Adding Users and Groups

User authorization privileges are configured within the Fleet Management Administration module. Fleet Management uses an authorization mode where each user belongs to one or more user groups, and then the user gets all the privileges assigned to the user group(s). Alternatively, Fleet Management can use Active Directory as an alternative for authentication/authorization. In the Active Directory mode, the Microsoft Windows user is used to login into the Fleet Management.
To add Groups and Users to the Cruise Fleet Management System:
  1. To create a group:
    1. On the Fidelio Cruise Fleet Management System screen, from the Administration menu, select General.
    2. On the Administration screen, click User Security and then click the Group. On the left panel under Groups, right-click on any group and click Add.
      After mentioning the information regarding the group and the user rights selected, click OK to save. The administrator can select the various modules to create groups.
  2. To create a user:
    1. On the Administration screen, click User Security. On the left panel under Groups, right-click on any group and click Add.
    2. Enter the User Login, Password, First Name, Last Name, Group, and Class. You can enable or disable the user by selecting the User Enabled check box.
    3. Select the drop-down list of the group section and then click OK.