then click Add. The newly created object is added to the table.

    • Choose Reference Objects to search for an object in an external application and add it as a reference in the relationships table.

      In the Search palette that opens, search for the object and click the name of the object to view it in the corresponding application.

      Click OK to add the reference object.

    For details about configuring reference objects, see Agile PLM Administrator Guide.

  3. By the Drag and Drop method.

    • Select an object in the left navigation pane. Drag it onto the table and drop it. You can drag and drop from your My Bookmarks, Recently Visited list, and the navigator drawer.

  4. By the Copy and Paste method

    • Copy one or more objects from a table: Search results table, BOM table, Where Used table, and so forth. Use More > Copy or Ctrl + C to copy the rows.

    • Select Open the object to which you want to add a relationship. Click the relationships tab to display it. Paste the rows by using More > Paste or Ctrl +V.

You can also add Problem Reports or a Non-Conformance Reports to the Relationships tab of any other Agile objects.

Editing the Relationships Table

You can edit the Relationships table to include additional information or modify existing information.

To edit the relationships table in Java Client:

  1. Open a PSR and click the Relationships tab.

  2. Select the row you want to edit.

  3. Click the Edit Relationship button.

  4. Modify required fields.

  5. Click OK.

The modified values appear on the table.

To edit the relationships table in Web Client:

  1. Open a PSR and click the Relationships tab.

  2. Double-click the field you want to edit.

  3. Modify required fields.

  4. Click Save.

The modified values appear on the table.

Removing Relationships

You can remove an object on the Relationships tab, if found to be inappropriate. Removing a relationship from the Relationships tab of an object also removes it from the Relationships tab of the object to which it is related.

To remove relationship in Java Client:

  1. Open a PSR and click the Relationships tab.

  2. Select the object row you want to remove.

  3. Click the Remove Relationship button.

The object does not appear on the Relationships table.

To remove relationship in Web Client:

  1. Open a PSR and click the Relationships tab.

  2. Select the object row you want to remove.

  3. Click the Remove button.

A message bar displays the number of rows that have been removed. The object does not appear on the Relationships table.

Relationships Rules

The Relationship rule specifies how the workflow you define for an object affects the workflow status of another object. For example, When PR0048 is Submitted, Set PR00049 to Review.

  • A lifecycle object can only be a source and not a target of a relationship.

A lifecycle object can only be a source and not a target of a relationship. When you add a relationship from a lifecycle object to a workflow object, the state of the lifecycle affects the state of the workflow object.

For example, the relationship rule is defined between a Problem Service Request (workflow object) PR00061 and a (workflow object) Engineering Change Order. The rule says that, When PR00061 is Released, Set the Engineering Change Order to Released. Fix the positions of the ”From Object” (PR00061) and the ”To Object” (Engineering Change Order) in the rule so that the rule only affects workflow objects.

When you add a relationship from a workflow object to a lifecycle object, the state of the lifecycle objects affects the state of the workflow object and not the reverse way.

  • When you add a relationship from a workflow object, you can define a relationship rule to another workflow object in both directions.

For example, in a relationship between two workflow objects - QCR QCR12345 and PSR PR55768 the When drop-down will list two objects - QCR12345 and PR55768, the Set drop-down will also have the same two objects. You cannot select the same object in both, When and Set. When you select an object from When list the Set field will be upgraded with another object.

The relationship should be viewable from both the objects and the rule displayed must be the same.

  • You cannot define a relationship rule between two lifecycle objects.

You can only define a relationship rule only between a lifecycle object and a workflow object and not between two lifecycle objects.

Adding Relationship Rules

The Relationships tab has the option to associate a rule between objects. Specific objects display tables with related views along with the actions that you can perform on the related object.

For example, if you add Items to the Relationships tab, the table displays an Affected Items table with the Item Number and Item description fields. The number field is a hyper-link.

To access more information about this object, click the Quick View info link. This appears when you position the cursor on the corresponding object and enables you to view details of the object and perform some actions without navigating to the actual object.

The message bar in the Quick View dialog displays the Add Rule link, which enables you to specify a rule. Once you specify a rule, the Edit Rule and the Remove Rule links also appear.

To add a relationship rule in Java Client:

  1. Open a PSR and click the Relationships tab.

  2. Select the PSR row you want to add a rule in.

  3. Click the Add Rule button.

  4. A Relationship Rule dialog opens. Specify a rule.

  5. Click OK.

    For example: When PR0002 is Review, Set PR123304 to Submitted.

The rule appears in the Relationship table of the corresponding object.

To add a relationship rule in Web Client:

  1. Open a PSR and click the Relationships tab.

  2. On the Relationships table, you can either use the Edit Rule button to add a Rule or click the Quick View info link that appears when you position the cursor on the PSR.

  3. A dialog appears. A message bar displays the Add rule link or the rule (if specified).

  4. Click the Add Rule link.

  5. The Relationships Rule dialog opens. Specify a rule.

    For example: When Problem Report PR000142 is Review, Set Problem Report PR00144 to Submitted.

    The rule appears on the message bar.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Click the Close button to close the palette.

Alternately, you can use the Edit Rule button to add a rule. The rule appears in the Relationships table of the corresponding object.

Editing Relationships Rules

You can modify the rule of an object on the Relationships table. Use either the Edit Rule button on the Relationships table or the Edit Rule that appears in the Quick View dialog message bar.

To edit the relationship rule in the Java Client:

  1. Open a PSR and click the Relationships tab.

  2. Select a row on the Relationships table you want to edit.

  3. Click the Edit Rule button.

  4. In the Relationships Rule dialog, modify the rule.

  5. Click OK.

The modified rule displays on the Relationships table.

To edit the relationship rule in the Web Client:

  1. Open a PSR and click the Relationships tab.

  2. You can either:

    Click the Edit Rule button.

    • Click the Edit Rule button.

      In the Relationships Rule dialog, modify the rule.

      Click Save to save the changes.

    • Click the Quick View info link that appears when you position the cursor on the PSR.

      Click the Edit Rule link.

      In the Relationships Rule dialog, modify the rule.

      Click Save to save the changes.

  3. Click the Close button to close the palette.

The modified rule displays on the Relationships table.

Removing Relationship Rules

You can remove the rule associated with the relationship, if not applicable. In the Web Client, once you specify a rule, the message bar on the Relationship dialog displays the Remove Rule link.

To remove the relationship rule in Java Client:

  1. Open a PSR and click the Relationships tab.

  2. Select the row on the Relationships table, which contains the rule.

  3. Click the Remove Rule button. A dialog confirms removal of the rule.

The rule does not appear in the Rule column.

To remove the relationship rule in Web Client:

  1. Open a PSR and click the Relationships tab.

  2. Click the Quick View info link, which appears when you position the cursor on the PSR.

  3. In the dialog that opens, click the Remove Rule link.

Alternately, use the Edit Rule button on the Relationships table to remove the rule.

The rule does not appear in the Rule column. Filter

Filters narrow down the objects in the Relationships tab of PSRs by the rule they contain. You can filter relationships with the attributes you configure using the filter option. The Relationships tab of the Java Client includes the Filter button. In the Web Client, use the Personalize menu to filter relationships.

In the Java Client, the default View options consist of 4 values:

  • All Relationships - Enables you to filter all the relationship objects in the table.

  • Complete - Enables you to filter all the objects for which the criteria are met.

  • Pending - Enables you to filter objects for which the rule criteria are not met.

  • Rule not specified - Enables you to filter objects which have no rules specified.

Click the Show Filter button. An additional row appears above the Relationships table. You can filter using the following attributes:

  • Criteria Met - Filters relationships where the set criteria are met.

  • Name - Filters relationships by names.

  • Description - Filters relationships by the description.

  • Rule - Filters relationships by rules.

  • Type - Filters relationships by the types.

In the Web Client, the Views menu on the upper right helps you create views using the Personalize menu. The Personalize menu enables you to filter relationships. Define filter criteria based on the options in the Table Personalization palette.

Additional attributes listed below help filter relationships further.

  • Criteria Met - Filters relationships where the set criteria are met.

  • Name - Filters relationships by name.

  • Description - Filters relationships by description.

  • Current Status - Filters using the current status.

  • Rule - Filters relationships by rules.

  • Type - Filters relationships by the types.

For details on Views and Personalize menus, see Getting Started with Agile Product Lifecycle Management.

2.1.8 Workflow Tab of a PSR

An Agile PLM workflow is a sequence of statuses that a routable object goes through in the quality control process. The Workflow tab displays the statuses the PSR is routed through during its lifecycle. It starts with the Pending status and finishes with the Closed status. The PSR can be canceled or put on hold during any phase. Users with the appropriate privilege and role submits the PSR and routes it for review. Notified reviewers review the PSR, make required changes and routes it for approval. Reviewers include Approvers who approve or reject the PSR, Acknowledgers who acknowledge the change and Observers who give their comments.

Functional Teams consist of the Approvers, Acknowledgers and Observers you choose to notify the change. The Add Reviewers / Remove Reviewers buttons allow you to add/remove Approvers, Acknowledgers and Observers.

The Workflow tab page displays two sections:

  1. Summary - lists sign-off information for the current status. This section is visible for review or release statuses.

  2. Workflow - displays the chart of the current workflow. This section is visible for all changes to which you assign a workflow.

Colors represent the status of the workflows:

  • Green - Previous Performed Status

  • Orange - Current Status

  • Blue - Future Status

The Sign-Off History table displays past workflow and sign-off information for the PSR. For example, you can route a PSR:

  • internally for preliminary investigation

  • to a manager for escalation to identify if it merits a corrective action

  • to the support call center/ field service technician who can provide a detailed information

  • to the customer for final approval of an implemented fix

  • to a supplier for a response to the incident, and so on.

The Personalize menu enables you to create and customize Views. Use the personalize menu to create and save several views by defining filter conditions, and sort orders. You can later choose the required view from the list of available views.

Shown below is a view of the workflow statuses available for a PSR. The workflow of a Problem Report is similar to the workflow of a Non-Conformance Report.

For details, see the chapter 'Routing Objects with Workflows' in Getting Started with Agile Product Lifecycle Management. Submitting and Routing PSRs

You can create routable objects from classes that represent processes. For example, changes in the change control process, or a product service request. Route objects to Agile PLM users for approval through workflows. Use the Next Status button on the Cover Page of the PSR to route objects. Routing managers oversee the routing and approval process of objects, evaluate and assign routable objects and receive e-mail notifications. Quality Analysts are the default routing manager for PSRs.

The Next Status button on the Cover page also enables you to switch the routable object to any of the permissible order of statuses listed in the drop-down menu.

  • Hold and Cancel are additional statuses you find on the PSR.

The general route of a business object (PSR) is as given below:

Unassigned> Pending> Submitted> Review> Released> Closed.

Hold and Cancel statuses are indicated on the Workflow chart or on the Next Status drop down menu only after the PSR reaches the Submitted status.

  • You can have multiple Hold statuses with unique names. Naming indicates the purpose of the Hold status.

  • A Hold or Cancel status will display only when available as a Manual Valid Next Status. Approval Matrix

The Approval Matrix feature enables you to automatically assign Approvers, Observers, and Acknowledgers to routable object workflow actions according to the job functions they perform at work.

For more details on how to set-up and enable the feature, see the chapter 'Approval Matrix' in the Agile PLM Administrator Guide.

Functional Team: Group of Users and/or User Groups who work as a team while performing specific job functions.

The Functional Team attribute appears on the cover page of routable objects (PSRs and QCRs). When these objects are routed on workflows, the functional team on the object helps determine the Approvers, Acknowledgers, Observers and Users to be notified.

Job Function: A job role that a user performs at work. Examples: Product Manager, Product Marketing Manager, Development Lead, Development Manager and so on.

2.1.9 Attachments Tab of a PSR

An Attachment contains supportive data in the form files, documents, drawings, images. You can reference files and URLs from the Attachments tab of all Agile PLM objects. You can track and search attachment files and URLs, and also add files to an automatically created object called a file folder - an object of reference information from the File Folders class.

The actual attachment files are stored in the Agile File Manager, referred to as the file vault. Attachments may contain information that describes the object or a process. For example, if a specification describes a part or subassembly, it might have the following attachment files:

  • Drawing files (such as CAD drawings) or scanned image files in viewable formats

  • Files such as documents, non-viewable files, compressed (ZIP) files, and so on

Attachments tab actions allow you to add, remove, open, view or get a copy of the attachment file. The View drop down button enables you to view, Compare, Compare by Search and Overlay. You can also check in and checkout attachments (although you are actually checking file folder objects in and out) or even cancel the checkout. The More drop-down button actions allow you to perform the following:

  • Get Shortcut

  • View Versions

  • Print

  • Copy

  • Paste

The Fill-Up and Fill-Down options allow you to copy value from a cell to corresponding cells either in the preceding or following cells of the selection. The Fill-Up option copies the value in the last cell to selected cells and Fill-Down options copies the value in the first cell to all selected cells.


The Personalize menu enables you to create and customize Views. Use the personalize menu to create and save several views by defining filter conditions, and sort orders. You can later choose the required view from the list of available views.

The Personalize menu enables you to create and customize Views. Use the personalize menu to create and save several views by defining filter conditions, and sort orders. You can later choose the required view from the list of available views.