Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications > Setting Up Network Ordering > User Property Reference for Cross-Network Validation >


The VORDConnectionToNodeSearchSpec user property allows you to configure a search specification for use with cascade deletion. That is, if you disconnect a network node, then the corresponding network connection is disconnected.

Table 142 describes the VORDConnectionToNodeSearchSpec user property.

Table 142. VORDConnectionToNodeSearchSpec User Property
User Property Information


A search specification


You must modify the VORDConnectionToNodeSearchSpec user property when you enable a nested validation for cascade deletion to be invoked.

For example, if you want to configure cascade deletion for the disconnected node and the ValidateFieldName user property is set to Service Id, then you modify the search specification as follows:

(Connection.[Node] = Node.[Node] OR Connection.[To Node] = Node.[Node]) AND ((Connection.[Compound Product Number] = Node.[Compound Product Number] OR Connection.[Compound Product Number] = Node. [Serial Number]) AND Connection.[Root Asset Id] = Connection.[Id] AND Connection.[Status] = LookupValue('IMPL_PHASE','Active'))

Parent Object Type

Business Component

Functional Area

VORD Network Node

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