9.8 Upgrade Failure when Multiple Virtual Disks Attached to Windows Virtual Machine

A Windows blue screen error may occur when upgrading Oracle VM PV Drivers for Microsoft Windows Release 3.4.1 to Release 3.4.2 on a Windows guest virtual machine with more than one virtual disk attached.


  1. Shut down the virtual machine where Oracle VM PV Drivers for Microsoft Windows Release 3.4.1 is installed.

  2. Before upgrading, you must detach the virtual disks individually from the virtual machine using the Oracle VM Manager Web Interface as follows:

    1. Click the Servers and VMs tab.

    2. Select the server pool on which the virtual machine resides in the navigation tree.

    3. Select Virtual Machines from the Perspective drop-down list. Select the virtual machine in the management pane, and click Edit... in the management pane toolbar.

    4. The Edit Virtual Machine dialog box is displayed.

    5. Select the Disks tab, and set the Disk Type for the first virtual disk to Empty and click Ok.


      There is no requirement to detach the System boot disk, for example CD/DVD.

    6. Repeat step c, d, and e for all remaining virtual disks, except the System boot disk.

    7. When all data virtual disks are detached, start the virtual machine.

  3. Upgrade the Oracle VM PV Drivers for Microsoft Windows Release 3.4.1 to Release 3.4.2. For more information see Chapter 5, Upgrading the Oracle VM PV Drivers for Microsoft Windows.

  4. After a successful upgrade, if required, you can re-attach the virtual disks to the Windows virtual machine using the Oracle VM Manager Web Interface as follows:

    1. Click the Servers and VMs tab.

    2. Select the server pool on which the virtual machine resides in the navigation tree.

    3. Select Virtual Machines from the Perspective drop-down list. Select the virtual machine in the management pane, and click Edit... in the management pane toolbar.

    4. The Edit Virtual Machine dialog box is displayed.

    5. Select the Disks tab and change the Disk Type from Empty to Virtual Disk.

    6. Click Select a Virtual Machine Disk to select the virtual disks that were previously removed from the virtual machine before upgrade.

    7. Once all virtual disks are re-attached, click Ok.


      If you are using Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2, you must use either the Found New Hardware Wizard, or the Hardware Update Wizard in the Device Manager to identify devices after re-attaching or adding new disks.

Upgrade to Oracle VM PV Drivers for Microsoft Windows Release 3.4.2 is now complete on the Windows guest virtual machine with multiple virtual disks attached.

Bug 25135637