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Setting Up a Product for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Integration

When you set up a product in Siebel CRM, you have several options that are specific to Oracle Application Integration Architecture integration. Among these are fields for setting up discounts that will propagate to the external Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management system, and fields for instructing the external fulfillment system how to process the product in an order.

The following procedure describes product setup details that are specific to Oracle Application Integration Architecture integration fulfillment.

To set up a product for Oracle Application Integration Architecture integration

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Product screen, then the Products view.
  2. In the Products list, add a new record or select an existing record and complete the necessary fields.

    Some fields are described in the table that follows.


    Pricing Commit Type

    Specifies a method for price override. Indicates whether pricing for this product is committed or dynamic. Possible values are as follows:

    • Committed. An adjusted price is not affected by mass price change. Consequently, an adjustment is processed by Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management as a price override.
    • Dynamic. An adjusted price is not committed and can be affected by mass price changes. Consequently, an adjustment is processed in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management as a discount override, and the discount can be tracked against a separate GL code in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management. The discount override in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management can be an amount or a percentage, depending on the value in the Dynamic Discount Method field.

    This field interacts with other fields under different conditions. For more information about these interactions, see About Mapping Discounts and Price Overrides to Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management.

    Dynamic Discount Method

    Specifies a method for a discount override. When Pricing Commit Type is set to Dynamic, this field defines how to apply a discount in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management. Possible values are as follows:

    • Amount. Applies the discount as a monetary amount.
    • Percentage. Applies the discount as a percentage of the price.

    This field interacts with other fields under different conditions. For more information about these interactions, see About Mapping Discounts and Price Overrides to Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management.

    Fulfillment Item Code

    List of available selections is populated by the selection in the Product Class field, and includes all the classes in the hierarchy of the selected product class. If this product is a child product inherited from a class, then you can select the class specified in the Product Class field, or any of its parents up the hierarchy.

    By associating the product with a class, the value in this field tells the fulfillment system how to fulfill the product in the order. The value is passed to the fulfillment system from the product definition by way of the order line that specifies the product.

    Composition Type

    Describes the composition of the product. Used by the integration to define fulfillment rules. Passed to the fulfillment system by way of the order line that specifies the product. Includes the following values:

    • Partial Item. This product cannot be fulfilled on its own and must be fulfilled in the context of something else; for example, a one-time charge product.
    • Whole Item. This product is self-contained can be fulfilled on its own. Cannot contain another Whole Item product; can only contain Partial Item products.
  3. Complete the other fields, as needed.

    For general information about setting up a product, see the chapter on basic product administration in Siebel Product Administration Guide.

    NOTE:  For a special rating product such as a friends and family calling plan, the Composition Type value must be Partial Item. Additional product setup options are available for special rating products. For more information about setting up a special rating product, see the chapter on profiles in Siebel Communications Guide.

About Mapping Discounts and Price Overrides to Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management

A one-time or recurring discount defined in Siebel CRM and sent to Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management through the integration is identified in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management as either a price override or a discount override, depending on the values of the Pricing Commit Type and Dynamic Discount Method fields of the product record.

Pricing Commit Type can be Committed (the adjusted price is not affected by price change, so the adjustment is a price override in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management) or Dynamic (the adjusted price can be affected by mass price changes, so the adjustment is a discount override in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management). Dynamic Discount Method defines whether the discount is applied as an amount or percent in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management when the Pricing Commit Type is set to Dynamic.

Table 12 summarizes the net effects in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management based on the settings in Siebel CRM.

Table 12. Siebel CRM Settings and Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Results
Dynamic with Amount
Dynamic with Percent

List Price








Net Price




Adjusted Net Price

NOTE:  Mass change in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management increases the list price to $25. That is, the original list price, plus $5.

$20 [25-5]

$18.75 [25*(1-0.25)]


These fields are definable in the product definition and the promotion definition. These fields are also exposed in the quote line items, order line items, and assets.

Table 13 summarizes how the Pricing Commit Type value is derived based on the design-time (product setup) and run-time (quote or order line generation) definitions.

Table 13. Pricing Commit Type Values
Pricing Commit Type Design-Time Definition
Pricing Commit Type Run-Time Adjustment
Net Value Applied in Order Line


Dynamic or no change






Dynamic or no change





In the sales order line items, selecting the Skip Re-price field allows users to exclude a line item from the pricing procedure, and therefore prevent any further changes based on the effects of the Pricing Commit Type and Dynamic Discount Method field values.

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