Active Directory Integration In Fleet Management System

Active Directory is activated by changing a parameter in the database. The parameter table has a flag Y/N as PAR_VALUE within the Group, when the parameter is set to Y the Active Directory is integrated in Fleet Management System. The integrated Active Directory functions in the following manner:
  • Upon startup the application fetches the active directory information of the OS user.
  • Once the user is authenticated by the active directory, only then they are able to access the application. If the authentication is not done, then the application closes after giving a message.
  • The active directory connection details are logged once the Active Directory authentication is done. The details logged are date, user, domain, email, group, and work station.
  • If User Groups do not already exist then they are added to the User Groups of the Active Directory.
  • The Operating System user gets the rights assigned to the Active Directory Groups within the application.

Setting up Active Directory

To set up an Active Directory:

  • Identify the users who must have administrator rights in the Fleet Management System Application.

  • Ensure all such users belong to the same domain

  • Notify the exact domain group name for administrator rights so that we can set them up.

  • Once rights are granted via Fleet Management System, the domain group users can try running the Fleet Management System from their domain group logged in machines.

  • Any user of the domain with administrator rights can grant or revoke rights to users of other domain group.

  • All user rights work based on domain group, hence any user belonging to a domain has same rights as members of that domain group.

  • A user belonging to more than one domain group would have the rights that are union of both domain group.

  • Once a user from any new domain group logs in; their details are automatically entered in required tables.

  • The administrator user from the Administrator group as identified above can then give desired rights by right clicking on the domain group and selecting edit.