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Selecting Subject Areas

To select a subject area for a report, click the Analytics tab and then click Analysis in the Create pane.

The Select Subject Area page contains two categories of subject areas: Historical Analytics and Real-time Reporting. The subject areas in the Historical Analytics category generate reports that are historical and that show trend analyses, based on data that is refreshed nightly. The subject areas in the Real-time Reporting category provide up-to-the-second data analyses and real-time information.

Subject areas represent information pertinent to a particular area of the business, or the reporting and analysis needs of a particular audience. Subject area names correspond to the type of information that they contain, such as dimension objects (record types) and fact metrics, which the business users want to analyze. Subject area names organize and categorize this information in various folders.

Historical Analytic Subject Areas

The following links provide detailed information on each subject area, including its business purpose, its relationship type (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many, and so on), and a listing of the dimensions and metrics that are available:

Real-time Reporting Subject Areas

The following links provide detailed information on each subject area, including its business purpose, its relationship type (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many, and so on), and a listing of the dimensions and metrics that are available:

The following table shows the five types of subject areas that Analytics uses.

Subject Area Type



This subject area type consists of a single fact table that contains all the metrics of the driving record type. The report always provides a result that can be understood. In other words, whatever combination of attributes and metrics you select for your report, the report always returns a result that reflects the data in Oracle CRM On Demand.

Simple subject areas are appropriate when you want to report on a single set of metrics. They allow you to drill down on the detail in transactional data.


This subject area type consists of two or more fact tables at different dimensional levels. The fact tables are joined by conformed (shared) dimensions. Multi-fact allows you to perform combined fact analysis.

Not all dimensions have a relationship with all the fact tables. For example, the quota metric table has a relationship only with the Owned By User, Quota, and the Date dimensions. These dimensions are also called conforming dimensions in dimensional-modeling terminology. In a multi-fact subject area, if you select attributes from a dimension and a metric from a fact, and they have no direct relationship with each other, then your report will not work correctly. In some cases, the metric field is empty, or an error appears in the report.

Multi-fact subject areas are appropriate when you want to report on multiple, yet related, sets of metrics.


This subject area type consists of a single summarized fact table. It allows you to perform summary analysis of metrics using a key dimension. It is called summary, because it provides summary information for a specific dimension or record type in Oracle CRM On Demand analytics, such as the Account record type. From this subject area, you can obtain all the CRM functionality related metrics, such as sales revenue, service request, activity, and lead metrics.

Summary subject areas are appropriate when you want summaries of metrics, using a key dimension, but without analyzing these metrics, using other dimensions.

Many-to-Many (M:M)

This subject area type represents both many-to-many and one-to-many relationships between two record types. It contains a fact table but it might also be a subject area without a fact table.

The one-to-many relationship between Custom Object 1 and Account can also be reported from this subject area. However, if you want to report on the many-to-one relationship between Account and Custom Object 1, then do not use this subject area. The Custom Object 1 subject area, which is a simple design subject area, allows you to report on all of the many-to-one relationships between all the standard record types and Custom Object 1.

The Many-to-Many subject areas are the only ones that you can use to report on the many-to-many and one-to-many relationships between record types.


This subject area type brings all the dimension and metric folders under a single subject area. It allows you to create reports on all record types and their associated record types, and so there is no single driving record type in this subject area type. You can report on both one-to-many and many-to-one relationships between the new custom objects (Custom Object 4-Custom Object 12) and other record types, but not on many-to-many relationships.

The Advanced Custom Objects subject area is the only one that belongs to this subject area type. It is also the only one that allows you to report on the relationship between Custom Object 4-Custom Object 15 with other standard objects, including Custom Object 1, 2, and 3. All types of relationships can be reported on, using this subject area, except the many-to-many relationship.

The first four types of subject areas mentioned (Simple, Multi-Fact, Summary, and Many-to-Many) are standard subject areas. The fifth type of subject area is a federated subject area for new custom objects.

Standard Subject Areas

Standard subject areas are intended to report on the relationship among standard record types, including Custom Object 1, 2, and 3. Standard record types and Custom Objects 1, 2, and 3 can have the following relationships:

  • One-to-many
  • Many-to-one
  • Many-to-many

Oracle CRM On Demand provides dedicated subject areas that allow the reporting of a many-to-one relationship between a standard record type and other record types. For example, the Opportunities subject area allows the reporting of an opportunity record type’s relationship with other record types. Dedicated subject areas also allow the reporting of a many-to-many relationship between two record types. For example, the Opportunity and Partner History subject area allows the reporting of a many-to-many relationship between opportunity and partner record types.

Federated Subject Area

The Federated subject area type allows reporting of Custom Object 4 to Custom Object 15 with other standard objects, including Custom Object 1, 2, and 3. The Advanced Custom Objects subject area is an exclusive subject area of this type, included in this release, which unites the reporting of custom objects and their associated objects under a single subject area.

This approach provides more complete functionality in terms of record types and their related record types. The concept of a single driving record type is no longer applied. The lack of a driving record type means that you must always add a default metric to the report. Because a federated subject area does not have a single driving object, the report must always contain a metric in order to choose a relationship path among objects. In non-Federated subject areas you do not need to choose a metric because the relationship is defined already in the repository using an implicit fact metric.

The Advanced Custom Object subject area provides access to all of the related record type metrics. From this subject area, you can build a summary report for all the related metrics, including all the record types in Oracle CRM On Demand.

With the Advanced Custom Objects subject area, you can build reports that show the one-to-many and many-to-many relationships for all record types. In the many-to-many design, you must use the Account and Custom Object 1 subject area to report on the one-to-many relationship, and you must use the Custom Object 1s subject area to report on the one-to-many relationship between other record types and Custom Object 1. By using the Advanced Custom Object subject area, you can have access to both types of relationships. However, a many-to-many report is not available in this subject area.

The following table shows the subject area for the new custom objects.

Subject Area Name

Subject Area Type

Custom Object Subject Area

Advanced Custom Objects

Advanced or Federated

Record Type Renaming in Analytics

Oracle provides record type renaming in analytics for all standard record types. Company administrators can rename record types in Oracle CRM On Demand. These new names are reflected in the analytics part of Oracle CRM On Demand. The renamed record types appear with their new names in subject areas, reports, and dashboards. For example, if a company administrator changes the account record type name to Physician in Oracle CRM On Demand, then the word Account is replaced in all of the answers and subject areas. So, the subject area Account Address becomes Physician Address. The subject area Account Metrics becomes Physician Metrics, and so on. However, record type renaming is currently not supported for report and dashboard names.

Row_ID and Object ID

For each record type in a subject area (such as account, activity, asset, and so on) the Row_ID field in the database is mapped to a field named <object> ID, for example, one of the following: Account ID, Lead ID, Service Request ID, and so on.

Published 7/6/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.