
The Receiver is the second part of the FM Transfer Interface since it can act only if the Sender has sent any messages to its receiving queues. The Receiver continuously looks for messages within the queues defined in its Settings tab and processes them upon arrival. Like the Sender, the Receiver is a multi-threaded application that can process many messages simultaneously from many queues. Due to the administrative actions that needs to be carried out on the receiving queues, the Receiver is limited to work with the queues on its OWN PC (or server). It can NOT work with queues on remote machines.

Select the Data Source

The Receiver also requires some settings for it to run. If these settings do not exist, the Receiver upon startup automatically brings up the Configuration screen.
  1. From the drop-down, select the Data Source.

  2. In the user column, provide the database user to the corporate schema. Currently, the only user to be assigned at the FM Receiver is FCONSOL.

  3. After providing the password, add additional database users. Click +, to add the users.

  4. Click Apply to save the settings and launch the FM Receiver application.

The settings are saved in an XML file called Config Settings. The password is saved in 128 bit encrypted form. These settings can always be modified by clicking on the Config Settings button under the Settings tab of the FM Receiver.


If any settings are modified or new queue entries are added, the Interface must be restarted for these settings to take effect.

Configure the settings in the Config Settings screen.

Table 8-5 Config Settings

Configuration Setting Description
Root Path

The Root Path is usually the folder where the executable resides. This is used by the Interface to create the sub-folders/directories where the Activity logs and Exception Log is written to.

File Retention Days

This number defines the days that the log files are retained. Logs greater than the number of days are purged.

Thread Pool Max Thread Count

The Receiver uses multi-threading technology to process many tables simultaneously at great speed. This number defines the count for the maximum threads that it opens at any given time. This number is usually derived based on the total tables to transfer + configuration of the PC running the Receiver + the configuration of the database servers since each thread makes its own connection to the database. The Receiver divides the total threads by the total number of queues to process so all queues get equal resources and all are processed simultaneously.

Enable Tracking Service

This option enables the user to choose whether or not the Tracking Service is launched to check if the Receiver is alive or not. If the Receiver is closed gracefully, the service writes an Informational message in the Application Event log and stop. If the Receiver is forcefully closed, the service writes a Critical Error in the Application Event log and stop. This Service can then be managed thru any Operational Management tool to send alerts as required.

Schema Info

In this grid, the database connection is defined. The TNS Names file must first be selected to enable the Interface to provide a list of all possible DB connections. This file typically resides in the NETWORK\ADMIN folder/directory under the Oracle Home folder/directory.

Fleet Management Receiver

The Fleet Management screen shows the following tabs:

Table 8-6 Tabs and their description

Tabs Description
Activity Status

The Activity Status tab shows the current activity performed by the FM Receiver. It also provides some other relevant information like the date and time of the last transfer and next transfer. The grid itself is self-explanatory and gives a running count and description of each message being processed.

Log Reader
The Log Reader tab enables pulling up of any old log file to see the details of the activity. A browser can be invoked to select the appropriate log file for viewing.


A new log file is created for every day and is named accordingly. All logs are saved in XML format. Logs are retained in C:\Program Files\ Software\FM Receiver within the LOG sub-folder/directory for the respective queue.


There are no automated procedures to purge log-files. The user must periodically perform clean-up contingent on disk-space availability.

The Settings tab is the place to setup all the queues that you want the Receiver to process.

Queue Info: This panel enables the user to provide the necessary information to define new queues.
  1. Right-click into the grid and select Add.

  2. Right-click whilst high-lighting a specific queue, also enables for EDIT. This brings the cursor to the lower half of the panel where you can select the correct IP address of the current machine.

  3. Select a valid IP address. List of respective Private Queues are populated.

  4. Select the correct queue and click Apply.


Be aware that a PC (or server) can have more than one IP address, additionally, if enabled, it could have IP version 6.

Time Blocking: This panel enables the user to add time-slots restricting the Receiver from process any messages. This functionality has been provided to accommodate customer’s DB maintenance windows. The Receiver initiates the Stop Receiving command 5 minutes before the start of any time block.


The Administration tab currently provides only 2 options; to stop or to start the Receiving process. When the Receiver application starts, the Receiving process is started by default. If for any reason, the Receiver needs to be put offline, the user just needs to click on Stop receiving. After processing all remaining messages in the memory, it stops. To start the receiving again, just click on Start receiving.