Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications > Workflows for Promotion Groups > Workflows That Verify Product Compatibility >

Product Compatibility - Default Workflow

This workflow determines the required and excluded products, promotions, or promotion groups based on compatibility rules set up in the administration views. The workflow takes a row set of products, promotions, or promotion groups and flags each row with compatibility status and with a comment detailing related products that are either required or excluded.

Figure 151 shows this workflow.

Figure 151. Product Compatibility - Default Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

  1. Skip PAC Setup? This step determines whether the projected asset cache (PAC) setup will be skipped.
  2. Set PAC Parameters. This step calls the Product Compatibility - Set PAC Parameters workflow.
  3. Skip PAC Retrieve? This step determines whether the retrieve step of the PAC will be skipped.
  4. PAC Retrieve. This step calls the retrieve step of the PAC.
  5. PAC Reformat. This step reformats the PAC output row set.
  6. Merge Ineligible Rows. This step merges the input arguments from the row set and ineligible row set.
  7. Filter Duplicate Row Set. This step filters and removes any duplicate products in the row set.
  8. Post-Pick? This step determines whether the workflow is run in post-pick mode, which means a record has been added to the quote or order, and therefore all validations will be run on the record.
  9. Copy Row Set. This step makes a copy of the unique row set created in the Filter Duplicate Row Set step.
  10. Merge Row Set to Scope. This step merges the row sets to form the scope row sets. The scope row set is all the products that the input row set will be checking the compatibility rules against.
  11. Filter Duplicate Projected Assets. This step filters any duplicate products in the projected assets row set.
  12. Exclude Rules SubProcess. This step calls the Product Compatibility - Exclude Rules SubProcess workflow.
  13. Require Rules SubProcess. This step calls the Product Compatibility - Require Rules SubProcess workflow.
  14. Promotion Group Exclude Rules SubProcess. This step calls the ISS Promotion Group Compatibility - Exclude Rules SubProcess workflow.
  15. Promotion Group Require Rules SubProcess. This step calls the ISS Promotion Group Compatibility - Require Rules SubProcess workflow.
  16. Check Asset Membership Rules. This step calls the ISS Promotion Asset Membership Compatibility Workflow.
  17. Fix Row Set with Incompatibility Status. This step removes from the row set all the rows that exist in the incompatible row set.
  18. Merge Incompatible products. This step merges the incompatible row set with the row set.
  19. Split Eligible Rows. This step splits the rows with compatibility violations from the row set and adds them to the ineligible row set. The Ineligible Row Set now contains a row set of all the products that have eligibility violations or compatibility violations.
  20. Merge Dup Incompatible Rows. This step merges the Incompatible Row Set with the Row Set.

Table 118 shows the steps in this workflow that call business service methods.

Table 118. Associated Business Service Methods
Workflow Step
Method Called
In Business Service

PAC Retrieve


VORD Projected Asset Cache

PAC Reformat

Conditional Action Transform

Row Set Transformation Toolkit

Merge Ineligible Rows

Merge Transform

Row Set Transformation Toolkit

Filter Duplicate Row Set

Filter Duplicate Row Set

Row Set Transformation Toolkit

Copy Row Set


ISS Compatibility Multi-Popup Service

Merge Row Set to Scope

Merge Transform

Row Set Transformation Toolkit

Filter Duplicate Projected Assets

Aggregate Transform

Row Set Transformation Toolkit

Fix Row Set with Incompatibility Status

Row Set Look-Up Transform

Row Set Transformation Toolkit

Merge Incompatible products

Merge Transform

Row Set Transformation Toolkit

Split Eligible Rows

Split Transform

Row Set Transformation Toolkit

Merge Dup Incompatible Rows

Merge Ineligible Rows

ISS Promotion Group Validation Service

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