A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - W



architecture   1


guidelines for using to customize Presentation Model   1

JavaScript description   1

public JavaScript support   1

usage with Physical Renderer during life cycle   1

usage with Presentation Model and Physical Renderer in life cycle   1


external content, displaying outside   1

external content, displaying within   1


displaying external data in   1

displaying in an external application   1

event handler usage with scripts   1

example usage in object hierarchy   1

example usage in object life cycle   1

modifying to customize calendar event styles   1

modifying to display a box list   1

rendering as a carousel   1

support for collapsing   1

support for expanding, collapsing, sizing   1

SWE runtime usage   1

usage as scripting shadow object   1

usage of metadata   1

usage with proxy objects   1

user property GETEnabledMethods   1

user property support for calendar all day slot   1

user property support for calendar days   1

user property support for calendar free busy availability   1

user property support for calendar timestamps   1

architecture   1 ,  2 ,  3 ,  4 ,  5 ,  6 ,  7

about Siebel Open UI   1

differences in client architecture between high interactivity and Siebel Open UI   1

differences in server architecture between high interactivity and Siebel Open UI   1

Enterprise Application Integration, about   1

example object hierarchy   1

example of object life cycle   1

life cycle of an element   1

life cycle of user interface elements   1

object hierarchy   1

overview of Siebel Open UI development   1

Portal Agents, about   1

presentation model and physical renderer   1

presentation model life cycle methods   1

rendering   1

Aurora theme   1

Aurora theme, customizing   1

authentication strategies, list of Portal Agents   1

autocomplete   1

Back to top



GPS support   1

scripting   1

standards compliance   1

types supported   1

business components

modifying to customize calendar event styles   1

usage as shadow object   1

usage with applets   1

usage with notification property set   1

usage with proxy object   1

using to display data in external applications   1

business components, configuring to handle external data   1

busy cursor   1

Busy Cursor Timeout   1 ,  2

Back to top



file organization in   1


customizing work days   1

cascading style sheets

event style usage example of   1

guideline for usage   1

my-style.css usage   1

organization of   1

style usage for pick icon   1

theme-calendar.css usage   1

third-party usage of   1

usage to control layout and styling   1

where stored   1


multiple client environments   1

client customizations   1

content, integrating external

See Integrating External Content

customization example

configuring a list applet to render as a carousel   1

displaying or hiding fields   1

embedding Siebel views or applets in an external application   1

integrating external application data in a Siebel view   1 ,  2

modifying a list to display a box list   1

customizations, client   1

customizing Aurora theme   1

customizing the calendar

controlling how the calendar displays timestamps   1

customizing event styles   1

customizing repeating calendar events for Mobile   1

specifying the first day of the week   1

specifying values for the work days and week start fields   1

specifying work days   1

Back to top


disposition types

list of   1

summary, table   1


access to   1

predefined event   1

specifying element as JQuery object   1

usage guidelines   1

usage with script   1

Back to top



support with maps   1

Enable Elastic Grid   1

Enable Responsive Label   1

EncodeURL command, about   1

Enterprise Application Integration architecture, about   1


SWE log file, using to debug errors   1

Event Helper

class   1

modifying Physical Renderer code for   1

Event Helper Objects

description   1

external content

applet, displaying outside   1

applet, displaying within   1

external data, configuring business components to handle   1

external host, defining   1

Back to top


Fixup Administration view, using to define a fixup type   1

fixup type, defining   1

Form Redirect disposition type, about and scenario   1

FreePopup command, about   1

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configuring physical renderer   1

configuring presentation model   1

configuring presentation model and physical renderer for client object   1

Back to top


high interactivity applications, fixup type, about using for links   1


CLASS tag in   1

event style tags in   1

where files are stored   1

HTML attributes

IFrame command, about using to define   1

Back to top


IFrame command, about   1

IFrame disposition type

about   1

summary, table   1

image files

where Open UI stores them   1

Inline disposition type

about   1

restriction, use of   1

summary, table   1

Back to top



API   1 ,  2

browser script usage   1

example usage   1

file usage   1 ,  2

framework   1

usage for controlling logic   1

variable usage   1


calendar   1

Back to top


list applets

customizing to render as maps   1

log file, reviewing SWE log file   1


credential, defining   1

page, reverse-engineering   1

login ID

Siebel login ID, about using UseSiebelLoginId   1

UserLoginId, about using to define for Web application   1

Back to top


Manifest File

configuring for the color box example   1

guideline for using with Presentation Model and Physical Renderer   1

using to display a carousel   1

using to display CRM views in external applications   1

using to display data from external application   1

using to display fields   1


address map support   1

API for Google maps   1

customizing applets to render as   1

displaying a Google map   1


AddMethod of the Presentation Model class   1

AddProperty of the Presentation Model class   1

AttachEventHandler of Presentation Model class   1

AttachNotificationHandler of Presentation Model class   1 ,  2

AttachPMBinding of Presentation Model class   1

description of in Presentation Model   1

for application model class   1

for Business Component class   1

for the JQ Grid Renderer class   1

for the Presentation Model class   1

guidelines for customizing the Presentation Model   1

guidelines for using to customize the Physical Renderer   1

Init usage   1

Physical Renderer   1

Presentation Model   1

used in Presentation Model during life cycle   1

using to create shadow objects for applications   1

using to display data from an external application in a view   1

using to display data from external application in a view   1

using with browser script   1


about logging   1

server disconnected screens and views   1

swipe and zoom support   1

Mozilla browser, about   1

Back to top


NoCache command, about   1

NoFormFixup command, about   1

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object definition htmls   1

Object definition templates

using to display data from an external application   1

where stored when in native mode   1

OpenUITraining-Example   1

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Siebel password, about using UseSiebelLoginPassword command   1

UserLoginPassword command, about using   1


layout support   1

using to get help from Oracle   1

Physical Renderer

description   1

guidelines for usage with the Presentation Model   1

guidelines for using with an client object   1

methods of   1

post-upgrade task   1

rendering the carousel   1

updating code for Event Helper   1

usage guidelines   1

using to display data from external application   1

using to display fields   1

using to render carousels   1

plugin builder

class   1

plug-in wrapper

attaching to a control   1

binding custom events to a control   1

class   1

creating   1

customization guidelines   1

customizing   1

customizing control display   1

customizing to react to value changes   1

defining custom events   1

life cycle of   1

post-upgrade task   1

Portal Agent

about and features   1

architecture, about   1

authentication strategies, list of   1

creating, overview of required tasks   1

data layer, about integrating data   1

disposition types summary, table of   1

disposition types, list of   1

Form Redirect disposition type, about and scenario   1

IFrame disposition type, about   1

Inline disposition type, about   1

login requirements, determining   1

restrictions   1

SWE log file, reviewing   1

symbolic URL commands, about   1

Portal Agent, administration

content fixup, defining   1

external host, defining   1

symbolic URL arguments, defining   1

symbolic URL, defining   1

Web applications, defining   1

Portal Agent, command reference

EncodeURL, about   1

FreePopup about   1

IFrame, about   1

NoCache, about   1

NoFormFixup, about   1

PostRequest, about   1

PreLoadURL, about   1

UserLoginId, about   1

UserLoginPassword, about   1

UseSiebelLoginId, about   1

UseSiebelLoginPassword, about   1

Portal Agent, configuring

about   1

business components, configuring   1

external content, displaying outside an applet   1

external content, displaying within an applet   1

SWE log file, reviewing   1

Portal Agent, example

external host, defining   1

login page, reviewing   1

step overview   1

symbolic URL arguments, defining   1

symbolic URL, defining   1

test   1

user login credentials, defining   1

POST method, about using PostRequest to configure Portal Agent   1

PostRequest command, about   1

PreLoadURL command, about   1

Presentation Model

class and method descriptions   1

customization guidelines   1

description   1

example of using to render applets   1

guidelines for customizing to render client object   1

guidelines for usage with the Physical Renderer   1

methods it uses   1

using to display data from external applications   1


tasks   1

Back to top



browser script compatibility   1

reference, APIs

component class   1

reference, internationalization support   1

Back to top


sample code

Web Engine HTTP TXN Business Service   1 ,  2

WebApplet_OutputChildPropertySets function   1

WebApplet_OutputPropertySet function   1


views, list of   1


browser script object types   1

creating shadow objects   1

creating shadow objects for applets, business components or business services   1

handling custom client script   1


expression in browser script   1

session management, about   1

session proxy, about   1

session re-use, about   1

Siebel Connected Mobile applications

screens and views for Siebel Consumer Goods   1

Siebel Disconnected Mobile applications

screens and views for Siebel Consumer Goods   1

Siebel login ID, about using UseSiebelLoginId command   1

Siebel Open UI, SWE commands for   1

Siebel password, about using UseSiebelLoginPassword command   1

Siebel Tools

preparing   1

support for customizing   1

using before you customize the Presentation Model   1

using to allow blocked methods for HTTP GET access   1

using to customize event styles   1

using to display calendar all day slot   1

using to display calendar free busy availability   1

using to display calendar timestamps   1

using to render a grid   1 ,  2 ,  3 ,  4 ,  5 ,  6 ,  7 ,  8 ,  9 ,  10 ,  11 ,  12 ,  13

view names in   1

Simple Portal Agents, about authentication strategy   1

Single Sign-On Portal Agents authentication strategy, about   1

Single Sign-On technology (SS0), about   1

SSO Systems Administration view, using to specify Web application   1

Starting with look ahead   1


SWE commands for Siebel Open UI, table of   1

SWE commands for Siebel Open UI, table of   1

SWE log file, reviewing   1

symbolic URL

arguments, defining   1

business component, configuring   1

commands, about   1

defining   1

disposition types, list of   1

EncodeURL, about using to specify encoding arguments   1

Inline disposition type   1

multiple disposition types, about   1

PreLoad URL, about using   1

Back to top



properties   1

Template Manager

class   1

description   1


control   1

JavaScript renderer   1

Jquery FullCalender control   1

package   1

resource   1

user interface   1

where library must reside   1

time-out handling, about   1

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symbolic usage with external application   1

UserLoginId command, about   1

UserLoginPassword command, about   1

UseSiebelLoginId command, about   1

UseSiebelLoginPassword command, about   1

Back to top



Affiliations   1

Calendar   1

Contact List   1

displaying data from external application in   1

Opportunity List   1

usage in mobile applications   1

Back to top


Web application

defining   1

specifying and defining login credentials   1

Web Control disposition type

summary, table   1

Web Engine HTTP TXN Business Service

about invoking   1

methods, example   1

methods, table of   1

sample code   1 ,  2

WebApplet_OutputChildPropertySets function

sample code   1

WebApplet_OutputPropertySet function

sample code   1

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