About Charts

The layout editor supports a variety of chart types and styles to graphically present data in the layout.

Once inserted, you can edit the chart properties using the dynamic toolbars or the Properties pane. The Properties pane extends the options from the Chart tab and enables you to enter very specific custom settings for the following:

  • Chart Effect

  • Chart Legend

  • Chart Plot Area

  • Chart Title

  • Chart Label


    The following Chart Label properties apply to Scatter and Bubble chart types only: Title Font, Title Horizontal Align, Title Text, and Title Visible.

  • Chart Values


Some font effects such as underline, italic, and bold might not render in PDF output.

Inserting a Chart

Follow these steps to insert a chart.

To insert a chart:
  1. From the Insert menu, select and drag the Chart component to the layout.

    By default an empty vertical bar chart is inserted and the Chart dynamic tab is displayed, as shown in the following figure:

  2. To change the chart type, click the Chart Type list to select a different type. In the following figure, the chart type is changed to Pie.
  3. Select and drag the data fields from the Data Source pane to the appropriate areas in the chart. The chart immediately updates with the preview data, as shown in the following figure:
  4. To resize the chart, drag and drop the resize handler on the lower right corner of the chart, as shown in the figure below.

    To preserve the aspect ratio when resizing a chart, press and hold the Shift key before starting to drag the corner.

About the Chart Tab

The Chart tab helps you to apply a different chart type, filter the data, manage multiple filters.

The Chart tab enables you to perform the following:

  • Select a different Chart Type

  • Apply a different Chart Style

  • Enable 3-D effects

  • Filter the data that is displayed in the chart

  • Manage multiple filters

  • Convert the chart to a pivot table or switch the series and dimensions values

Applying and Managing Filters

This section helps you to know how to apply and manage filters.

See About Filters for information on how to apply and manage filters.

Converting a Chart to a Pivot Table

Follow these steps to convert a chart to a pivot table.

To convert a chart to a pivot table:

  1. Select the chart.
  2. In the Convert group, click Pivot Table.

The layout editor converts the label, series, and value elements of the chart into the appropriate rows, columns, and data elements of a pivot table.

Changing the Formula Applied to a Chart Measure Field

By default, the chart displays a sum of the values of the chart measure. You can change the formula applied to a chart measure field by selecting an option from the Chart Measure Field tab.

To change the formula:

  1. Select the measure field in the chart. This displays the Chart Measure Field tab, as shown in the following figure:
  2. Select from the following options available from the Formula list:
    • Count

    • Sum

    • Running Total

Sorting a Chart Field

Charts can be sorted by fields.

To sort a field in the chart:

  1. Select the field to display the Chart Field tab.
  2. On the Chart Field tab select Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.
  3. To sort by multiple fields, apply a Priority to each sort field to apply the sort in the desired order.

Using Advanced Chart Features

Create more useful charts by altering their appearance.

The following features enable you to apply additional formatting to your charts:

If you do not select a value for these format options above, the BI Publisher default system settings are applied.

Time Series Axis Formatting

When the x-axis of your line chart is a date field, BI Publisher applies a time series format based on the range of the data.

The following illustration shows the time series format options. You can customize the display of the time series in your chart, or turn it off.

To select time series date formatting options for a chart:

  1. Expand the Time Series report properties category.
  2. In Day Format field, select one of the following format options for days:
    • None to hide the day label.

    • Day of Week to display only the names of each day of the week.

    • Day Single Letter to display only the first letter of each day of the week.

    • Day of Week Number to display only the number assigned to each day of the week. For example, if Sunday is the first day of the week, it can be displayed as 1, Monday displayed as 2, etc.

    • Day of Month to display all days in a month by the actual date. For example, the first day of the month would be displayed as 1.

  3. In Month Format field, select one of the following format options for months:
    • None to hide all month labels.

    • Month Number to display only a number for each month in the year. For example, if the first month of the year is January, it is displayed in the chart as 1.

    • Month Single Letter to display only the first letter of each month in the year.

    • Month Short to display only the short names for each month. For example, January can be displayed as Jan.

    • Month Long to display only the full name of each month.

  4. In the Time Format field, select one of the following format options for time increments:
    • None to hide all time labels.

    • Hour to display time in hours.

    • Hour24 to display time in 24 hour increments.

    • Hour24 Minute to display minutes in 24 hour increments.

    • Hour Minute to display time in hours and minutes.

    • Second to display time in seconds.

  5. In Year Format field, select one of the following format options for years:
    • None to hide all year labels.

    • Year Short to display only the short names for each year.

    • Year Long to display only the full name of each year.

Hide Axis Option

You can hide axis labels in reports for certain situations such as when you are working with small charts or visualizing data without values. This option is especially useful for creating reports that evaluate trends.

To hide an axis:
  1. On the Properties pane, expand the Chart Label, Chart Value (1) or Chart Value (2) report properties category.
  2. In Axis Visible, select False.

Independent Axis Formatting

You can format decimal digits and numbers for each Y axis in a multiple Y-axis report.

To format decimal digits and number types for an axis:
  1. On the Properties pane, expand the Chart Value (1) or Chart Value (2) report category.
  2. To format axis decimals, in the Axis Decimals field, enter the number of decimals to display for a data element per axis.
  3. To format data decimals for an axis where the Data Visible property is set to True, enter the number of decimals to display on the axis.
  4. To apply number formatting to an axis, in the Format field, select one of the following options: General, Percent, or Currency.
  5. If you select Currency, in the Currency Symbol field, manually enter the currency symbol.

Axis Scaling

You can set chart axis scaling as logarithmic or linear in reports.

To format axis scaling:

  1. On the Properties pane, expand the Chart Value (1) or Chart Value (2) report properties category.
  2. In the Axis Scaling field, select one of the following options: Logarithmic or Linear.

Pie Slice Formatting

You can format pie slice charts to display percentages, total actual values, percentages, and labels.

To format pie slices:

  1. On the Properties pane, expand the Plot Area report property category.
  2. In the Pie Slice Format field, select one of the following options: Percent, Value, Label, or Label and Percent.