Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications > Workflows for Employee Asset-Based Ordering > Workflows to Submit an Order >

SISOMBillingSubmitOrderWebService Workflow

This workflow submits an order from the Siebel CRM application to the billing application and creates a new account, if needed, in the billing application. It is called when a user clicks Submit on the order header of the Sales Orders screen.

Figure 24 illustrates the SISOMBillingSubmitOrderWebService workflow.

Figure 24. SISOMBillingSubmitOrderWebService Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

  1. Run On WorkflowProcMgr. This step checks the setting of the RunOnWorkflowProcMgr process property. By default, the RunOnWorkflowProcMgr is set to N. If this property is set to Y, then this step calls Step 2, which runs the workflow on the WorkflowProcMgr object manager. If this property is set to N, then this step goes through the normal flow; in other words, the workflow proceeds to Step 5 and runs the workflow on the current object manager.
  2. Submit Sync on WorkflowProcMgr. This step calls the workflow recursively with the RunOnWorkflowProcMgr process property set to N, so that the workflow goes through the normal process.
  3. Refresh Order Header. This step refreshes the order header to reflect the status and other changes after submission.
  4. Refresh Order Line Items. This step refreshes the order line items to the reflect the status and other changes after submission, and ends the workflow.
  5. Revision>1 & Fulfillment Mode <> TSQ? This step checks whether the order revision number is greater than 1. If the order revision number is greater than 1, then this step checks whether or not this order is valid.
  6. Invalidate Stale Orders. If the Order Revision number is greater than 1, then this step calls the InValidateStaleOrders method. This step checks whether a user is attempting to submit a stale version of an order. If so, then this step prevents the user from submitting the current order, to reduce order fallout.
  7. Is Invalid Order? This step checks whether the Fulfillment Mode is Cancel:
    • If the Fulfillment Mode is Cancel, then this step determines that the order is already submitted for cancellation and resets the active order.
    • If the Fulfillment Mode is not Cancel, then this step submits the order and calls the SIS OM Submit Order Process. For more information, see SIS OM Submit Order Process Workflow.
  8. Stop 0. This step displays an error message if the user attempts to submit a sales order before the user submits the parent order.
  9. Is Fulfillment Mode = Deliver? This step checks whether the Fulfillment Mode is Deliver. If it is, then the next step is executed.
  10. Is Fulfillment Status = Pending, Passed or Failed TSQ? This step checks for the Fulfillment Status Code values Pending TSQ, Passed TSQ, and Failed TSQ, and checks to see whether the Order Status value is not equal to Open. If both the conditions are true, then the next step is executed.
  11. Update Fulfillment Mode and Order Header Status. This step sets the value of the Fulfillment Status to Deliver and sets the Status of the order to Open.
  12. Change Line Item Status. This step sets the Status of each line item to Open.
  13. Reset Active Order. This step resets the Active Order so that the current order is no longer the active order.
  14. Do Synch order? This step checks whether the System Preference Enable AIA Comms is set to True.
  15. Query Order. This step derives the value for the UTCCanonical input parameter of this step from the UTCCanonical process property. The default value for this property is N.
  16. Is Parent Order Status = Pending? This step validates that the status of the parent order is Pending to determine whether the parent order is submitted before the child order (Submitted Order).
  17. Update Order. This step updates the Status of the submitted order to Pending if the Is Parent Order Status = Pending step is Yes.
  18. Update Line Items. If the parent order is not submitted, then this step updates the status of the corresponding order line item to Pending.
  19. Is Fulfillment Mode = Deliver? This step checks whether the Fulfillment Mode is Deliver. If it is, then next step, Compute Previous Values, is executed
  20. Compute Previous Values. This step derives the value of the UTCCanonical input parameter for this step from the UTCCanonical process property. The default value for this property is N. The behavior of the workflow depends on the value of the UTCCanonical process property. If it is N, then the workflow converts the date values of the Sales Order to UTC and Canonical format. To change this behavior, you can change the default value for the UTCCanonical process property in the SISOMBillingSubmitOrderWebService workflow to Y. For more information, see SISOMBillingSubmitOrderWebService Workflow.

    NOTE:  Previous values are computed when an order is modified from an asset, and during the change order process. Previous values are not computed for revision orders.

  21. Get Custom Attributes. This step reads the enterprise details, such as the Siebel Enterprise Server name, language, and locale.
  22. Set Custom Attributes. This step sets the enterprise details as part of the request message.
  23. AIA Testing Enable? This step checks whether or not the Enable AIA Testing system preference is set to True.
  24. Write to File. This step writes the entire order payload as an XML file to the path specified in the AIA Order Backup Path system preference.
  25. Submit Order WS. This step includes an input argument named siebel_transport_param:JMSPriority. This argument maps the Order priority to the JMS priority.
  26. Update Orders. If any of the preceding steps include an exception, then this step changes the status of the order from Open to Pending.

Table 26 shows the steps in this workflow that call business service methods.

Table 26. Associated Business Service Methods
Workflow Step
Method Called
In Business Service

Submit Sync on WorkflowProcMgr


Server Requests

Refresh Order Header

Refresh Business Component

SIS OM PMT Service

Refresh Order Line Items

Refresh Business Component

SIS OM PMT Service

Invalidate Stale Orders


CMU External Integration Service

Change Line Item Status


CUT eSales Order Entry Toolkit Service

Reset Active Order

Set Profile Attribute

SIS OM PMT Service

Query Order


EAI Siebel Adapter

Compute Previous Step


CMU External Integration Service

Get Custom Attributes


CMU External Integration Service

Set Custom Attributes


CMU External Integration Service

Write to File


EAI XML Write to File

Submit Order WS



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