Chapter 5 Upgrading the Oracle VM PV Drivers for Microsoft Windows

You can upgrade an existing installation of the Oracle VM PV Drivers for Microsoft Windows using the graphical installation program or by performing a silent upgrade. You should use the graphical installation program if you are upgrading a single instance of the Oracle VM PV Drivers for Microsoft Windows. If you plan to silently upgrade multiple instances of the Oracle VM PV Drivers for Microsoft Windows, you must run the graphical installation program in a command line window on at least one Microsoft Windows guest to create a response file. You can then use the response file to perform all subsequent upgrades silently.


A known issue exists when upgrading Oracle VM PV Drivers for Microsoft Windows Release 3.4.1 to Release 3.4.2 when the guest virtual machine has more than one virtual disk attached. For more information see Section 9.8, “Upgrade Failure when Multiple Virtual Disks Attached to Windows Virtual Machine”.

To upgrade the Oracle VM PV Drivers for Microsoft Windows, do the following:

  1. Copy the Oracle VM PV Drivers for Microsoft Windows installation program, Setup.exe, to the guest.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Double click Setup.exe to begin the upgrade.

    • Open a command line window and then:

      1. Navigate to the directory where the Setup.exe file is located.

      2. Run Setup.exe -r to begin the upgrade and create a response file for silent installations.

  3. If prompted, select Yes in the User Account Control dialog to allow the Oracle VM PV Drivers for Microsoft Windows installer to proceed.

    Figure 5.1 Oracle VM PV Drivers for Microsoft Windows user account control dialog

    This figure shows the initial update window. The buttons available are Back, Next and Cancel.

    The initial upgrade window is displayed.

    Figure 5.2 Oracle VM PV Drivers for Microsoft Windows installer window

    This figure shows the initial update window. The buttons available are Back, Next and Cancel.

  4. Click Next to start the upgrade.

    The installation program then copies new versions of the Oracle VM PV Drivers for Microsoft Windows to the system and updates the installed drivers. The Update Complete window is displayed.

    Figure 5.3 Update Complete window

    This figure shows the Update Complete window. Options on this window are: Yes, I want to restart the system now and No, I will restart system later.

  5. Check Yes, I want to restart the system now and then click Finish. The virtual machine is restarted.

If you used the -r option in the command line, the installation program creates a response file in the C:\Windows directory. You then use the response file, setup.iss, to perform silent upgrades on other Microsoft Windows guests. See Chapter 6, Silently Installing or Upgrading the Oracle VM PV Drivers for Microsoft Windows.