Resonline for Adding and Editing Ship

The section describes how to configure Resonline when we add and edit a new ship.
  1. On the Administration screen, click Ship Setup.
  2. Select Details and then select Resonline. Fill in the following details for Resonline:

    Table 2-3 Resonline Details

    Details Description
    Status Select the status as Active/Dry Dock/Inactive. By default, the status is Inactive. This is a mandatory field.
    Ship Code Ship Code of the selected ship gets automatically displayed. This field is cannot be edited in Resonline.
    Ship Name Enter the name of the ship. Maximum length should be 50. The status is enabled always and this fields is mandatory. This field is cannot be edited in Resonline.
    Ship Short Name Enter a short name for ship. Maximum length should be 4. The status is always enabled and this field is mandatory. The short name must be unique and if duplicated gives an error. This field is cannot be edited in Resonline.
    Source Ship Code The Source Ship Code of the selected ship gets automatically displayed. This field is cannot be edited in Resonline.
    Days range for Data This field is enabled and you can enter the number of days you want the data. By default, the date range is set to 14.
    Assigned to Machine This field is enabled and all the existing values are reflected. from which you can select the Machine. You can also enter another machine name in case the existing values do not suite you.
    Guest History This field is optional. By default, this option is disabled. Enable this option if you want to send the Guest History via Resonline.
    Resonline Uploading Enabled This option decides if Resonline would start processing data. This Flag must be set to Enabled status only when we want Resonline to begin data processing. By default, The Uploading Status is Yesand the Hammering Status is set to No.
    Itinerary Application
    • Ship Send Before: Displays the days how many days before the ship Itinerary Application is sent.
    • Ship Send Upto Displays the number of days the itinerary is created for.
  3. In the Ship Partitions List, you can view the details of tables and partitions.


    Green color signifies the tables exist, and red color signifies the partition does not exist.
  4. Click Save and you can see an message asking you continue. Click Yes to continue and No to discontinue.