A - B - C - D - E - F - H - I - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X


ABO Bulk Request - Add Sub-Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - All Exclusive Process Action Sub-Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - All Instances Sub Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - ApplyProductPromotion Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Cancel Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Check Eligibility & Compatibility Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Clear Exception Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Clear Exception Sub-Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Delete Sub-Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Disconnect Asset Sub-process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Disconnect Products & Services Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Edit Complex Asset Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Edit Order Line Item workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Edit Promotion Related Asset Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Explode Driver Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Explode Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Inclusive Process Action Sub-Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Modify Sub-Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - ModifyWebService-Order Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Notify User Sub-Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Parallel Sub Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Prepare Action Set Sub-Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Promotion - Add Missed Items Sub Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Promotion - Update Matched Items Sub Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Promotion Disconnect Integration SubProcess Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Promotion Disconnect Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Reset Process Sub-Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Reset Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Sub Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Submit Driver Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Submit Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Suspend/Resume Sub-Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Upgrade Sub-Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request Add Item Customize Process workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request Add Item Customize SubProcess Quotes Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request Add Item Customize SubProcess workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request Import Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request Validate Process workflow   1

access control

for promotion groups   1

rules, defining for promotion group definitions   1

accounts, adding promotion groups   1

action codes, for bulk requests   1

action launchpad, configuring   1

action sets, bulk request

adding   1

changing processing   1

exception types   1

templates, about exploding   1

actions, bulk request

adding   1

exception types   1

agreement processing workflows

ISS Promotion Agreement Management Sub Process Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Create Agreement Details Workflow   1

ambiguity resolution   1 ,  2

ambiguity resolution workflows

ISS Promotion Ambiguity Resolution Process - Upgrade   1

ISS Promotion Cancel Ambiguity Process   1

ISS Promotion Collect Eligible List   1

as submitted orders, about   1

asset processing workflows

ISS Promotion Group Asset List Sub Process Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Group Associate Member Sub Process Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Group Associated Member Sub Process Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Group Disconnect Process Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Group Membership Disconnect Process Workflow   1

Product Compatibility - Default Workflow   1

asset-based ordering

about   1

workflows   1


associating with a promotion group   1

cardinality rules for promotion groups, defining   1

compatibility rules for promotion groups, creating   1

debundling components from a promotion   1

disconnect processing and validations   1

pricing for promotion groups, about adjusting   1

time-based offerings   1

viewing membership information   1

Back to top


backward compatibility workflows

SIS OM Auto Select Order Billing and Service Accounts   1

SIS OM Auto Select Quote Billing and Service Accounts   1

Basic Pricing Procedure workflow   1


items, overview   1

profiles, setting up for prepaid services   1

bulk ordering workflows

See Workflows for Bulk Requests

bulk quotes and bulk orders

See About Managing Bulk Requests

bulk request workflows

ABO Bulk Request - Add Sub-Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - All Exclusive Process Action Sub-Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - All Instances Sub Process   1

ABO Bulk Request - ApplyProductPromotion   1

ABO Bulk Request - Cancel Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Check Eligibility & Compatibility   1

ABO Bulk Request - Clear Exception Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Clear Exception Sub-Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Delete Sub-Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Disconnect Asset Sub-process   1

ABO Bulk Request - Disconnect Products & Services Process   1

ABO Bulk Request - Edit Complex Asset Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Edit Order Line Item   1

ABO Bulk Request - Edit Promotion Related Asset Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Explode Driver Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Explode Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Inclusive Process Action Sub-Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Modify Sub-Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - ModifyWebService-Order   1

ABO Bulk Request - Notify User Sub-Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Parallel Sub Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Prepare Action Set Sub-Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Promotion - Add Missed Items Sub Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Promotion - Update Matched Items Sub Process   1

ABO Bulk Request - Promotion Disconnect Integration SubProcess   1

ABO Bulk Request - Promotion Disconnect Process   1

ABO Bulk Request - Reset Process Sub-Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Reset Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Sub Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Submit Driver Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Submit Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Suspend/Resume Sub-Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request - Upgrade Sub-Process Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request Add Item Customize Process   1

ABO Bulk Request Add Item Customize SubProcess   1

ABO Bulk Request Add Item Customize SubProcess Quotes   1

ABO Bulk Request Import Workflow   1

ABO Bulk Request Validate Process   1

bulk requests

action codes   1

action exception types   1

action set exception types   1

action sets, adding   1

action sets, changing processing   1

actions, adding   1

bulk orders, viewing   1

bulk quotes, viewing   1

cancellation processing, configuring   1

creating with a target list   1

data, adding manually   1

eligibility and compatibility rules   1

exception data, about   1

exception data, managing   1

exploding action set templates   1

fields, adding to business components   1

fields, adding to integration components   1

header, creating   1

import process, configuring   1

import template files   1

import templates, adding custom fields   1

import templates, creating   1

import validation rules, configuring   1

importing data from a template file   1

instance exception types   1

instances, adding   1

managing, about   1

Mobile Web Client, setting up   1

process of managing   1

processing logic, about   1

processing, about   1

roadmap for configuring   1

status values   1

submitting   1

target list data, adding   1

template file validation   1

template quotes and orders   1

validating   1

validation, configuring   1

workflows   1

XLS source file fields   1

XLS source file macros   1

XLS source files, updating   1

bundled promotions

bundling components, about   1

bundling components, scenario   1

compatibility rules, defining   1

component assets, debundling   1

editing   1

user interfaces, defining   1

business components, adding custom fields   1

Back to top


cancellation processing, configuring for bulk requests   1

cardinality rules, defining for promotion group assets   1

cascade deletion, configuring for disconnected networks   1

catalog categories, associating promotion group definitions   1

change orders

billing and service accounts, selecting   1

disconnecting an order   1

modifying an order   1

revising an order   1

changing SIM cards   1

charge plans, entering for promotion group definitions   1


adding to a promotion group definition   1

defining for promotion component agreements   1

defining for promotion component relationships   1

defining for promotion components   1

deleting a promotion component, scenario   1

disconnecting promotion component commitments   1

promotion component commitments, about   1

promotion component penalty charges, about   1

terms, in promotion group definitions   1

compatibility rules

in bulk requests   1

creating for promotion group assets   1

creating for promotion group definitions   1

creating for promotion group memberships   1

defining for bundled promotions   1

defining for customizable products   1

compatibility rules workflows

ISS Promotion Asset Membership Compatibility Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Group Compatibility - Exclude Rules SubProcess Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Group Compatibility - Require Rules SubProcess Workflow   1

Compound Product Validation Engine

about   1

overview   1

Projected Asset Cache   1

tasks of   1

compound products, defining for a network   1

CompProdLn Multi Value Search user property   1


action launchpad.   1

bulk requests   1

customer analytics   1

customer dashboard   1

navigation pane.   1

network ordering, about   1

cross-network validation

about   1

cascade deletion   1

enabling and disabling   1

example   1

user property reference   1

customer analytics, configuring   1

customer asset-based ordering

about   1

about workflows   1

customer dashboard

configuring   1

using   1

customer experience

adding bulk items to shopping cart   1

asset-based ordering, business scenarios   1

creating supplemental orders   1

disconnecting service items   1

modifying service items   1

quote-to-order process   1

customer orders, business scenario for partner experience   1

customer workflows

creating order from quote   1

disconnecting products and services   1

editing delta quote line items   1

modifying products and installed assets   1

order checkout   1

rejecting an order   1

revising orders   1

ungrouping quotes   1

customizable products, defining compatibility rules   1

CUT eChannel - Goto Product Catalog View Workflow   1

CUT eChannel - New Products & Services Process Workflow   1

CUT eSales - Bill Me Process   1

CUT eSales - Checkout Process   1

CUT eSales - Disconnect Products and Service Process   1

CUT eSales - Edit Delta Quote Line Item   1

CUT eSales - Goto Revise Order View   1

CUT eSales - Modify Products and Services Process   1

CUT eSales - Order Quote Process   1

CUT eSales - PC Enrollment Process workflow   1

CUT eSales - PC Prepare Cart Process workflow   1

CUT eSales - Prepare Quote Process   1

CUT eSales - Prepare Shopping Cart Process   1

CUT eSales - Prepare Shopping Cart Process - Interactive   1

CUT eSales - Reject Order Process   1

CUT eSales - Revise Order Process   1

CUT eSales - Set Quote Account Info   1

CUT eSales - Set Shopping Cart Price List workflow   1

CUT eSales - Ungroup Quote   1

Back to top


delta quotes, workflow for editing line items   1

disconnected networks, configuring cascade deletion   1

disconnection, of promotions   1

discount products, creating for time-based offerings   1


about mapping to Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management   1

adding to a bundled promotion for a time-based offering   1

Dynamic Pricing Procedure workflow   1

dynamic transform workflows

ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform Order Reprice Sub Process   1

ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform Order Sub Process   1

ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform Process   1

ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform Quote Reprice Sub Process   1

ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform Quote Sub Process   1

Back to top


Edit Promotion view, configuring product selection   1

editing bundled promotions   1

eligibility rules

in bulk requests   1

creating for promotion group definitions   1

employee workflows

ambiguity resolution   1

bulk requests   1

dynamic transform   1

enrollment   1

generating revenue line items   1

order cancellation   1

order price calculation   1

order processing   1

prepaid services   1

price comparison   1

promotion processing   1

quote processing   1

time-based offerings   1

user prompts   1

validating a network   1

enrollment workflows

CUT eSales - PC Enrollment Process   1

CUT eSales - PC Prepare Cart Process   1

CUT eSales - Set Shopping Cart Price List   1

SIS OM PC Create Account Subprocess   1

SIS OM PC Enrollment   1

SIS OM PC Go To Opportunity View   1

SIS OM PC Go to Order Entry - Line Items View (Sales)   1

SIS OM PC Set Opportunity Account   1

eSales - Authorize Order Process   1

eSales - Complete Checkout Process   1

eSales - Enter Payment Details Process   1

eSales - Enter Shipping Details Process   1

eSales - Save Shipping Address   1

eSales - Set Primary Account Address   1

exception data

in bulk requests, about   1

in bulk requests, managing   1

extensible product fields   1

Back to top


fallout orders

about managing   1

viewing   1

follow-up task workflow   1

FrameEventMethodUgroupAll   1

FrameEventMethodUgroupSelected   1

Back to top


hierarchies, building for orders   1

Back to top


import process

configuring for bulk requests   1

validation rules, configuring   1

import templates

adding custom fields, process   1

creating for bulk requests   1

setting up version numbers   1

installed assets

overview   1

promotion group access control   1

service points   1

topping up balances for   1

workflows for modifying   1


adding to a bulk request   1

exception types   1

of promotion groups, creating   1


components, adding custom fields   1

discounts and price overrides, about mapping to Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management   1

orders, processing through Oracle Application Integration Architecture   1

products, setting up for Oracle Application Integration Architecture integration   1

quotes, processing through Oracle Application Integration Architecture   1

ISS Modify Promotion Group Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Agreement Management Sub Process Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Ambiguity Resolution Process - Upgrade workflow   1

ISS Promotion Asset Membership Compatibility Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Calculate Promotion Penalty Charges SubProcess Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Cancel Ambiguity Process workflow   1

ISS Promotion Collect Eligible List workflow   1

ISS Promotion Create Agreement Details Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform Order Reprice Sub Process workflow   1

ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform Order Sub Process workflow   1

ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform Process workflow   1

ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform Quote Reprice Sub Process workflow   1

ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform Quote Sub Process workflow   1

ISS Promotion Group Asset List Sub Process Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Group Associate Member Sub Process Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Group Associated Member Sub Process Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Group Check Commitment Sub Process workflow   1

ISS Promotion Group Compatibility - Exclude Rules SubProcess Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Group Compatibility - Require Rules SubProcess Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Group Disconnect Process Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Group Membership Disconnect Process Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Group Validate (Order) Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Group Validate (Quote) Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Prompt Interactive Sub Process workflow   1

ISS Promotion Verify SubProcess Workflow   1

Back to top


managing bulk requests

about   1

process   1

master accounts   1


adding to a promotion group   1

disconnecting from a promotion group   1

process of managing   1

membership definitions

adding to a promotion group definition   1

adding to price lists   1

commitments, defining   1

compatibility rules, creating   1

membership domains, defining   1

setting pricing adjustments   1

membership products, creating for promotion groups   1


adding to a promotion group   1 ,  2

defining attribute values   1

disconnect processing and validations   1

disconnecting from a promotion group   1

modifying   1

pricing for promotion groups, about adjusting   1

merged promotions

defining   1

example   1


order management, processing   1

Mobile Web Client, setting up for bulk requests   1

modification workflow, ISS Modify Promotion Group Workflow   1

multiple price types, and opportunities   1

Back to top


navigation pane, configuring   1

NestedValidationQuoteSearchSpec user property   1

network compound products

business services for rule checkers, defining   1

error messages, defining   1

example of defining   1

maximum and minimum quantities, defining   1

process of defining   1

products, defining   1

simple expression rules, defining   1

network ordering

about   1 ,  2

about configuring   1

network sites, disconnecting

creating an order for   1

disconnecting node and connections   1

updating assets after   1

validating a network after   1

network sites, new

adding a connection for   1

adding a location for   1

adding a node for   1

converting orders to assets   1

creating a quote for   1

creating an order for   1

validating a quote for   1

network validation workflows

VORD Validate (Order)   1

VORD Validate (Quote)   1


disconnected, configuring cascade deletion   1

disconnecting sites from   1

nodes, associating with service accounts in a promotion   1

ordering new   1

ordering new sites in   1

upgrading bandwidth at sites   1

viewing as a billing or service item   1

networks, new

adding connections to   1

adding nodes to   1

converting orders to assets   1

creating a quote for   1

creating an account and locations for   1

creating an order for   1

validating a quote for   1

notifications, setting up for promotion group definitions   1

Back to top



multiple price types, effects   1

revenue line workflow, SIS OM Update Revenue Workflow   1

Oracle Application Integration Architecture

processing orders   1

processing quotes   1

products, setting up for integration   1

Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management, about mapping discounts and price overrides   1

Oracle Configurator Load workflow   1

Oracle Product Information Management Data Hub

extensible product fields   1

product attributes, synchronizing   1

product classes, synchronizing   1

product objects, synchronizing   1

products, synchronizing   1

promotions, synchronizing   1

order cancellation workflows

SWI Cancel Sales Order Line Item   1

SWI Cancel Sales Order_O2C   1

SWICancel Sales Order   1

order checkout workflows

CUT eSales - Bill Me Process   1

CUT eSales - Checkout Process   1

CUT eSales - Prepare Quote Process   1

CUT eSales - Set Quote Account Info   1

eSales - Authorize Order Process   1

eSales - Complete Checkout Process   1

eSales - Enter Payment Details Process   1

eSales - Enter Shipping Details Process   1

eSales - Save Shipping Address   1

eSales - Set Primary Account Address   1

order failures

See About Managing Order Fallout

order line editing workflows

SIS OM Add Service Charge Order Sub-Process   1

SIS OM Edit Service Order Line Item   1

order line items

fallout, viewing   1

workflows for editing   1

workflows for updating   1

order line update workflows

SIS OM NSB Update Order Line   1

SIS OM Order Line Item Update Main   1

SIS OM UpdateOrderItem   1

order management

activating workflows   1

messages, processing   1

terminology   1

order placement tasks

adding quote template items to shopping cart   1

Bill Me payment method, using   1

Billing Account payment method, using   1

converting a quote to an order   1

Credit Card payment method, using   1

entering shipment information   1

processing an order checkout   1

Purchase Order method, using   1

reviewing and submitting an order   1

order price calculation workflows

Basic Pricing Procedure   1

Dynamic Pricing Procedure   1

Pricing Procedure - Calculate Net Price   1

order processing workflows

Oracle Configurator Load   1

SWI Configurator Load   1

SWI Initial Load Non CP Order Release Workflow   1

SWI TSQ Order Workflow   1

SWICopyOrder   1

SWIOrderUpsert   1

SWIOrderUpsert_O2C   1

SWIOrderUpsertSubProcess   1

SWIReviseOrderValidation   1

SWISendATPCheck   1

SWISendATPCheckLine   1

SWISendCalculateShippingCharge   1

SWISendOrder   1

SWIValidateDependentOrders   1

Verify Header (Order)   1

Verify Item (Order)   1

order submission workflows

SIS OM Submit Order Process   1

SISOMBillingSubmitOrderWebService   1

Submit Order ASI   1


adding special rating items   1 ,  2

as submitted orders, about   1

bulk orders, viewing   1

creating from quote, workflow for   1

example of a time-based offering in   1

fallout orders, about managing   1

fallout orders, viewing   1

hierarchies, building   1

parent order, designating   1

parent-child relationship, restrictions and requirements   1

portal orders, business scenario   1

priority mapping, modifying   1

process workflows for backward compatibility   1

processing through Oracle Application Integration Architecture integration   1

promotion groups, adding   1

submitting for technical service qualification   1

supplemental order business scenario   1

telephone numbers, managing   1

time-based offerings   1

time-based offerings in   1

workflow for rejecting   1

workflows for checkout   1

orders, revising

about order revisions   1

CUT eSales - Goto Revise Order View workflow   1

CUT eSales - Revise Order Process   1

revised order line item IDs, about   1

revisions and as submitted orders, about   1

workflows for   1

order-to-installation task workflow   1

outbound Web services

creating   1

importing into Siebel application   1

Back to top


parent-child orders

designating a parent for an order   1

restrictions and requirements   1

partner experience

asset-based ordering, business scenario   1

customer orders   1

portal orders   1

recruiting partners   1

partner workflows, directing users to an interface   1

penalty charges, entering for promotion group definitions   1

PG Member Common Value Checker business service   1

PG Member Distinct Value Checker business service   1

phone numbers, managing for an order   1

Power Partner Commerce

managing quotes and orders   1

users   1

premises, setting up   1

prepaid services

designating for products   1

designating for promotions   1

process of configuring   1

process of managing   1

setting up billing profiles for   1

topping up asset balances   1

workflow, SIA External Integration Process   1

prepaid transactions, viewing details   1

price comparison workflows

SIS OM Goto Price Comparison View Process   1

SIS OM PC Price Comparison Process   1


comparing with competitor prices   1

overrides, about mapping to Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management   1

pricing calculation workflows

Pricing Procedure - Promotion Group Discount Workflow   1

Pricing Promotion Group - Asset Membership Sub Process Workflow   1

PSP Driver Workflow Process Workflow   1

Pricing Procedure - Calculate Net Price workflow   1

Pricing Procedure - Promotion Group Discount Workflow   1

Pricing Promotion Group - Asset Membership Sub Process Workflow   1

priority mapping, modifying for orders   1

processing and validations

asset disconnect   1

membership disconnect   1

promotion group disconnect   1

product attributes

creating for time-based offerings   1

synchronizing   1

product classes

creating for time-based offerings   1

in promotion upgrades   1

synchronizing   1

Product Compatibility - Default Workflow   1

Product Compatibility - Exclude Rules SubProcess Workflow   1

Product Compatibility - Require Rules SubProcess   1

product compatibility workflows

Product Compatibility - Exclude Rules SubProcess Workflow   1

Product Compatibility - Require Rules SubProcess   1

product fields, extensible   1

product lines   1

product objects, synchronizing   1

product promotions, defining   1


designating prepaid services for   1

for service charges   1

setting up for Oracle Application Integration Architecture integration   1

synchronizing   1

workflows for disconnecting   1

workflows for modifying   1

Projected Asset Cache   1

promotion group definitions

access control, defining   1

adding   1

adding to a price list   1

applying validation rules   1

asset cardinality rules, defining   1

asset compatibility rules, creating   1

asset pricing adjustments   1

asset pricing, about adjusting   1

assets, setting pricing adjustments   1

catalog categories, associating with   1

charge plans, entering   1

commitment terms, entering   1

commitments, adding   1

commitments, defining for memberships   1

compatibility rules, creating   1

creating   1

deactivating   1

eligibility rules, creating   1

membership commitments, defining   1

membership compatibility rules, creating   1

membership definitions, adding   1

membership definitions, adding to a price list   1

membership domains, defining   1

membership pricing adjustments   1

membership pricing, about adjusting   1

memberships, setting pricing adjustments   1

notifications, setting up   1

penalty charges, entering   1

process of setting up   1

releasing   1

reward components, setting pricing adjustments   1

reward definitions, adding   1

reward definitions, adding to a price list   1

reward definitions, setting pricing adjustments   1

setting up, process   1

terms, defined   1

validation business services and parameters   1

version control   1 ,  2

promotion group workflows

agreement processing   1

asset processing   1

compatibility rules   1

pricing calculation   1

product compatibility   1

quote and order validation   1

promotion groups

about   1

access control   1

adding to a quote or order   1

adding to an account   1

administration, about   1

asset disconnect processing and validations   1

assets, associating   1

components, accessing   1

creating   1

design-time scenario   1

details, viewing   1

disconnect processing and validations   1

disconnecting   1

installed assets, access control   1

management, about   1

managing, about   1

members, adding   1

members, disconnecting   1

membership and reward products, creating   1

membership attributes, defining   1

membership disconnect processing and validations   1

membership information for an asset, viewing   1

memberships, adding   1 ,  2

memberships, disconnecting   1

memberships, modifying   1

process of creating   1

process of managing   1

process of managing members   1

Promotion Group Details view, about   1

restricted components, access control   1

roadmap for managing   1

run-time scenario   1

scenarios for using   1

terms, defined   1

workflows, about   1


asset-based recommendations, selecting   1

associating components with service accounts, scenario   1

associating nodes with service accounts, about   1

bundled promotion   1

bundling components, about   1

bundling components, scenario   1

component commitment agreements, defining   1

component commitments, about   1

component commitments, defining   1

component commitments, disconnecting   1

component relationship commitments, defining   1

debundling component assets   1

defining   1

deleting a committed component, scenario   1

designating prepaid services for   1

disconnections, about   1

disconnections, scenario   1

Edit Promotion product selection, configuring   1

example of merging   1

group upgrades, about   1

group upgrades, example   1

merged, about   1

penalties, configuring workflow for   1

penalty component charges for commitments, about   1

split promotions, about defining   1

synchronizing   1

upgrade aggregates, defining eligibility   1

upgrading   1

promotions, split

example of defining   1

scenario for defining   1

PSP Driver Workflow Process Workflow   1

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quote and order validation workflows

ISS Promotion Calculate Promotion Penalty Charges SubProcess Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Group Check Commitment Sub Process workflow   1

ISS Promotion Group Validate (Order) Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Group Validate (Quote) Workflow   1

ISS Promotion Verify SubProcess Workflow   1

quote line editing workflows

SIS OM Add Service Charge Quote Sub-Process   1

SIS OM Edit Delta Quote Line Item   1

quote line items

fields   1

ungrouping   1

workflow for editing delta   1

workflows for editing   1

quote management tasks

adding bulk items to the shopping cart   1

adding items to shopping cart   1

customizing an item   1

revising shopping cart contents   1

saving a shopping cart as a quote   1

quote processing workflows

Submit Quote ASI   1

SWIQuoteUpsert   1

SWISendQuote   1


adding special rating items   1

bulk quotes, viewing   1

creating order from, workflow for   1

processing through Oracle Application Integration Architecture integration   1

promotion groups, adding   1

revenue generation, process of   1

workflow for ungrouping   1

quote-to-order process, customer experience business scenario   1

Back to top


recommendations, selecting for asset-based promotions   1

recruiting partners, business scenario   1

restricted components, promotion group access control   1


computation, effects of multiple price types   1

line items, workflow for generating   1

reward definitions

adding to price lists   1

adding to promotion group definitions   1

pricing adjustments, setting   1

pricing adjustments, setting for components   1

reward products, creating for promotion groups   1

rule checkers, creating custom   1

Back to top


service accounts

associating with components in a promotion, scenario   1

associating with nodes in a promotion, about   1

service charges, setting up for products   1

service ID, description   1

service item disconnection workflows

SIS OM Add Service Charge Sub-Process   1

SIS OM Disconnect Asset Sub-Process   1

SIS OM Disconnect Products & Services Process   1

service item modification workflows

SIS OM Add Service Charge Sub-Process   1

SIS OM Edit Complex Asset Workflow   1

SIS OM Modify Products & Services Process   1

service item suspend or resume workflows

SIS OM Suspend / Resume Asset Sub-Process   1

SIS OM Suspend / Resume Products & Services Process   1

service items

disconnecting, customer experience   1

modifying, customer experience   1

service points, description   1

service transfer workflows

SIS OM Move Display Quote   1

SIS OM Move Exception Handling   1

SIS OM Move Process   1

SIS OM Move Service Point Check   1


transferring   1

workflows for disconnecting   1 ,  2

workflows for modifying   1

workflows for resuming   1

workflows for suspending   1

workflows for transferring   1

shopping cart, adding bulk items   1

SIA External Integration Process workflow   1

Siebel Partner Relationship Management   1

SIM cards, changing   1

SIS OM Add Service Charge Order Sub-Process workflow   1

SIS OM Add Service Charge Quote Sub-Process workflow   1

SIS OM Add Service Charge Sub-Process workflow   1

SIS OM Auto Select Order Billing and Service Accounts workflow   1

SIS OM Auto Select Quote Billing and Service Accounts workflow   1

SIS OM Disconnect Asset Sub-Process workflow   1

SIS OM Disconnect Products & Services Process workflow   1

SIS OM Edit Complex Asset Workflow   1

SIS OM Edit Delta Quote Line Item workflow   1

SIS OM Edit Service Order Line Item workflow   1

SIS OM Goto Price Comparison View Process workflow   1

SIS OM Modify Products & Services Process workflow   1

SIS OM Move Display Quote workflow   1

SIS OM Move Exception Handling workflow   1

SIS OM Move Process workflow   1

SIS OM Move Service Point Check workflow   1

SIS OM NSB Update Order Line workflow   1

SIS OM Order Line Item Update Main workflow   1

SIS OM PC Create Account Subprocess workflow   1

SIS OM PC Enrollment workflow   1

SIS OM PC Go To Opportunity View workflow   1

SIS OM PC Go to Order Entry - Line Items View (Sales) workflow   1

SIS OM PC Price Comparison Process workflow   1

SIS OM PC Set Opportunity Account workflow   1

SIS OM Submit Order Process workflow   1

SIS OM Suspend / Resume Asset Sub-Process workflow   1

SIS OM Suspend / Resume Products & Services Process workflow   1

SIS OM Update Revenue Workflow   1

SIS OM UpdateOrderItem workflow   1

SISOMBillingSubmitOrderWebService workflow   1

special rating items

adding to a quote   1

adding to a quote or order   1

adding to an order   1

split promotions

about defining   1

example of defining   1

scenario for defining   1

Standard Partner Commerce

change order tasks   1

order placement tasks   1

quote management tasks   1

users   1

Submit Order ASI workflow   1

Submit Quote ASI workflow   1

SWI Asset Status Update workflow   1

SWI Cancel Sales Order Line Item workflow   1

SWI Cancel Sales Order_O2C workflow   1

SWI Configurator Load workflow   1

SWI Initial Load Non CP Order Release Workflow   1

SWI TSQ Order Workflow workflow   1

SWICancel Sales Order workflow   1

SWICopyOrder workflow   1

SWIOrderUpsert workflow   1

SWIOrderUpsert_O2C workflow   1

SWIOrderUpsertSubProcess workflow   1

SWIQuoteUpsert workflow   1

SWIReviseOrderValidation workflow   1

SWISendATPCheck workflow   1

SWISendATPCheckLine workflow   1

SWISendCalculateShippingCharge workflow   1

SWISendOrder workflow   1

SWISendQuote workflow   1

SWISetTBOEndDate workflow   1

SWIValidateDependentOrders workflow   1


extensible product fields from Oracle Product Information Management Data Hub   1

product attributes with Oracle Product Information Management Data Hub   1

product classes with Oracle Product Information Management Data Hub   1

product objects with Oracle Product Information Management Data Hub   1

products with Oracle Product Information Management Data Hub   1

promotions with Oracle Product Information Management Data Hub   1

Back to top


target lists

adding to bulk requests   1

creating   1

technical service qualification, submitting orders for   1

Telco Subscription Management in Open UI

about   1

workflows   1

telephone numbers, managing for an order   1

template files

importing into a bulk request   1

validation   1


for bulk requests   1

time-based offering workflows

SWI Asset Status Update   1

SWISetTBOEndDate   1

time-based offerings

about   1

adding discounts to a bundled promotion   1

in assets   1

in changed orders   1

creating discount products   1

creating product attributes   1

creating product classes   1

defined   1

discount products, creating   1

discounts, adding to a bundled promotion   1

effects of processing   1

example, in a new order   1

in new orders   1

process of setting up   1

product attributes, creating   1

product classes, creating   1

setting up, process   1

top-up request activity, viewing   1

TOUI CSim Cancel Process workflow   1

TOUI CSim Delete Process workflow   1

TOUI Generate Order Process workflow   1

TOUI Get Delta Sub Process workflow   1

TOUI Get Selected Service Sub Process workflow   1

TOUI Installed Asset Select Process workflow   1

TOUI Set Value Sub Process workflow   1

Back to top


Ungroup button, methods for   1

upgrade promotion aggregates   1

upgrading bandwidth

converting orders to assets   1

creating an order for   1

displaying a network for   1

for a network site   1

of a network connection   1

validating a network after   1

usage activity, viewing   1

user interfaces

defining for bundled promotions   1

workflows for directing users to   1

user properties

CompProdLn Multi Value Search   1

cross-network validation   1

NestedValidationQuoteSearchSpec   1

ValidateFieldName   1

ValidateOtherNetwork   1

VORDConnectionToNode   1

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ValidateFieldName user property   1

ValidateOtherNetwork user property   1


of bulk requests   1

configuring for bulk requests   1

cross-network   1

cross-network, enabling and disabling   1

rules, configuring for import process   1

validation business services

PG Member Common Value Checker   1

PG Member Distinct Value Checker   1

validation rules, applying to promotion group definitions   1

Verify Header (Order) workflow   1

Verify Item (Order) workflow   1

version control

deactivating a promotion group definition   1

releasing a promotion group definition   1

version numbers, setting up for import templates   1

virtual business components, configuring   1

VORD Validate (Order) workflow   1

VORD Validate (Quote) workflow   1

VORDConnectionToNodeSearchSpec user property   1

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Web services

creating outbound   1

importing outbound into Siebel application   1


for asset-based ordering   1

for disconnecting services   1

for editing order line items   1

for editing quote line items   1

for modifying service   1

for resuming services   1

for suspending services   1

for transferring services   1

for updating order line items   1

order process, for backward compatibility   1

promotion groups, about   1

workflows for Telco Subscription Management in Open UI

TOUI CSim Cancel Process workflow   1

TOUI CSim Delete Process workflow   1

TOUI Generate Order Process workflow   1

TOUI Get Delta Sub Process workflow   1

TOUI Get Selected Service Sub Process workflow   1

TOUI Installed Asset Select Process workflow   1

TOUI Set Value Sub Process workflow   1

workflows, customer

creating order from quote   1

disconnecting products and services   1

editing delta quote line items   1

modifying products and installed assets   1

order checkout   1

rejecting an order   1

revising orders   1

ungrouping quotes   1

workflows, employee

about   1

ambiguity resolution   1

bulk requests   1

dynamic transform   1

enrollment   1

generating revenue line items   1

order cancellation   1

order price calculation   1

order processing   1

prepaid services   1

price comparison   1

promotion processing   1

quote processing   1

time-based offerings   1

user prompts   1

validating a network   1

workflows, partner, directing users to an interface   1

workflows, promotion group

agreement processing   1

asset processing   1

compatibility rules   1

pricing calculation   1

product compatibility   1

quote and order validation   1

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XLS source files

macros   1

required fields   1

updating   1

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