Syncing Data

From the FM Sender’s Administration tab, under Transfer Management, a specific date can be selected from which the synchronization starts. If a customer instead decides to retain all the available data from its first available backup, he/she can opt to Force Full Transfer instead. The drop-down of Last Transferred Date shows a calendar view on which you can scroll through the years and/or months. A date can then be selected.
  1. Select a Date from the calender view. If no specific tables are selected in the left-pane and if this is not recommended during a historical database synchronization process, and if you click OK FMS Transfer prompt appears.
  2. Click Yes to proceed and a message box confirms that the FM Tables are updated.
  3. Proceed to the Manual Transfer , and leave the default select-box From Last Transferred.
  4. Click Transfer to commence the data transfer process, and the application reverts to the Activity Status.
  5. The listed Status shows Transfer in progress … immediately after Validating Transfer Table …, and the data-synch commences.
    As a high-level validation, Oracle Hospitality Cruise provides a summary script over some key data tables whose output can later be compared against the FM shore side database to ensure that all data has transferred. Among the tables summarized are:

    Table 8-7 Summary Script and its Description

    Summary Script Description
    RES Reservations (Embarking Guest count)
    POS Financial Transaction (Record count, and total)
    MIB Bill Image (Record count)
    EPO Shore Excursion Transaction (Record count, and total)
    CCA Credit Card Authorizations (Record count, and total)
    CCT Credit Card Settlement (Record count, and total)
    LOG Log Entries (Record count)
    GLG Gangway Log Entries (Record count)
    The script can be executed using SQL Plus. The output should be saved in EXCEL format and forwarded to Oracle Hospitality Cruise Support. INSERT statements are generated to embed these into the FM_TRANS_SUMMARY table into the ship-equivalent data columns.


    If customer requires more in-depth data validation, Voyage Balance and Manifest reports can be generated against the environment and FM. The environment reports MUST be processed before continuing with next import.