Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications > Setting Up Order Management for Industry Applications >

About Order Management for Industry Applications

Siebel Order Management for Industry Applications is based on the same concepts as asset-based ordering. The topic about asset-based ordering in Siebel Order Management Guide describes these concepts. This topic describes some additional concepts specific to industry applications.

Terminology for Order Management

Some terminology in Siebel Order Management for Industry Applications differs from the terminology in Oracle's Siebel Order Management as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Terminology Differences for Order Management
Term in Siebel Order Management
Term in Siebel Order Management for Industry Applications



Installed Assets and Billing Items

Installed assets are the assets that serve an account. Installed assets include both products and services. A line item from an order becomes an installed asset if the item is marked as a trackable asset in the product record.

Billing items are the services that are billed to an account.

Sometimes users install assets at one account location, but bill for the assets to another account location. For example, a company might have 150 phone lines installed at two locations, but receive the bill for all 150 phone lines at one of those locations. In this example, the location that receives the bill has 150 billing items, but might have only 50 installed assets.

Users specify the service account and billing account for each line item in the quote-to-order process. For customer users creating quotes and orders in Oracle's Siebel eSales, the service account and billing account automatically default for every line item. Employee users might want to select the service account and billing account.

Billing, Service, and Master Accounts

The master account is the primary, or parent, account for a customer. You can set up separate billing and service accounts that are associated with the higher-level master account.

Service ID

A service ID is a unique identifier for a service item, such as the phone number for a phone line. The asset management system of a company typically populates the service ID text field.

When a customer orders a quantity of a product or service, such as a dozen phone lines, each product becomes an individual line item with a separate service ID. Users can explicitly ungroup the items to assign service IDs, or the items are automatically ungrouped when users convert the quote to an order.

Service Point

A service point represents a network delivery point, such as a phone jack and a gas pipe, for an asset at a service location. You select a service point, based on the product type, in a field on Quote and Order forms. You need the Siebel Premises module to use service points. For more information, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

Additional Fields for Quote Line Items

When you create a line item for a quote in Order Management for Industry Applications, the fields in Table 2 are available, in addition to the fields described in the topic about adding a quote line item in Siebel Order Management Guide.

Table 2. Additional Fields for Quote Line Items in Order Management for Industry Applications

Tier Price

Information about the pricing tiers applicable for the product.

Service Point

Serial number of the asset at the service point for the item, for example, a phone jack.

Service Id

Text that identifies the service item, for example, a phone number.

Billing Account

Account to which you bill the service.

Service Account

Account to which you provide the service.

Additional Fields for Quote and Order Line Item Change Histories

When you create a line item for a quote or an order in Order Management for Industry Applications, the fields in Table 3 are available, in addition to the fields described in the topics about viewing change history for a quote line item and viewing change history for an order line item in Siebel Order Management Guide.

Table 3. Additional Fields for Quote and Order Line Item Change Histories in Order Management for Industry Applications

Service ID

Unique identifier for a service item

Net Price

Final price arrived at after applying all discounts to the start price

Billing Profile

The profile used to specify invoice and payment preferences

When Order Management for Industry Applications is integrated with an application for managing billing and revenue, the Siebel application provides values for these fields to the billing and revenue application. The integration process reviews these fields to determine changed data. Users can view these fields in a read-only view.

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