Adding and Editing a Ship

The section describes how to configure a new ship or edit an existing ship details in Fleet Management Viewer.
  1. On the Administration screen, click Ship Setup.
  2. Select Details and then select Fleet Management.
  3. Fill in the following details in Ship Details:

    Table 2-2 General properties for Adding a Ship

    Properties Description

    Select the status as Active/Dry Dock/Inactive. By default, the status is Active. This is a mandatory field.

    Ship ID

    Enter the ship ID. The ship ID should be between 11 and 98. The Ship ID must be unique and if duplicated, gives an error. This field is mandatory.


    This field is enabled only in the Add mode. Right-click to edit this field.
    Ship Name

    The Ship Name of the selected ship gets automatically displayed.

    Ship Short Name

    The Short Name of the selected ship gets automatically displayed.


    This field is enabled only in the Add mode. Right-click to edit this field.
    Company Name

    Enter the name of the company. Maximum length should be 50. A pre-filled list of existing distinct values of this column can be displayed for selection. If you want to enter a new value, type the value. The status is enabled always and this field is not mandatory.


    Select the Classificationfrom the drop-down list.


    Select the Category from the drop-down list.

    Security Class

    Shows the default.

    Ship Image

    Shows the image of the ship.

    ERS status

    Select the status as Yes or No. By default, the status is set to NO. If you select Yes, you are setting frequent data transfer from ship to shore.


    This option should be enabled in case of Emergency only.
  4. In the Selected Ship Partitions List, select only the tables.


    Green color signifies the tables exist, and red color signifies the tables does not exist.
  5. Click Save. Click Yes to continue.
  6. In the left navigation pane, under Ship Selection, right-click on the ship you need to edit. Do the required changes and the data is edited and saved in database.