Siebel Applications Administration Guide > Opportunities (End User) >

Scenarios for Managing Opportunities

This topic describes how opportunity management might be used. You might use opportunity management differently, depending on your business model. This topic includes the following scenarios:

Converting Opportunities to Leads

A company uses Siebel Marketing to develop a campaign as part of a new product introduction. During the campaign, a telemarketing agent uses Siebel Call Center to contact prospects associated with the campaign. During her conversations with prospects, the agent qualifies leads by determining whether each prospect is interested in the new product offering. When a prospect expresses interest in learning more about the new product, the agent creates a new lead.

Using Siebel Assignment Manager, the lead is automatically routed to the sales representative who is most qualified to work on the lead and whose schedule can accommodate the new assignment.

When the sales representative logs in to the Siebel Sales application, she sees the new lead in the Opportunities list on her home page. Drilling down on the lead takes the sales representative to the Opportunities screen. After reviewing details about the lead, such as the customer information, probability of closing, and the products that the customer is interested in purchasing, the sales representative decides to accept the lead by changing the Status field to Accept.

After the sales representative accepts the lead, she begins to work on the lead by assembling members of the sales team, conducting further research on the customer and its requirements, coordinating and recording activities, uploading agreements, and generating proposals and presentations for the customer. As the sales representative works through the sales cycle, she updates information about the sales stage, and keeps private notes and notes that she shares with other members of the sales team. Eventually, the sales representative develops a quote from the Opportunities screen. When the customer accepts the quote, it is converted into an order.

NOTE:  Siebel Marketing, Siebel Call Center, Siebel Sales, and Siebel Quotes are fully integrated, separately licensed product offerings. You must license these products to access the views.

Tracking Opportunities

At a trade show, a sales representative meets a prospective customer who might be a lead for a new business opportunity. When the sales representative returns to the office, he discovers the company is listed in Siebel Sales as an account, but the person he met is not listed as a contact.

The sales representative proceeds to add the prospective customer as a contact, and then creates the opportunity. He then schedules meetings and creates associated activities, and enters other potential contacts associated with the opportunity.

As the sales process continues, the sales representative gathers and updates information about the account, its contacts, and the opportunity that he is pursuing. As the relationship grows, the sales representative can add, view, and share stored information and key knowledge with other members of the sales team.

Generating Quotes for Opportunities

A sales representative is assigned to the sales team for an opportunity. As the sales representative gathers product information about the customer requirements, she enters that information in the Siebel Sales application. After she presents to the customer, the customer indicates that the representative's company is on the short list for the deal, and that the representative can submit a quote.

The sales representative automatically creates a quote. The quote is based on the information she has already entered into the Siebel Sales application. After she generates the quote, she synchronizes the quote information with the revenues associated with the opportunity. By making sure these numbers are in sync, the sales representative establishes that the data associated with her opportunity is current and that her forecasts are accurate.

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