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Session and Session Token Timeout-Related Parameters

You control the session timeout length and session token timeout length and maximum age by setting the parameters listed in Table 13. These parameters are set in the eai application section of the AI profile.

Table 13. Session and Session Token Timeout-Related Parameters
Parameter Name
Parameter Value


Number in seconds

The total number of seconds a session can remain inactive before the user is logged out and the session is closed.

The default value is 900 seconds (15 minutes).


Number in seconds

The total number of seconds a guest session can remain inactive before the guest is logged out and the session is closed.

The default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes).


Number in minutes

The Siebel Application Interface (AI) rejects the session token if the token is inactive for more than the SessionTokenTimeout value. Whenever the token is used, this value is refreshed.

You typically set SessionTokenTimeout to the same length of time as the global parameter SessionTimeout, whose default is 900 seconds (15 minutes).

The default value is 15 minutes.


Number in minutes

The SessionTokenMaxAge parameter will make the AI reject the token if it has been used for more than the SessionTokenMaxAge value (for example, 240 minutes, or 4 hours). This is different from the SessionTokenTimeout because it does not refresh every time the token is used.

The default value is 2880 minutes (two days).

NOTE:  If you set the value of SessionTokenTimeout longer than the value of SessionTimeout and send a Web service request after the session times out, then a relogin occurs and the request is executed.

For information on SessionTimeout, see Siebel Security Guide. For information on application configuration parameters in general, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

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